1st February , Saturday

9 0 0

Dorm , 11.34...
Hyerin : ...
Jungkook thinking : Gosh , Noona's channel surfing again
Solji : Move , move over
Jungkook : ... ?
Hyerin looks at Solji : Why ?~
Solji sits down : Something was uploaded into the B.E YouTube channel
Hyerin : Isn't it Joonie's B.E games ?
Solji : No
LE : Unnie , did you-...
Solji : Yes
RM : What's going on ?
Solji : A video was uploaded into the B.E channel
Jimin : Hyung !
Hyerin : What's going on ?
Jungkook walks down stairs : Who ? A hacker ?
LE : No , Seokjin
Hyerin & Jungkook : Pardon ?
Solji : Park Jeonghwa !
V : Are we watching it ?
Solji : Yeah
Suga : Hyung uploaded a video ?
RM : That's what they said
LE : Don't work too much , come watch it
Suga & RM : Yes
Junghwa : Did you see it ?
Solji : I did~
JHope : B.E Movie Night
Hani : It's not nighttime
Jungkook : B.E stalking Jin Hyung
LE : What ?
Hyerin : What's it about ?
Solji : Well...
V : Hyung made a vlog , he was at our concert
Jungkook : For real ?
LE : I honestly thought this two would know
Hyerin : I was watching TV
Jungkook : I was on my phone
Junghwa : Whatever , we're all here to watch it
RM nods : Yeah
Solji : Should I start it ?
Suga : The only time our TV is useful
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : We need more channels
Jungkook : No , I don't think so
JHope : Let's start
Jungkook thinking : I think subscribing to more channels won't help you , Noona
Video : [Jin : Here... hello , I'm B.E's Jin ! *waves*]
JHope : His hair grew
Hani : Right
Video : [Jin : We're in a car on the way to Seoul Olympic Stadium]
[Myungdae : Whoo~]
[Jin : I'm here with Bomseok Hyung and Myungdae]
[Bomseok : Hello]
Hani : Sorry , who ?
RM : Bomseok and Myungdae
JHope : 'Hyung' ?
Jimin : There's someone older than him ?
LE : Goodness
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Video : [The others wanted to come , but they can't]
[Myungdae : David would be excited]
[Jin laughs : Right]
[Bomseok : Tami Hyung would only be there for the fireworks]
Solji : I'm a little confused
Hyerin : Oppa said he made some new friends , he's closer to his platoon mates now
V : Ohh
Video : [Jin : Then what are you here for ?]
[Bomseok : You invited me !]
[Jin & Myungdae laughs : Haha]
Solji : Still a trouble maker
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : The members don't know about this until the video comes out... sorry , I love you *laughs* We'll be back when we arrive]
[Myungdae waves : Bye~]
RM : Myungdae reminds me of Hyerin Noona a little
JHope : Oh
Hyerin : Ah , really ? I'm like that ?
LE : A little more crazy
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Here are quick shots of them buying things
V : How are they getting in ?
RM : Oh , right
Suga : Hyung might get mobbed
Hani : They only showed a little of them having fun
Junghwa : Right
Jungkook : At least he bought some merchandise
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Hyerin : Right
Video : [Jin whisper : Right now... I got my manager to help us get in so the fans won't see us , so we're already in]
[Myungdae whisper : Seokjin Hyung , thank you]
[Jin : Thank my managers]
[Bomseok : When will it start ?]
[Jin : Around this time... the members are playing PD in the waiting room]
V laughs : 'Playing PD'
Video : [Jin : Or on their way , so... soon *nods*]
RM : He speaks differently
Solji : A little
LE : Looking at Seokjin's watch , Unnie should be counting the intro video time now
Hani : You saw his watch ?
LE : You didn't ?
JHope : Wow...
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Suga : Are you a spy ?
Jimin : Oh , she might be
Video : [Jin : Our members' acting improved]
[Bomseok : They had to shoot for this ?]
[Jin nods : Yes , it's fun]
[Myungdae : Wow]
Hyerin : Have they not been to a concert ?
Jungkook : Maybe not a B.E one
Jimin : Or any of ours
Junghwa : Yes
Solji : I think Hoseok is excited here
JHope laughs : I was ready to dance
LE thinking : And here's where Junghwa didn't feel good...
Video : [Myungdae : 'Let's start a magical trip...' , wah]
[Jin whisper : Can you see ? *lifts camera*]
[Jungkook : It seems this world still wants to keep me on a close leash]
Jungkook : Oh , that's me !
Video : [Jungkook : But that's just how I want it , I struggled so beautifully *looks at Solji*]
[Solji smiles : Staring at our respective hourglasses , let us share a kiss]
[Jungkook hugs Solji : ...]
[Jin : Kk~ our maknae and madnae]
Hani : Cute
Video : [Jin whisper : The members looks cool]
[RM : The time finally come... yesterday seemed nothing more than a prologue to a prologue , but you can skim through if you wish]
[Myungdae : They're sitting]
[RM : From here on out is my story]
[Hani : Wilding experience , wisdom and a slightly bolder courage , at a speed unbeknownst until now , I dove to where you were]
[V : While dozing off , I dreamed I saw a place different from here *hugs Hani*]
[Jin whisper : Kim Taehyung , no~]
B.E laughs : Haha
V : Why ?~
Video : [JHope gets up : We love one another in a place from which , no matter how far we reach out , words like 'fate' and 'the future' are completely out of reach *looks at LE*]
[LE : We proceed on , as the needles of the clock give us sidelong glances *wraps arm around JHope's neck*]
[Jin smiles : ...]
Solji : Ah~ he's happy
Video : [LE : Let us spend our entire life , no as many chapters as we can , living~ on and on~ together]
[JHope pretends to play piano : ...]
[Bomseok : There's so many things to focus on]
[Jin nods : ...]
[Hyerin : Banishing the word 'nice to meet you' far into the distance , let us breathe a millennium... in the space of a single day *smiles*]
[Jin : Ah~ Seo Hyelin]
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [Jin : You look small from here , it's cute]
Hyerin : I'm short ! What are you talking about ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Suga : I grew to hate this world , made up of words you'd find in a dictionary]
[Myungdae : Pardon ?]
