"You ok right?" Kong mother asked him. Kong nodded his head with a single "yes" although he wants to scream he is not, but he chooses to not worry them. "Tell me, son! Who did this to you? Any single detail is enough?" Kong father(David) asked him. Kong mother saw how Kong tensed up after hearing her husband words.

She glared her husband "will you just leave that David, Kong is back, is not it enough for you?". When David was about to protest his wife, Mia gestures him to notice Kong who is visibly trembling.

Both leave that matter aside and try to make a conversation with Kong as much as possible. After an hour both leave Kong to sleep and walked to beam cabin. "Thank you, dear, I heard from your mother you are the one who saved my son" David thanked beam who shakes his head "No aunty!  I just helped him from the road but how he reached there? I don't know? Did you guys talk with him?" beam asked after explaining them.

"He barely talked to us, he seems to avoid our conversations," Mia told with a sad smile. "I understand aunty, this happens a lot. He is trying to stop showing his true emotion, he is controlling it to free from his pain or to not worry you guys so give him time aunty for process the situation, he will come around, I will talk to him" beam assured Kong parents.


2 days after::

Kong already went through a little surgery for his wrist fracture. Kong parents spend their time with him during visiting hours. Beam stepped inside the VIP room "hey kongpop, did you eat?" Beam asked and received a nod from Kong.

"Kongpop, from today, every evening you have to spend an hour with me" beam said and once again received a nod from Kong. "Kongpop, I understand your dilemma but holding out your emotion from expressing is dangerous, it will change to a different person from what you are now, you should forget your bad memories" beam advised to Kong who simply stare him without any emotion. "Ok, I will come in the evening" beam said and walked out from Kong room.

Kong stared outside the window, he knows if he poured his worries it makes him less painfully but he doesn't want that, he wants his heart and mind to remember everything so that he will not repeat it or fall in the same trap. He wants to be a different person he hates his old kind and care free attitude which caused him pain. So he decided to not open up to anyone so that he will not trust anyone easily in the future.

Beam entered inside the room but furrowed on seeing the empty bed. He heard the water running sound from the bathroom so he sat on the chair to wait for Kong but an elegant lady in her 50's entered inside the room ignoring the nurse protest. Beam got shocked by her presence, "aunty! Why are you here?" Beam asked while motioning the nurse to leave that he will take care of it.

"Why I am here? Because you didn't do like you promised me! So I came here directly to know what is matter with you?" She raised her voice at him. Beam glanced the bathroom where the water running sound is still heard, he knows she will not walk out from here without a fight. "Aunty, I am doing my best" beam told her politely. "Oh really? I doubt that! If so, then why the hell is forth still not accepting the marriage proposal, beam if you are truly loving him please leave him, In 2 days forth father will be big politician before that you have to end it or I will do it in my way" forth mother warned him.

"No aunty! Just give me one day, a full day with forth without your guys spying on us, I promise, your son will accept your proposal after tomorrow" beam asked her with assurance, he knows if forth mother forced him then that sure will make forth disown the latter parents, he doesn't want to be a reason for forth pain. "Ok, but if it did not happen like you said the consequences will be worst beam!" She warned him again and walked out.

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