Baking Buddies

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Hiro helps Aunt Cass make dinner (tumblr request)


There were numerous activities Hiro wished he was doing. Sketching ideas for a new invention. Participating in a bot-fight. Cooking was certainly not anywhere close to how he wanted to spend his freetime. Sadly for the teen prodigy, a series of unfortunate events led him to partaking in making a meal.

Due to a sudden rush of customers in the cafe, Aunt Cass was unable to get tonight's dinner for her and her nephews. To her relief and appreciation, Tadashi was not only home at a reasonable hour, but volunteered to make the dinner. It wasn't long before he had everything ready to go in the oven.

With his good deed baking and having caught up on his schoolwork, Tadashi ended up sound asleep in the living room on the couch. Catching up on sleep was nearly impossible, especially when working on what he'd hope would be a successful healthcare bot.

He thought for sure the timer would interrupt his nap, not considering how exhausted he truly was. Instead, he was awoken by the fire alarm. To his relief, the kitchen hadn't caught on fire, but by the time he got what was supposed to be oven baked chicken and rice out of the oven, it was burnt to a crisp.

This small incident caused both Hiro and Aunt Cass to rush into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about. An apologetic Tadashi explained what went down. Cass assured him that she was grateful that no one was hurt and that there were plenty of other options to cook. Though she was concerned for her older nephew due to how visibly shaken up he was from the whole ordeal. Thus, she volunteered Hiro to help her with making a new meal.

Naturally, Hiro tried any excuse to get out of doing so, but after Cass asked (and bribed him by letting him choose the meal), Hiro was now stuck making baked teriyaki pork and vegetables.

It wasn't a difficult meal to make, but Hiro was only interested in eating food rather than the process it takes to make the finished product. Though, he found himself enjoying it a little more than he usually would have. Maybe it was because Cass was still doing the majority of the work, but also because Tadashi was watching them from the other side of the counter. Hiro snuck glances at his brother, noticing that his arms were crossed and he had a guilty pout across his face. He grinned at this. Maybe making one dinner couldn't hurt too much.

"You're doing an excellent job, sweetie," Cass chirped.

"All I did was put broccoli and carrots into a pan."

"Yes, but it's such a big help." The proud aunt put a hand on Hiro's shoulder. "I really appreciate you helping. I know you were looking forward to oven baked chicken and rice, but this will still be good. I promise."

Hiro chuckled. "Oven baked?" He looked over Tadashi's way, smirking deviously. "More like overbaked."

Tadashi grumbled. "Come on. You know I never meant for this to happen."

"Of course he knows that," Cass assured. "Hiro, be nice and pour some olive oil on those veggies."

As Hiro followed the simple order, Tadashi watched along with a frown. This wasn't right. How could he let himself nap with food in the oven? He knew he was overtired.

"I really didn't mind going to get take-out, y'know." Tadashi pleaded. He felt that he needed to make up for his mistake.

Cass knew her nephew meant well. He always went out of his way to do what he felt was right. Nonetheless, she shook her head at him. "I appreciate the offer, but Hiro and I have dinner handled tonight, okay?" She walked over to Tadashi, placing a comforting hand on his back. "I know it was an accident. You handled it just fine. Besides, I could never forgive myself if I let you drive knowing how frazzled you were earlier. Take it easy."

Tadashi reluctantly nodded. She was right after all. It probably wouldn't have been good for him to pick up food as startled as he had been.

As Cass returned to the kitchen, Hiro finished putting the seasonings on the vegetables. "There. Think I'm ready for my own cooking show?" Hiro asked sarcastically.

Cass giggled, smiling at Hiro's work. When it came to her boys, it didn't matter if they created the most complex robotic inventions or the most simplistic meals. She was endlessly proud of them both.

"It looks great, honey. I should ask you to help out with the dinners more often."

"If by "help out", you mean cleaning my plate when the food is ready to be eaten, by all means. I'll help out all the time."


Hello! So, if you can't tell, I decided to take this concept and have it take place pre-movie. A couple hints to that are Hiro participating in bot-fighting and the mention of Tadashi still working on Baymax. This was such a fun idea! Poor Tadashi. What irony. Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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