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Video : [Suga : Trapped within this kaleidoscope , whenever we were face to face , you always have a shy smile before playing coy]
[Jimin points LE : ...]
[Jin : That's right , Jimin-ah]
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : He's not wrong
LE nods : Yes...
Video : [Jimin holds laugh : Even if it may become a tragedy I wished , for seemingly unreal days... with abnormal meaning... but once I did , you were standing outside the door , all of your baggage in tow , oh~]
[Bomseok : Ooh]
[Junghwa : So shall we frolic in a place from where , no matter how far we reach out *smiles* words like 'fate' and 'the future' are completely out of reach ?]
[Myungdae : I like her voice]
Junghwa : Oh~ thank you
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Was that a grandma or Solji Unnie ?
JHope : Excited Jjong
Video : [Junghwa : With these two eyes]
[Hyerin : I no longer perceive it as a right... I feel that it's my duty~]
[Jungkook pretends to play drum : ...]
[Bomseok : Daebak]
[B.E gets up : We love one another in a place from which]
[Jin : Oh ?]
[B.E : No matter how far we reach out , words like 'fate' and 'the future' are completely out of reach , we proceed on , as the needles of the clock give us side long glances , making our way through that kind of world , let us spend our entire life , no as many chapters as we can , living~ on and on~ together~]
[Jin smiles : ...]
[Jungkook : Oh~ ah~]
[Jin mouthing : (Thank you , members)]
B.E smiles : ...
Jimin : Someone tell him we planned that
JHope laughs : I'm sure he knows
Video : [RM : Yes , why don't you...]
[Solji : BangID ?]
[B.E : Hello , we're B.E !]
[Myungdae : Whoo~]
Solji : Oh my
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Crowd laughs : Haha]
[Solji : 야 , we discussed this together !]
[Junghwa : Right]
[Suga : Uh-oh]
[Jin laughs : Haha]
[RM : Uh... yes , we picked this as the first song because it's suppose to be our prologue]
[Bomseok : Ohh]
[Hyerin speaks cutely : Our vacation must be kept in a journal]
[Jin : Kk~]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Hani : That was cute]
[Jin : It was]
[LE : We were starting it off slow]
[Jungkook : Yes]
[Solji : Because all the fun is behind]
[Myungdae : Please start the fun]
[Bomseok : You're excited]
[Jin : He is *laughs*]
[Junghwa : Ah right , our famous question... are any of your parents here ?]
[JHope : Oh yeah , MC Vitamins]
Junghwa : Why is it so weird to rewatch this ?
V : Right ?
Video : [Jin : Ooh , Namjoon disses]
[Solji : No , mom and Oppa are watching from home]
[Junghwa : Unnie]
[LE : I don't think so]
[Junghwa : Unnie ?]
[Jin : Ah , what ?]
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Video : [Hani : My brother is here]
[Jimin : Oh ! Hello , Noona's brother !]
[Solji : Do you expect him to yell 'hi' ?]
[Jin : Yes]
[Bomseok & Myungdae laughs : Haha]
[LE raise hand : Excuse me , please remove him]
[RM : Break the bond]
[B.E laughs : Haha]
[Junghwa : Oppa ?]
[Suga : No...]
[Hani : Gosh]
[JHope : It's okay]
[Hyerin : At least they're watching]
[Suga nods : Yes , hello *waves*]
[Junghwa : Hyerin Unnie ?]
[Hyerin : Yes , my mom and dad are here]
[Jin looks back : Ah , really ?]
[Solji : Hello~]
[Suga : 'Fish bread dad' ?]
[Hyerin : Yes *chuckles*]
[Junghwa : Oppa ?]
[JHope : Yes , Sejeong is here]
[Jin : Really ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jimin : With Jiwoo ?]
[Jin : I should go meet them]
[V : Please enjoy , our friends]
[RM : Hold on , are we allowed to say this ?]
[JHope : What if they get mobbed ?]
[RM : Sorry !]
[B.E laughs : Haha]
[Hyerin : Yes , be careful~]
[Jungkook : We told them not to come visit us during practice , so everything is a surprise to them]
[Hani : Yes , right]
[Jimin : Then , Noona ?]
[Junghwa : My family is busy today]
[LE : Jimin ?]
[Jimin : Jimin's parents are busy too]
[Solji : What about your brother ?]
[Jimin : Do you want him around ?]
[Solji : No !]
[B.E laughs: Haha]
[Jin : Why ?]
[V : Today , Taehyung's mom and dad are here]
[Junghwa : Ohh , please enjoy]
[Suga : Are we having a parents-teacher conference ?]
[Bomseok : Goodness...]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Junghwa : We always take this slow]
[Hyerin : What about Kookie ?]
[Jungkook : Kookie has no one here today]
[RM : We are here]
[LE : Yes]
[JHope : We'll be your family today]
[Jungkook smiles : Thank you]
[Myungdae : He's happy]
Jungkook smiles : ...
Hani : Cute
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [RM : I'm sure... TOGETHER aren't here to hear us talk , so should we start our party ?]
[Jin whisper : Yes !]
[Hani : Right , our setlist... there are some songs that doesn't have dance , that explains our couch]
[JHope : Will it be okay ?]
[Jin whisper : No , it's not !]
[LE : 야 *chases Jimin*]
[Jin : What did he say ?]
[Bomseok : 'The members are old']
[Jin holds laugh : ...]
Solji : Oh ?
RM : He can't laugh or shout , the fans will recognise his voice
B.E : Ah...
Video : [Solji : 야 야 야]
[JHope : Everyone , let's party !]
[Myungdae : Yeah !]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Bomseok : Oh ? I like this guitar sound]
[B.E shakes shirt : ...]
[RM : Let's go !]
[Jungkook throws confettis : ...]
[Myungdae : Hey !]
[Bomseok : That was nice]
[Jimin : Ow~]
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : What was that ?
Video : [Solji & V rocks head : ...]
[V : Ah !]
[Jin laughs : Haha]
[B.E : Hey !]
[Bomseok : Ooh]
[Jimin jumps : It was strange last spring when I spent with you *points*]
[Hani : The warm snow comes down *spreads arm* I was in a good mood]
[Jin mouthing : (Will it snow this year ? I can look forward to it) *smiles sadly*]
Hani : Aw... don't
Video : [LE : That's so good]
[Jungkook : The sky was...]
