5th February , Wednesday

9 0 0

Dorm , 13.45...
Solji opens door : ...
Hani : Oh , hello
Jimin : Heo Solji !
B.E : ... !
Solji : What ?
Jimin runs down stairs : Noona ! *hugs Solji* You did it
RM : Uh... what's going on ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji : Thanks *smiles*
V : What's going on ?
Hani : Unnie terminated her contract with the company
Jungkook : Is that good ?
Jimin : BANANA CULTURE is a dungeon
Jungkook : So Noona's a free agent ?
Solji nods : I can do what I want
RM : Congratulations
Solji pats RM's back : Thank you
Hani : Rare leader scene
B.E laughs : Haha
V : I got scared when he ran out screaming Noona's name
Solji : It's okay
Jimin : Yes , hear that ? I'm Solji's boyfriend
Jungkook : Did you get upgraded ?
V laughs : Haha
Hani : You're going to get slapped , don't say that again
Jungkook nods : Yes
Hani : Calm down
Jimin : I'm calm , I'm calm
RM : Should we celebrate ?
Solji : I don't mind
Jimin : Let's go buy some sojus
V : Call
Jungkook : Get some meat , we'll cook
Hani : Us ?
Jungkook : Yes , surprise the members
Hani : Ohh , sure
RM : What else ?
Solji : Should we check if the members are free ?
RM : I'll message the group
Jimin : Go rest , it must have took courage to terminate your contract *kiss Solji's temples*
Hani : What should we make tonight ?
Jungkook : I don't know... anything , what does the members like ?
Hani : We'll keep it simple , we both aren't that great of a cook
Jungkook laughs : Yes
Message : [Joon 🐨 : Everyone , are you free later ?]
[Jjong 🌻 : Free~]
[Jjong 🌻 : Why ?]
[Joon 🐨 : What about the others ?]
[Hobi : Yes]
[Lini : Nope]
Jungkook : Noona's lying
Hani laughs : Haha
Message : [Joon 🐨 : That is a lie]
[Joon 🐨 : We decided to have a small party]
[Suga : So sudden ?]
[Jjong 🌻 : What's the occasion ?]
[Joon 🐨 : Well... we're a little stress]
[Joon 🐨 : And Noona terminated her contract]
[Suga : For real ?]
[Lini : Congrats ! 🎉]
[LE Boss : What time do we have to be home ?]
[Joon 🐨 : When you're done]
[V ✌🏻 : No , Hyung... 😗]
[Hobi : Then ?]
[Soul.G : About 4 ?]
[Soul.G : Is that enough time ?]
[Jimin : Yes~]
[Suga : Alright]
[LE Boss : See you all]
[Jjong 🌻 : Yeah]
Hani : I'm excited
Jungkook : Should we get desserts too ?
RM : Cake ?
Hani : Ask our shopping team to get one
RM : Alright
Jungkook : I can't wait
Hani : Me too

