The Bet

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The nerd crew makes a bet on who can make Tadashi angry. (tumblr request)


The friends watched as Tadashi whistled his way out of the lab, maintaining his usual friendly attitude. As the door shut, Gogo started to shake her head, snickering sarcastically.

Why? Well, their night started off pretty regular. The five of them were hanging out in the nerd lab sharing ideas on projects. The conversation was lively as always; ideas that provoked the others' interests with jokes in between. It was until Tadashi went to go grab his blazer that something went wrong. He was so busy paying attention to what Fred was rambling on about that he didn't notice a puddle on the floor. How it got there was unbeknownst to anyone, but no one paid attention to it until they heard a squeak followed by a loud thump.

Startled, the others looked over seeing a now fallen over and drenched Tadashi on the floor. They all were quick to rush over to his aid, offering their hands to get him back up.

"Tadashi, are you okay?" Honey Lemon asked almost in panic.

Straightening himself back out from the fall, he let out a couple groans before saying, "Y-yeah. I'm alright. Thanks."

Wasabi crossed his arms. "You know, you'd think someone would have put a wet floor sign by the puddle so this wouldn't have happened. You could have gotten hurt."

"Could have...but I didn't. I'm sure the janitors would have gotten to the puddle eventually," Tadashi suggested.

Gogo raised a brow at this response. "Seriously? You just tripped yourself into a giant puddle. Aren't you a little...mad?"

He shrugged as he reached for his jacket. "Not really. You said it yourself; I tripped myself into it. wasn't looking where I was going. I mean yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled that I fell and there's water all over my shirt. And it was also slightly embarrassing, but things like this happen," he explained as he started putting the jacket on. "Anyway, I gotta start heading home. See ya tomorrow."

Before anyone even had the chance to ask, Gogo spoke her mind. "I just don't get it. If I tripped in that puddle, I would have been beyond furious! I mean, who leaves a puddle in the middle of the floor THAT BIG and says nothing on its existence? Tadashi should have been at least mad about it."

"But he wasn't. I think he handled the situation pretty well," Honey Lemon defended.

Gogo scoffed at her perky friend. "Of course you'd say that. If you fell into the puddle, you would have blown it off like it was nothing too." She rolled her eyes. "At least we've seen you mad before," she mumbled.

"Okay, what are you getting at with this?" Wasabi asked curiously.

"What I'm GETTING AT is that there are certain moments in life where you should get at least a little frustrated. Have any of you ever actually seen Tadashi mad?"

All of them shook her head in response, still unsure of what her point was.

"Exactly. There's gotta be something that makes him tick. Something that itches him the wrong place."

"Oh, you mean like that one time I had a rash on m–"

Fred was cut off by Gogo placing her hand on over his mouth. "Do NOT bring that up ever again."

"W-wait, let me see if I understand what's going on. You want to figure out what makes Tadashi mad?" Wasabi asked.

"Yeah...I was thinking we could make it a little more...interesting."

Fred immediately jumped at the sound of that. "Ooo, you mean like a bet? I am IN on this!"

"Wow. You two would really bet on who could figure out how to make a friend of ours mad?" Wasabi questioned.

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