[B.E : Hey !]
[Jin : ... ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : Beautiful]
[B.E : Hey !]
[Jungkook : That it was ridiculous , I remembered you all the time *jumps on RM's back* ooh~]
[Myungdae : Wah~]
[V turns around : It will be blooming in a field snow]
[Myungdae : It's exciting~]
[Hyerin : Will the spring snow come ? Will it snow again in your favourite spring ? May I love you ? Shall we dance like a happier time ?]
[LE : I love you...]
[Bomseok : Ohh]
[LE : love you... love you... love you]
[Jin mouthing : (Love you)]
[LE : I'll tell you I love you]
[B.E wraps arm around each other : ...]
[Junghwa smiles : I love you... love you... love you... love you...]
[Music : Ooh~]
[Junghwa : Will the spring snow come ?]
[Myungdae : Let's go !]
JHope : He's excited
Hani : Right
Jimin : He's like a kid
Video : [RM points self : I can't express myself , I just like cold ice , you can wrap]
[B.E : Hey !]
[RM : Me]
[B.E : Hey !]
[RM : In my spring]
[B.E jumps : Hey~]
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Video : [JHope : The warm glacier in front of you melts *dances* time is bleeding but I cannot tell]
[Jin : Ooh]
[JHope checks wrist : I can do this together at the end of this spring , I did it because I did it *nods*]
[Solji : On this day you are so beautiful *poses*]
[Myungdae : Oh !]
[Jin laughs : Haha]
[Solji holds laugh : I just wanted time to stop ooh~ *jumps onto Hyerin's back*]
[Bomseok : Gosh]
[Hani throws confettis : It will be blooming in a field snow]
[V dances : Will the spring snow come ? Will it snow again in your favourite spring ? May I love you ?]
[Jin sings softly : Shall we dance like a happier time ?]
[Jimin : I love you... love you... love you... love you]
[Music : Love you]
[Jimin : I'll tell you I love you *does heart with JHope*]
[Myungdae : That's cool]
[V : I love you... love you... love you... love you...]
[Music : Love you]
[V : Will the spring snow come ?]
[B.E turns around : ...]
[JHope : Who ?!]
[Jin laughs : Haha]
[B.E throws confetti : ...]
[Myungdae : ... !]
B.E laughs : Haha
V : His face
Hani : Goodness...
Video : [B.E jumps : This year !]
[Jin : Oh !]
[Suga : That snowflakes touches me , remember everyday of the day , you're the one *points*]
[B.E throws confettis : You're the one !]
[Suga laughs : You're the one !]
[B.E throws confetti : You're the one !]
[Suga : I don't want anything more]
[Jimin : The end of the cold winter *points* I'm glad you're here *looks down*]
[Jungkook : Oh~]
[Solji throws confettis : Will the spring snow come ?]
[Jin smiles : ...]
[Solji : Will it snow again in your favourite spring ?]
[Jungkook dances : May I love you ?]
[B.E : Ow !]
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Why did we do that ?
Video : [Hyerin : I love you... love you... love you... love you... *smiles* I'll tell you I love you]
[B.E dances : ...]
[Junghwa : I love you *points camera* love you... love you... love you]
[Music : Ooh~]
[Junghwa : Will the spring snow come ?]
[Myungdae claps : Wah~]
[Bomseok : That was exciting]
Junghwa : I thought Oppa would talk a lot
LE : I mean he can , why won't he ?
RM : I think he just wants to enjoy it
Hani : Hold on , how long is this ?
B.E : Gasp...
JHope : Our whole concert time
Solji : Didn't he edit it ? Like cut it ?
V : He should though
Jimin : Hold on , pause
Hani : Our concert was on the 16th , why now ?
LE : Right , if the video was in edit , it's understandable
RM : Mm...
Suga : Maybe Hyung saw the edited video and didn't like it
Solji : I mean... half of the 'Spring Snow' performance was focused on us , they only showed us their smiles and reactions
JHope : He's sort of giving the fans a free performance
Hani : Hey... a lot of your concerts are on YouTube
Jimin laughs : That is true
Solji : It's okay , it's his video
RM : Right
Hyerin : Let's continue~
Junghwa : Unnie doesn't want to wait
Jimin : Let me order our lunch
JHope : Sure
V : I want soft drinks please
Jimin : Yes
Hani : Play
Video : [Solji : Spring is fresh]
[JHope : Let us cheer you up with our fresh spring]
[Jimin : Is everyone ready ?]
[Bomseok : I'm already cheered up]
[Myungdae : Me too !]
[Jungkook : Mm Mm Mm~ ]
[Jin : ... !]
[Myungdae looks back : ...]
[Suga : Oh yeah]
[Hani : Everyday yeah~ my time's a waste , waiting for you to come~]
[Bomseok : Ooh ?]
[Suga : Your outfit~ it's all okay]
[RM : Okay]
[Suga : Stop changing and come~]
[Jimin : You don't have to worry about your t-shirt *pulls shirt*]
[Bomseok : What's this song name ?]
[Jin : 'Give Me Your Time']
Hyerin thinking : Written by my boyfriend *smiles*
Video : [JHope : Yeah !]
[Jungkook : You are... beautiful , beautiful roses]
[RM : Please just give me your time]
[JHope : Yeah !]
[Jungkook : You are... *smiles* beautiful , beautiful oh yeah]
[RM : I will give you all of my time]
[Jungkook : Mm Mm Mm~ Mm Mm Mm~ Mm Mm Mm~ let's go]
[Bomseok : ... ?]
[LE : Stop , Hey wait a second]
[V : Oh~]
[LE : Look at the time , stop changing it up , faster come and see me]
[V : Don't wanna waste~ no time]
[Bomseok : Ooh]
[LE : Check that watch of yours , the time is ticking]
[V : Stop it , hot place , role oh uh~ uh~]
[Solji : Don't wanna waste~ no time~ just come now~ *smiles*]
[JHope jumps : Whoo ! I'll wait for you 'til night , I'm okay if you're fine ]
[Suga : But I'm waiting for your love , I really miss you now]
[RM : I would stop time for you ay , so I could have more time with you ay , as long as you're really happy]
[Bomseok : It's exciting]
[Junghwa : I don't wanna waste no time no more , I don't want , I don't wanna waste no time no more]
[JHope : Yeah !]
