Chapter 6 ~ fAsHIon

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Y/N's POVm
I woke up to my alarm on my phone playing. I groaned and turned it off, sitting up in my chair. I stretched and rubbed my eyes gently. I stood up and yawned before walking over to my phone and looking at it.
Oh I have a text message

Hiro: I'm so excited for today! Ready to meet at the showcase in 2 hours?
—sent 1 hour ago

I frantically scurried out of my lab, not even bothering to ready myself in any way. I ran across campus in the direction of the dorms.
I happened to run past Fred, who was walking across campus in his outfit.
"Y/N?" I heard him ask.
I stopped running abruptly and turned to face him. He peeked out of his mask.
"It is you! What's up? Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked.
I looked away and shook my hands anxiously, "I'm headed to my dorm, I forgot the showcase was today. I have to get ready."
He nodded, "Understandable, have fun!"
I gave a rushed and awkward smile before continuing to run to my dorm.
I entered the building and ran up to the second floor. By the time I reached my door, I was really out of breath.
I get winded so easily
I should work out
I knocked on my door, panting from my sudden run.
"Who is it?" I heard my roommate call out.
"It's me!" I took another breath, "Y/N!"
I heard the locks click in the door and it was opened.
"Wow. I haven't seen you here in a fat while. How've you been holding up?" I saw my roommate Mei ask.
She stepped to the side, allowing me to walk in.
"Wow, I haven't seen your face here in a while, maybe about a month?" I looked up to see Risa, Mei's girlfriend, sitting on her bed.
"Oh hey," I panted again, "Risa."
I was still pretty out of breath.
"No offense Y/N...but you look like shit." Mei commented. I laughed and leaned on my knees, catching my breath.
"Did you run here?" Risa asked
"Yeah. And thanks Mei." I gave her an 'ok' hand sign and she laughed.
"So...why are you here? You never come by unless you need more clothes, but you look like you ran this time. So what's up?"
I stood up, finally being able to sort of breathe again. "I need you guys' help. I want to look a bit nicer today."
The girls looked at each other and smiled devilishly.
"How long do we have?" Risa asked, standing up.
"An hour, I may be able to get a tad bit longer, but that's really it."
They walked over to me, eyes shining with excitement.
"This should be fun." Mei spoke.
I was suddenly not feeling so confident about my decision to ask these two for help.
Before I could process anything I was having clothes thrown at me.
"Put this on." Risa spoke.
I looked at the crop top and skinny jeans.
I shook my head, "I can't wear this!"
"Why not?"
"I-It shows too much skin! And i-it'll show my body size...I'm not comfortable with that..."
Risa shrugged and dug through my drawer of clothes, "You have to have something cute in here!"
I reach out hesitantly as she threw my clothes everywhere.
I tried on a few outfits and rejected others for why felt like an eternity.
"How about this?" Mei asked and handed me a skirt with suspenders and a loose sweater.
"I-I'll try it on..." I answered and stepped into the bathroom. I changed and looked at myself.
It was definitely different from my normal outfit.
I was wearing a black skirt that flared out and reached down to my knees. It had attached black suspenders that went over my loose fitting knit gray hoodie.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I'm not sure...
Is it too fancy?
It's way out of my normal
It does hide my body pretty well...
I'm just not sure about the skirt
How will Hiro react to this
I opened the door and stepped out, showing the girls the outfit. Risa clapped excitedly and Mei smiled.
"I'll be damned, you actually look pretty cute." Mei spoke.
I scratched the back of my head, turning redder by the second.
"I-I'm not sure about the skirt..."
"No. You are not changing out of this. We've already tried a bunch of outfits and you're just too damn picky. This is the one." Risa spoke.
Her boldness surprised me and I shyed away,
"I-I'm just a little uncomfortable..."
Mei grabbed a pair of leggings, "Here. Put these on and we'll call it a day."
I sighed but obliged.
I opened the door to be met with both girls walking in with a chair. They sat me down in it and pulled out a bunch of makeup products.
"H-Hey wait-" I started.
"Shhhhh. You're going to be beautiful!" Risa spoke and laughed.
It sounded like an evil laugh to me.
Mei and Risa both pulled out hair brushes and started detangling my hair.
"Hey let me know if I pull your hair too hard." Mei commented.
I softly smiled, "Oh don't worry, I'm not tender headed."
They continued to brush my hair and Risa put some product in it. I allowed myself to space out as they worked. I saw a flat iron get plugged in and they pulled out some makeup.
"Y/N, look up for me?" Risa spoke and I obeyed.
She started dabbing some liquid on my face.
Mei spoke, "Damn Y/N, your eye bags are horrendous. They get worse every time I see you I swear."
I chuckled nervously and sat silently as they continued to do my makeup.
"Close your eyes." Risa demanded and I obliged.
I felt a brush dabbing on my eye lids and I felt pretty at peace.
I wasn't necessarily friends with my roommate or her girlfriend, but they were reliable resources and I felt pretty comfortable around them.
"You're makeup is done! Time to finish your hair." Risa spoke and I opened my eyes.
Mei started flat ironing my hair and I waited patiently.
"Risa how am I on time?" She asked.
"We've got about 15 more minutes." Risa replied.
I felt Mei speed up a bit a before I knew it, she was done. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.
My eyes widened
Is that...
Really me?
I could barely recognize myself.
My makeup was more of a natural look, but it made me look prettier than the potato I normally looked like. I couldn't even tell there were eye bags under it!
My eyes looked so much brighter and I seemed to shimmer. My hair was straight and looked silky and was so soft. It looked longer now that it wasn't tied up with knots.
I stood up and turned to the girls.
I smiled brightly,
"I don't know how you guys do it but I look like a normal girl! Thank you!"
They smiled to each other. "We did good." Mei commented and Risa smiled.
Risa handed me a pair of shoes, "Wear these. They're technically mine but I never wear them."
I stared at the gorgeous black platform combat boots.
"Are you sure? What if I step on something?!" I asked.
She smiled, "Keep them. I don't need them."
I smiled, "T-Thank you! You guys are so nice..."
I grabbed my phone and a small bag I had brought over. I slung it over my shoulder and put my phone in it.
I walked to the door of the dorm room,
"Thanks again guys!" I called out and stepped out of the room, hurrying to the center that the showcase was being held at, being careful to not trip in my new platform shoes.

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