Out of Line

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 Some bully at school keeps on messing with Hiro, despite the gang's requests to leave him alone and Hiro ignoring him, but when the bully DARES to tease Hiro about Tadashi's death, Hiro SNAPS (tumblr request)


The lunch break at SFIT was a well deserved break for everyone during the school day. Everyone got a chance to relax their minds and talk to others. Why did it have to go by so fast? Nonetheless, the gang made the most of this needed time to eat and shared ideas or stories with each other. Even Fred, just being the mascot, sat with them and made jokes in between the others brainstorming.

Everyone was in the middle of a laugh. Hiro was sure that if he laughed any harder, the water he drank would shoot out his nose. Meanwhile, Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Gogo managed to contain it all into hearty giggles. It wasn't until a firm, unwelcoming grip that clutched onto Hiro's shoulder made him stop. He noticed that his friends had also stopped laughing and were instead staring at the person behind Hiro.

Hesitantly, Hiro glanced over his shoulder, seeing who had a hold of him. It was Donald, or Don as everyone called him. Like Hiro, Don also was majoring in robotics, and there was no doubt he was intelligent in that field. Yet, it was no secret that the group didn't like him. Don carried this arrogant vibe around the campus and it showed during robotics class. The smug faces he would make answering a question correctly and the way he would laugh to himself every time someone answered wrong. If it weren't for his decent ideas, he probably would have never made it into SFIT.

"Hey," Don greeted in his usual nasty tone.

A small chill crept up Hiro's spine as he jumped. He wasn't afraid of Don, but he didn't like being around him either. In robotics class, he would always sit as far away as he could from him. Not because Don had ever given him trouble, but he just can't stand him in general. It seems like all Don wants is to be better than everyone else.

"Oh, um, hey." He gave a nervous smile. Don didn't say anything, but moved a bit closer; his face inches away from Hiro's now. Hiro was not one to enjoy this close of a proximity with anyone - the fact it was Don of all people made it worse. He backed his head away as far as his body would let him. "Uhm...how's it going? Nice job on that robotics project?" Hiro tried again.

A long, sinister grin formed on the bully's face. Next came one of his signature cackles; it was so forced that it was sickening. "You can cut the nice act, big boy," he stated, putting emphasis on the word 'big'.

Gogo stood up from the table, stomping right over next to them. Her hands rested at her hips and she had that look of 'get lost' washed on her face. "You got a problem with short people?" She asked, giving Don a death glare.

"No, but I do have a problem with spoiled brats," he spit out - the grip on Hiro's shoulder became tighter.

Hiro winced in pain as he too glared at Don. He had dealt with plenty of bullies in the past, but this guy was no threat to him. He knew Don was trying to get a reaction out of him, and he was determined to not give him that satisfaction. He huffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, trying to sound clueless.

Don scoffed. "Oh c'mon, you're the genius here. You should know what I mean." Finally, he let go of Hiro's shoulder, now crossing his arms. Grunting, Hiro placed his own hand on his shoulder, rubbing it as it still stung from Don's grip. I'm just gonna wait for this guy to leave, Hiro thought. He can't stand over me forever...

"Oh what? Too good to answer me, nerd?"

"Hey!" Wasabi yelled, a bit louder than he anticipated. As soon as Don made eye contact with him, he clenched his teeth. "J-just leave him alone, okay?"

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