[Jin mouthing : (You are... beautiful , beautiful roses)]
[RM smiles : Please just give me all your time]
[JHope : Yeah !]
[Jin mouthing : (You are... beautiful , beautiful oh yeah)]
[RM : I will give you all of my time]
[Jungkook : Mm Mm Mm~ Mm Mm Mm~ Mm Mm Mm~ you are my whole world *dances funnily*]
[Myungdae laughs : Haha]
[Solji : Mm Mm Mm~ Mm Mm Mm~ Please just give me your time *wraps arm around Jungkook*]
RM claps : Ah !
LE : 'Give Me Your Time' is really-...
Jimin : Right ?
Video : [Bomseok looks back : Why ?]
[Jin : It's a nice song *smiles*]
[Junghwa dances : Your words were beautiful like flowers , I remember the colour that you had yeah]
[Jin mouthing : (Violet)]
[V : The days that seemed it wouldn't break , are broken down so I'm scared]
[Myungdae : That was great]
Solji : Agree
V : Ah , thank you
Video : [Hani : I tried to put back that broken thing and got a deep wound on my hand , it is bleeding]
[RM : The time when the cold air became warm , when I look at you who is so calm]
[Myungdae : Oh ?]
[RM : I felt like I'm similar with you and as the time goes by , I believe we would not change]
[LE turns around : Even you may be too big for me because *points RM* you are so perfect]
Suga : No
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Don't be jealous
Video : [LE : When will I get over this miss ?]
[Jungkook : Can I go back ?~]
[Bomseok & Myungdae : 야...]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jimin : Are the days when the world was full of you just in my memories ?~]
[Solji : Your words were beautiful like flowers , I remember the colour you had]
[Hyerin : Can I get back to that time which I was able to hold you tight ?]
[Jin smiles : ...]
[Hyerin : I don't want to forget it *turns around*]
[V : Violet]
[Myungdae : Oh ?]
[Suga points : You decided to leave anyway , so you could tell about the end easily , you wouldn't know the flower language of the miserably wilted roses with thorns , beautiful red *jumps* impossible blue]
[Bomseok : What ?]
V laughs : Haha
Video : [Suga smiles : What do I do then ? I don't have any colours , It is meaningless]
[Jimin : Perhaps you feel pain too ?~]
[Hani : I'm afraid you feel pain yeah]
[Junghwa : Do you miss me a little bit ?]
[V : Are the days when the world was full of you just in my memories ?~]
[B.E turns : ...]
[Bomseok : 야 ! Goodness ! For real !]
[Jin & Myungdae laughs : Haha]
B.E laughs : Haha
JHope : They're so excited
Junghwa : Right
Video : [Hyerin : Which I was able to hold you tight ?]
[Jungkook places hand on Hyerin's shoulder : ...]
[Hyerin : I don't want to forget it]
[Crowd : Aww...]
[Jin frowns : ...]
[Myungdae : Why ?]
Solji : Ah... goodness
Hyerin : I was okay that night but seeing Oppa now...
Hani : You don't know how to feel ?
Hyerin nods : ...
Video : [LE : Who ?]
[Music : It's B.E]
[JHope holds laugh : The rain falling from my memories , your voice remained even I cry , maybe our story has ended , you and my respectful world]
[Jimin smiles : I'm afraid of the time that I have to lose you , I'm scared]
[Jungkook : I can't be with you forever , I wonder if this night... *holds Solji*]
[Solji & Jungkook : Can disappear ? *smiles*]
[Jin : Oh , cute]
Jungkook smiles : I actually like being with Noona
Jimin : Who wouldn't ? *smirks*
LE hits Jimin : For real
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Hyerin : Can I get back to that time...]
[Jungkook : Which I was able to hold you tight ?]
[RM : Violet]
[Bomseok : Ooh]
[Music : Violet yeah~ yeah violet yeah , yeah violet yeah~ yeah violet yeah , yeah violet yeah~ yeah violet yeah , yeah violet yeah~ yeah violet]
[Suga hugs self : I don't want to forget it... *turns around*]
[Jin : Ah... !]
Hyerin : It's okay
Suga nods : I had to change the dance
LE : We know *smiles*
Suga smiles : ...
Video : [Junghwa : From some point , whenever things got hard]
[Jin : Jjong-i's solo already ?]
[Bomseok : Why ?]
[Jin : No , usually solos starts in the middle *smiles* Let's go]
[Junghwa : Sometimes , I wonder what it would be like , if I forget about you , but of course being with you is better *bobs head* Don't move , stay with me]
[Myungdae : Wow]
[Junghwa : Don't look back , always look only at me , my life , all my time , fill it up with only you]
[Jin bobs head : ...]
[Junghwa : From some point , I started to tremble , I keep resenting you~ and hating you mm~]
Solji : Why didn't you sit ?
Junghwa : I didn't felt like it
Video : [Junghwa : But of course being with you *points* is better]
[Jin : Why aren't you sitting ?]
Junghwa : Is that a big deal ? Why ?~
LE : Because you sat during rehearsal
Jungkook : The concert must have hyped Noona up
Video : [Junghwa : All my time , fill it up with only you]
[Jin : Junghwa's singing is making me feel relaxed]
[Junghwa : Even if the world laughs at me and turns away , even if the sky falls down , always stay by my side , always holds my hands]
[Jin nods : ...]
[Junghwa : I remember the day I first met you , I was left alone in the world , and you held out your warm hand *smiles* I still remember~]
[Jin smiles : ...]
Solji : That was great
JHope : Right
V : Noona's talented
Junghwa : No
Video : [Junghwa waves : ...]
[Jin : Put your hands up]
Hani : Ah~
RM : He's hyping them
Video : [Junghwa : Don't move , stay with me , don't look back , always look only at me , my life , all my time , fill it up with only you]
Hani : But are you waving or doing what Kookie does ?
Junghwa : I was waving
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Junghwa : Even if the sky falls down , always stay by my side , always holds my hands , hold my hands]
[Music : I want you to be always by my side]
[Junghwa waves hand : ...]