B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : 야~
Junghwa : No , it's okay !
V : Right
RM smiles : ...
Solji : Ah , it's been awhile
LE : Right ?
Hyerin : Right
Jimin : Noona's contract termination got us here
LE : Our...
Hani & LE : Butterfly effect
Jimin : Ooh ?
JHope : I can agree , our Mom
B.E chuckles : Hehe
LE : I was surprised when I came home
JHope : Right ?
Suga : Noona and Kookie cooked well
Hyerin nods : Delicious
Jungkook smiles : Yay~
Solji : Cute
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Junghwa : This is fun
Jimin : It's always fun
V : Noona enjoyed it , I feel great
Solji : Why ?
V : Some of the members have been busy
Suga : So now we're together and you feel happy ?
V nods : Yes
Hani smiles : ...
LE : Thank you
Jungkook : It's okay , Noona
Junghwa : Just use LE card next time
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Maybe
Solji : Oh~
JHope laughs : Haha
Hyerin : You need sleep
JHope points self : Me ?
Hyerin : Yes
JHope nods : I do , how red am I ?
RM : Very
JHope : Goodness
Jimin : I don't want to sleep...
V : You want to stay up ?
Jimin nods : ...
Hani : Do we all have schedules tomorrow ?
Junghwa : I don't think so
Jungkook : No , well... maybe Dream Team's practice
Hani : You can use the second floor here
RM : No ?
LE : We can stay up , we have nothing tomorrow
Jungkook : Can we ?
Suga nods : Let's
Jungkook : For real ? Yes !
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Let's take a short break first
Hani : Yes
Junghwa : Yeah... it's been awhile
JHope gets up : Oop
LE : Maybe Hobi needs to sleep
JHope : I might
Hani : Go ahead
V : Right , if you need to
JHope : After a bit more B.E time
Jimin : We have so many different B.E time
Hani : Right
RM : We have videos of us being honest B.E time , our vlog B.E time
Hani : Off camera , dinner B.E time
V : Right
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : We just call it as it is
Jimin : Yeah
LE holds Suga's hand : ...
Suga smiles : ...
LE rubs Suga's hand : But didn't we change the honest B.E time to B.E games ?
RM : I guess it's both
Hani : Yeah
RM : But our B.E games are usually the members gaming or like the gun fight
V laughs : Haha
Jimin : I'm not kissing the mic...
LE : Alright , people will forget about it either ways , BTS has so many contents
Hani : Right
Jungkook : Noona ?
Hyerin looks back : Yes ?
Jungkook : Are you okay ?
Hyerin : Mm *smiles*
Jungkook : I'm happy... because Noona's happy
Hyerin chuckles : Thank you *wraps arm around Jungkook*
Jungkook : I'm glad , Noona's strong
Hyerin : You too , he's your Hyung and member
Jungkook nods : ...
Hyerin : Can I tell you something ? You can't tell the members , but Taehyung knows
Jungkook nods : I promise
Hyerin : I... *picks book up* got Oppa's diary
Jungkook : I noticed
Hyerin : For real ?
Jungkook nods : It's obvious , his items are rare
Hyerin : I can agree
Jungkook laughs : Well... does Noona read it ?
Hyerin : I read one date per day
Jungkook : Isn't that hard ?
Hyerin : I'm in no hurry to finish reading it
Jungkook : It's like a storybook , a journal *chuckles* Since it's like a story and one day is a chapter , which is Noona's favourite ?
Hyerin : Mm... there are a few and I haven't finish his diary , I would pick the 17th of February
Jungkook : Why ? Noona even bookmarked it
Hyerin chuckles : It was the day that fool realised he was in love
Jungkook : Wow~ Hyung's cute
Hyerin nods : Right ?
Jungkook nods : Can I tell Noona ?
Hyerin : Depends
Jungkook : On ?
Hyerin : You can , if you tell her about you
Jungkook : It's hard...
Hyerin : It's Junghwa , it won't be
Solji : Hyerin-ah !
Hyerin : Yes ! You don't have to be a couple , I just want you to have confidence in yourself
Jungkook nods : I'll try
Hyerin : Good for you
Jungkook : Noona's like a Mom to me , I'm grateful *hugs Hyerin*
Hyerin smiles : Let's go
Jungkook : Yes !
Hyerin thinking : But... I don't want you to think of me like that , Jeongguk... it's bad for me and you
RM : Let's start round 2
Junghwa : Isn't this round 3 ?
JHope : How many breaks have we took ?
LE : Ask the sober
B.E laughs : Haha
V : At least I can keep everyone intact
B.E : Yes...
V : Why ?~
B.E laughs : Haha

1st Infantry Division HQ , Bunk , meanwhile...
Jin taps phone : ...
Daejung : Why do you look so serious ?
Jin : No , I was reading something . Was I ?
David nods : A little
Jin chuckles : Solji Noona left her company
Myungdae : What did you say ?
Bomseok chuckles : Calm down
Jin : You should be glad
Myungdae : I should ?
Jin : Noona hates her company , she's happy to get out
Daejung : Ohh
David : So is she going to sign to another one ?
Jin : She might , she visited some companies last year
Myungdae : I hope she finds the best
Daejung : This is funny , she's in a relationship
Myungdae : I know... still , I can wish her well
Jin : You remind me of Jinho
Tami : Who ?
Jin : Someone Noona used to like before Jimin
David : Oh ?
Jin : I won't say much , it's Noona's story to tell , not mine
Tami : That's the way
Bomseok : You should message your girlfriend
David : Right , it's been awhile
Jin : Yeah *looks at phone*
Unsent message : [Hello~ ㅎㅎ My Hyelini , did you rest well recently ? I'm glad there's not much B.E schedules for now o(^_^)o Do you feel lonely... ? Oppa's here for you , remember that~ I can't wait to see what you guys planned for the next comeback ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و]
Jin thinking : 'Let me hear your voice one last time . Let me hear your voice one last time before the new year starts , I... won't bother you anymore after this and wait for you to come back' *smiles sadly* 'So let me call you to listen to you , and wait for you to come back' *sighs*
David : Are you okay ?
Jin : Oh , yes
Bomseok : You were dazed
Jin : I'm okay
Daejung : I can't wait to sleep
Tami : As always
Jin thinking : Now that I actually realise , you meant what you said . We really haven't contacted for a month , I miss you... but I don't blame you , you don't want to bother me and I don't want to hurt you *smiles*

[Jin's Diary : 17th February 2018]
A small break away from schedules~ (≧▽≦) I played my games and rested, it was fun. However something spoiled my mood, when the members were asked about dinner and the girls answered they'll be staying at their dorms... they were packing and I realised they were leaving for Taiwan tomorrow already. I understand about the concert but I felt sad...
When we were discussing about dinner in the 3J's room, we talked about how no one complained about their noise (I'm sure we know the members are annoyed) On my way to our VMin's room, I overheard Hyerin & Junghwa fooling around ㅋㅋ Then I realise... I didn't want you to leave for Taiwan, I didn't want you to go anywhere because you make me smile. I, fell in love with Hyelin...
The members in love were a little off but we held it in, and the members left for their dorm. Dinner was a little boring but we're BTS, dinner as 7 wasn't so bad ㅎㅎ

Jin's discharge [D-370]

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