Junghwa : Now I was doing what Kookie does
JHope : It actually looks different
V : Right , you can tell from here
[Music : I want you to be always by my side]
[Jin mouthing : (I want you to be always by my side)]
[Junghwa : Together ! I want you to be always by my side *puts microphone out*]
[Crowd : I want you to be always by my side , I want you to be always by my side]
[Junghwa : I want you to be always by my side *smiles*]
[Jin mouthing : (I will be)]
B.E : Aww !
Junghwa : Yes , thank you Oppa !
Video : [Myungdae : I wonder what's next ?]
[Bomseok : They're full of surprises]
[Jin : Of course , it's a concert]
[Maknaes runs out : Woah oh oh oh oh]
[Jimin : Sing it !]
[Jin chuckles : SOULFUL]
[Bomseok : The vocal line]
[Jin : Yes]
Solji : Oh~ someone has been teaching his new friends about B.E
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : Makes my heart flutter]
[V : Don't know why]
[Jin : Oh~]
[V : When I secretly think of you]
[Myungdae : He reminds me of Daejung Hyung]
[Bomseok laughs : Haha]
[Jin : For real ?]
[Myungdae : A little]
[Jimin : If I ever run into you , what should I say ?]
[V : Should I hold your hands and tell you I love you ?]
[SOULFUL : My heart is beating , I can't say anything once again]
[Myundae : Wow]
[Jungkook : All the words I prepared for today , disappears in my memory]
[SOULFUL : My heart is racing , you're passing me again]
[V : I can't say this is just a memory and let you go~ I'll be there for you my love]
Solji : 야...
B.E claps : ...
V laughs : Haha
Suga : SOULFUL should debut
JHope : They'll need good songs
Jimin : I don't like ballad
LE : I'll keep that in mind
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [V : It's awkward and I shake my head]
[Jimin : If I ever run into you , what should I say ?]
[V : Should I hold your hands and tell you I love you ?]
[SOULFUL dances : My heart is beating , I can't say anything once again]
[Jungkook : All the words I prepared for today , disappears in my memory]
[SOULFUL : My heart is racing , you're passing me again]
[V : I can't say this is just a memory and let you go~ I'll be there for you my love]
[Jin : It'll be fresh as always]
B.E : Ohh !
Jungkook : I like that~
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : It was really a good idea to put that in 'Fresh'
RM : It gives off spring feeling
B.E : Ayy !
Hyerin : Another one !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin checks phone : Our lunch is reaching soon
Junghwa : Yes
Video : [Jin : I wonder what it'll be ?~]
Hani : It'll be Junghwa and Sehun
Video : [Jin : Oh ?]
[Bomseok : Why ?]
[Jin : Sehun]
[Myungdae : EXO ?]
[Jin : Yes , he must be here for their song in 'Break']
[Bomseok : A collaboration ?]
[Jin : Yes]
Hyerin : Now he talks
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Gosh
Video : [Junghwa : While tossing and turning alone in an empty room , the TV plays reruns of yesterday's drama , as I hold my phone that doesn't ring until I sleep]
[Jin mouthing : (Let's go)]
[Sehun : These days , it feels like you're mine , it seems like you're mine but no~]
[Junghwa : It feels like I'm yours , it seems like I'm yours but not~]
Solji : Sorry , but I found the lyrics weird
Junghwa : It's okay
Video : [Junghwa : Don't be aloof]
[Sehun : It seems like we're lovers but not~]
[Junghwa : Whenever you see me , you act so vague to me~]
[Jin : Too weird]
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : As much as I agree , he has no rights
Junghwa laughs : Don't bully him !
JHope : She's protecting you
Jimin laughs : Haha
Solji : We thought it was just you and Sehun
Junghwa : No way , it's a FREE album , it's selfish
LE nods : Good for you
Hani : Didn't you forced it on Kookie ?
Jungkook chuckles : No , she asked me
Jimin : I'll go get our food
Solji : Do you want me to pause ?
Jimin : It's okay , I watched the concert that night
V : With me
Hani : Thank you , Jimin
B.E : Thank you
Video : [Sehun : I don't like you , don't like you these days]
[Junghwa : But I only have you , I only have you]
[Jin : Is it just weird for me ?]
[Junghwa & Sehun : Don't pull out , but confess your love to me]
[Jungkook : Pretending that we're just friends , acting like we're lovers , don't do that]
[Jin : Oh !]
[Jungkook : The more I think about it , I get more curious about your real feelings , girl you're so ambiguous , I can't do anything or maybe I'm expecting a miracle , lotto , I want a clear sign but I forgot when I see your smile]
[Jin : Jeon Jeongguk~]
[Bomseok : ... ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : What was that ?
RM : Surprised ?
Video : [Sehun : Don't just laugh like you don't know and stop this now~]
[Jin : Rapper Kook is back]
[Sehun : Don't put me in your heart and look elsewhere~]
[Junghwa : Why don't you stop acting like you don't know ?~]
[Sehun : Don't give excuses that you're tired , but hurry and tell me~ I love you]
Jimin : Here...
Solji pause video : Do you need help ?
Hyerin gets up : You can't carry that much
LE : You're not superman !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : We all got the same noodles
Junghwa : Kk~ Thank you !
JHope : Thank you
Jungkook : I can't wait to eat
Jimin : Soft drinks for Taehyung
V : Oh
Suga laughs : You even bought Sprite and Pepsi for Hobi and Noona
Jimin : Yes~ everyone's favourite drink
Jungkook : Teacher , me and Noona have to keep our weight for the competition
Jimin : Shh...
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : I receive well
B.E : I receive well~
RM : Thank you
Hani : Thanks~
Junghwa : Let's continue !
Solji plays video : ...
Video : [Sehun bows : Yes , hello , I'm EXO's Sehun]
[Crowd : Whoo !]
[Junghwa : Yes , were you shocked ?]
[Jin : Very]
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [Jin : I don't know who surprised me more]
[Myungdae : What do you mean ?]
[Jin : I thought it was just Sehun and Junghwa , but Rapper Kook made an appearance]
[Bomseok : At least your Junghwa thinks of him]
Hyerin : 'Your Junghwa'
LE : 'Your Junghwa'
Junghwa laughs : Ahaha
Jimin : I mean... he doesn't know Noona , that's why
Solji thinking : And Junghwa thought of Jungkook , the members thought she was being selfish
Jungkook : It was a little awkward during the recording but I had fun
Hani : That's great
Video : [Sehun : Yes , thank you for having me here]
[Junghwa : Thank you for coming]
[Sehun bows : Thank you !]
[Myungdae : Whoo !]
RM : I would pay to see Myungdae at our concert again
B.E : Me too
JHope laughs : Haha
Jungkook : He's fun
LE : Excited
Jungkook : Maybe
Hani : Now , it's 'Sun & Moon'
Video : [Jin : This setting... I think I know what it is]
[LE : I can see you even when I close my eyes]
[Jin : I was right , did you see that ?]
Hyerin : Be quiet
V : We don't even know what was he thinking of
Video : [Jin whisper : Right , I'm Kim Seokjin]
LE : Let's stop watching it
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Hani : Under the same sky *lifts hand* Time-crossed , our hearts are crossed , under the same sky]
[Jin : Is it okay for Noona to lie down ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Ah , don't be so perverted ! 야 !
Video : [LE : Our secrets]
[Hani & LE : You and I , you and I , you and I]
[Hani : The two of us are just like one]
[LE : Every night in my dreams , we are connected by you , we look to the same place]
[Jin whisper : Sometimes at night , I think like 'Sun & Moon']
Hani : Oh ?
Suga : So sudden ?
Video : [LE : Your sun rises , under the same sky]
[Hani : Under the same sky]
[Jin whisper : Not in a sad way *chuckles* don't misunderstand]
[LE : Under the same sky]
[Hani & LE : You and I , you and I , you and I]
[Myungdae : Wow...]
[Hani & LE : You and I , you and I , you and I]
[Hani : The two of us are just like one]
[Jin points : ...]
[LE : When will I see you again ? At the end of a long journey , want to be together]
[Hani : Oh we are in the same time , in different places , our fates are twisted~]
[Jin whisper : Like these lines]
JHope : He wants to be together
Hyerin : Then... the song is comforting and sad to him ?
V : Maybe ?
Hyerin : As long as he's happy
Suga : Right , right
Video : [Hani & LE : You and I , you and I , you and I]
[Hani : The two of us are just like one]
[Crowd : Whoo~]
[Jin claps : ...]
[Bomseok : I have goosebumps]
Hani : Ah , thank you
Video : [Myungdae : What's next ?~]
[Hani : It's a rainy day to breakup]
[Jin holds laugh : ...]
[Bomseok : Why ?]
[Jin : You know this song]
[Jungkook : By myself in the middle of the night , the mood that's left with me is down down down]
[LE & JHope dances : I need an umbrella]
[Jin : Oh ?]
[LE & JHope : I don't think I'll get better with poor consolation]
[Jin : Noona and Hobi]
[LE & JHope : If I show tears , I don't think they'll stop *walks to couch*]
[Jin : I didn't expect them to dance]
LE : Surprise
JHope laughs : Haha
Video : [V : If this is a dream , I want to wake up]
[Myungdae : 야...]
[RM : You're saying your farewells without hesitation , it doesn't sound sweet no way , the mouth that said 'we're now one' is talking about separation]
[Junghwa : Your shadow is also looking back , please call me baby]
[Jimin looks up : It's a rainy day to breakup , it still feels a little early , why why why ?]
[Solji : By myself in the middle of the night , the mood that's left with me is down down down]
[JHope : I need sunshine , the dark clouds aren't clearing up]
[V : Awkward finale , the cold rain isn't wetting me]
[Hani : I don't want to collapse again , but when I see you turning away]
[Junghwa : Cry me out~ I'm becoming small]
[Bomseok whisper : Let's go]
[Suga : The water drop is spreading , wetting my shoulder , when I start realising I can't void it , I can't see the light in front of my eyes , the days I have my everything , they disappear without meaning]
[Jin : Why do you look so angry ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : I'm not...
Video : [Jin : Oh , an umbrella ?]
[V : It still feels a little early , why why why ?]
[Hyerin : By myself in the middle of the night , the mood that's left with me is down down down]
[Jungkook walks off : I decided to let you go now]
[Junghwa : I pray , pray that you're happy]
[Hani walks to Jungkook : Hovering above the clouds]
[Solji : It's not real]
[Hani : Frankly I feel]
[Solji & Hani : So sad~ with you]
[Myungdae : Kk~]
[Jungkook drops umbrella : ...]
[Jin : Gosh]
[Hyerin : It's a rainy day to breakup , it still feels a little early , why why why ?]
[Hani : Hey~ Ooh~]
[Jimin : By myself in the middle of the night]
[Solji & Jimin : The mood]
[Jimin : That's left with me is down down down]
[LE : Fill me with the cold rain again , hot tears are flowing *picks umbrella up*]
[Hyerin : I can't stop it why ? Why ?~ why ?]
[JHope : Erase me , stained by you , clear the black clouds]
[V : My mood without you is down down down...]
RM : Honestly , we did good
Hani : Right ?
Video : [Jin : Ooh]
[Bomseok : Her voice's deep]
[V : You , who were my world]
[Myungdae : Him too]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Suga : Did I even really love you ?]
[Jin : You know this song]
[Myungdae : Really ?]
[Jin nods : Yeah]
[RM & Junghwa : Like Shakespeare's play , like we were met with our final love]
[Bomseok : Was it that live ?]
[Jin : Right]
Jungkook : Does that mean he watched ?
RM : I think he did
V : Can he ?
Suga : They can... but not the whole thing
LE : Because of 'lights out' ?
Suga nods : Uh
Hyerin : He watched everything , we messaged after
B.E : Pardon ?
Video : [Myungdae : Ah , I remember now]
[Bomseok : Because we were panicking]
Jimin : Why ?
Video : [Myungdae : That live really-...]
[Jin : ... !]
[Myungdae covers mouth : ...]
JHope : What ? What's with the live ?
Hani : It can't be...
Solji : Let's not think of it that way
LE : Yes
Video : [Bomseok : Trouble ?]
[Jin : Because Myungdae likes someone]
[Bomseok laughs : Haha]
JHope : Who ?
Junghwa : Someone from B.E ?
Jimin : Hold on to your girlfriends tight
JHope laughs : Haha
Video : [V : That's enough , when you leave~]
[Jin whisper : Let's go]
[Solji & LE : The four seasons come and go again]
[Hyerin & JHope : I gave you my winter and summer too]
[Junghwa & Jungkook : You , who were my world , I want to let you go]
[RM : Did I even really love you ?]
[Jin mouthing : (Ooh~ Ooh~)]
[V : Did I love ?]
[Bomseok does peace sign : ...]
[Myungdae laughs : Haha]
B.E claps : ...
Video : [Jimin : I think we killed the mood again ?]
Hyerin : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
LE : Always
Junghwa : Right , right
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Solji : Does everyone know what season is it now ?]
[Jin : No...]
Hyerin : Idiot
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Does he really not know ?
V laughs : Guess not
Hani : Gosh
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [RM : Right , Noona and Hyung's dance...]
[LE : I swear most of our song has no dance , but... Hoseok was like 'Noona , we should dance here']
[Jin : No wonder]
[Bomseok : So she was forced into it ?]
[Jin : Maybe]
LE : Yes , Seokjin
JHope : No !
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Solji : No]
[Hani : Liar]
[B.E laughs : Haha]
[RM : Was YOU and Sehun's performance nice ?]
[Jin whisper : Surprising]
[Solji : Oh~ it should be , YOU is the best subunit]
[Jimin : No]
[LE : FREE is pretty good too]
[Solji : You need more songs]
[RM : Noona , we have schedules too]
[LE : Soon , maybe]
[Crowd : Ohh]
[Bomseok : What , what ?]
[Jimin : This is not a spoiler , FREE literally has no song in progress]
[RM : Noona is good with surprises , except B.E ones]
[LE : Ouch]
LE : For real , ouch
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga holds LE's hand : ...
Video : [Jimin : Oh no , don't tell Suga Hyung]
Suga : Now I know
Jungkook : Uh-oh
Video : [Jin : Summer... is where I can spend time with my loved ones]
Hyerin smiles : ...
Video : [Jin smiles : ...]
[LE : What about you ?]
[Jimin : Uh... I'm okay if I can relax]
[RM : Summer can get really hot and exciting]
[Solji : Yes , we hope the fans here don't party too hard . Don't hit people with the lightstick , please]
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Imagine if they did
Jungkook : Oh no
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : Wild ?]
[Bomseok : Your members are missing]
[Jin : They must be getting ready . Noona , you can't discuss that in public]
[Myungdae : Ready for what ?]
Jimin : Right
LE : 야 , you didn't had to react that way
RM : Right , Noona could be joking
Video : [Hani : But to answer you , yes... they say people really get wild]
[Jin : What ? Are we thinking of the same wild ?]
V laughs : No !
Video : [RM : Please pretend that never happened]
RM : Yes...
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Bomseok : Oh , video]
[Myungdae : Is it a distraction ?]
[Jin : It helps us grab time while changing]
[Bomseok : Ah...]
[Jin : I have never seen my members this excited , it's funny and weird]
Suga : Why ?
Solji : Were we excited ? We weren't any different
Jimin shrugs : It's been awhile Hyung saw us
RM : It could be that
Video : [Myungdae : What are the summer songs ?]
[Jin : 'Midnight Summer Dream' , 'Midsummer Night Sweetness' and 'Summer!']
[Bomseok : It could be one of those with this video]
[Myungdae : It could be something wild]
[Jin : Wild ? Not from the album ? What did the members planned ?]
Hani : Oh , you'll see
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Why ?~
Solji : We get that you want a song like 'Dangerous' but... ah
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Noona's not all pure ?
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : I wanted to say that but Junghwa is Junghwa
Suga : What about Kookie ?
Hani : W-why did you agree ?
Jungkook : Gosh
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : She can't even scold you
JHope nods : Right
Jungkook : Just... it seems nice , the song and dance came out well
RM : I can agree for the song
V : It puts 'Dangerous' to shame
LE : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Myungdae : Seems fun]
[Jin : Don't fall for it , it's all acting]
Solji : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : We had fun
Video : [Jin : Ooh ? What's this ?]
[Jungkook : Swim swim good]
[Jin gaps : Is this a solo I don't know ?]
V laughs : Haha
Video : [Junghwa dances : ...]
[Jin : Oh ?]
[Jungkook : The back looks~ good]
[Jin : What ?]
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : Familiar scent~ flowing in your eyes]
[Jin : I have a feeling about this]
[Jungkook snaps finger : ...]
[Music : Closer to~]
[Jungkook : Me]
[Music : More]
[Jungkook : Turn the temperature~ up]
[Music : Hot]
[Jungkook : Focus on you~]
[Jin : Jjong-i...]
[Jungkook : Only at this moment]
[Jin : Where is that hand going ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : Goodness...
Suga : That sounds wrong
Video : [Jin : ... !]
[Jungkook : I just wanna get down *gets up*]
[Junghwa throws blindfold : ...]
[Bomseok : That looks wrong]
[Myyungdae laughs : Haha]
[Jungkook : I'm focusing on you , plus 1 and 0]
[Junghwa & Jungkook dances : ...]
[Music : The moment we become one]
[Jin whisper : Ohh !]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : Make you mine~]
[Jin : 야 , this-...]
[Jungkook : When you hold my hand tight *holds Junghwa's hand* I'll match your feet~]
[Music : Oh~]
[Jungkook : Swim good swim good]
[Music : Oh]
[Jungkook : Swim good]
[Junghwa sits down : ...]
[Jin : No...]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : Swim good swim good]
[Junghwa gets up : ...]
[Jungkook : You just have to]
[Junghwa stand on chair : ...]
[Jungkook : Stay oh yeah]
[Junghwa lifts Jungkook's chin : Even if everything changes]
[Jin : 야...]
[Junghwa : This heart for you never changes no~ oh yeah]
Hani : How did you do that ?
Junghwa : It was scary
Video : [Junghwa : Fluffy hair]
[Jungkook : I like all of~]
[Junghwa : You]
[Jin : Ooh]
[Jungkook : You know ?~]
[Junghwa : I know]
[Jin nods : ...]
[Junghwa : I'll give you what's trapped in my heart]
[Jin : Oh~ Park Jeonghwa]
[Junghwa : I like your head to toe]
[Jin : Never mind]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : I just wanna get down]
[Junghwa : Yeah don't stop , you , I'm ready already , wake me up~]
[Jungkook walks to Junghwa : I'm focusing on you]
[Junghwa : 1 plus 0]
[Jungkook & Junghwa dances : ...]
[Myungdae : Let's go !]
[Jungkook : I don't know~ oh~ oh ay]
[Jin chuckles : He's hyped]
[Jungkook : When you hold my hand tight *holds Junghwa's hand*]
[Junghwa : I'll match your feet oh~]
[Jungkook : Swim good swim good]
[Junghwa : Oh]
[Jungkook : Swim good swim good]
[Music : I'll just make you mine~]
[Jungkook : Swim good]
[Junghwa : Make you mine make you mine]
[Jungkook : Swim good]
[Junghwa : Make you mine]
[Jungkook : You just have to stay oh yeah *wraps arm around Junghwa*]
[Myungdae laughs : Someone help Hyung]
[Bomseok : He's speechless]
Video : [Music : Swim swim good]
[Jin : I'm surprised *nods*]
[Music : Oh yeah]
[Jungkook touches lip : ...]
[Jin : Why ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Junghwa sits down : ...]
[Music : When I'm with you]
[YOU : It looks like a puzzle that fits well~ oh]
[Jungkook dances : ...]
[Jin : Oh ? That was great]
[Music : Woah~]
Hani : Agree , you guys did well
Video : [Jungkook : Oh~ oh~ *dances*]
[Jin : Ah... don't]
[Jungkook puts leg on chair : ...]
[Junghwa gets up : Oh~ oh~]
[Jin : That's right]
[Music : Swim good]
[Jungkook : Oh~]
[Music : Swim good]
[Jungkook : Woah~]
[Music : Swim good]
[Junghwa : Love me love me love me like this]
[Music : Oh~]
[Jungkook : Stay by my side baby]
[Junghwa : Don't hide it baby]
[Jungkook : Oh~ swim swim swim good]
[Jin claps : The song is great but-...]
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [Jin : Jjong-ah , we have to talk]
[Myungdae : Why ? It's just a dance]
[Jin chuckles : You guys have improved , I'm amazed]
Jungkook : Thank you~
Junghwa : Did we ?
Solji : 야 , you pulled countless of high notes !
Video : [Bomseok : Please tell me you don't have another song like that]
[Jungkook : Girl , do you want it ? What do you want ?]
[Jin laughs : Sorry]
[Myungdae : Pardon ?]
[Jungkook : Your body my body , we love it]
[Bomseok : Oh no...]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Music : Oh no]
[Jungkook : Don't say anything]
[LE : Don't get me wrong but your skin is so soft , tonight , I'll get you like a tiger]
[Suga smiles cutely : ...]
[LE holds laugh : Oops-...]
[B.E : ... ?]
[LE smiles embarrassedly : You want to choose the concept for a role play ?]
[Jin : Noona , did you get tongue-tied ?]
Suga & Hyerin : She did
LE hits Suga : ...
Video : [JHope : English , today's word is slave , that's right , it means slave , don't say anything like a slave and just answer no yeah , next is math class , shall I subtract ? No add it , add it , last is PE , move your body harder , better , stronger]
[Music : Faster]
[Myungdae : Goodness *laughs*]
[Suga : You look good either when you put your hair up or down , from street fashion to suits and uniform , cute girl , you look pure but talk dirty , up and down , back and front , you do everything , before I get into you , I want to check something , but wait stop]
[Jimin : Girl , do you want it ? What do you want ? I'll give it to you girl , I'll show you my sincerity , your body my body , we love it we love it , Oh no , Don't say anything]
[Jin mouthing : (Don't you understand ?)]
[Hani : Body language , body body language]
[Music : I'm speaking]
[Hani : Body language , body body language]
[Music : I'm speaking]
[Hani : Body language , body body language , let's slow it down boy]
[V walks to Hani : Now it's your turn , tell me your fantasy]
[Hani push V : Doctor]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : This never gets old]
[V : Undo the buttons and put your chest up , my hands are the stethoscope , let me see your heart beat]
[Bomseok : Oh my]
Suga : This Bomseok Hyung is like an old man
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [RM : Winning in the daytime and losing at night , I'm capable of both , what's your fetish girl ? Guy who raps ? Damn , that's me]
[JHope : Moving up and down , position up and down , want you to ride *clears throat* take out what you've prepared *clears throat*]
[Myungdae : What ?]
[JHope : If you wanna go yeah]
[RM : I want to lick you from head to toe , you're so deep , you make me stand and take me in , your beautiful melody is like orchestra , well done on downloading the application]
[B.E : B.E app !]
[Jin holds laughs : Oh , I like that !]
Junghwa : Yes , thank you
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [RM : Don't plagiarise others , I see the finish line as if I'm getting at the end , you don't have to say it , chocolate cream pie]
[Hyerin : Boy , do you want it ? What do you want ? I'll give it to you boy , I'll show you my sincerity , your body my body , we love it we love it , Oh no , Don't say anything]
[Solji : Don't you understand ? Body language , body body language]
[Myungdae : Uwa , the fans are so loud]
[Jin looks back : ... *smiles*]
[Music : I'm speaking]
[Solji : Body language , body body language , let's slow it down boy]
[Junghwa : What time do you have to wake up ? I should set the alarm clock at 8 , then set it at 7 , for one hour...]
[V : What time do you have to wake up ? I should set the alarm clock at 8 , then set it at 7 , for one hour... make it love , make it love , make it love~]
[Jin smiles : ...]
[Jungkook : Girl , do you want it ? What do you want ? I'll give it to you girl , I'll show you my sincerity , your body my body , we love it we love it , Oh no , Don't say anything]
[Jimin : Don't you understand ? Body language , body body language]
Jungkook : I'm speaking !
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jimin : Body body language]
Maknaes : I'm speaking
Video : [Jimin : Body language , body body language , oh no... *gaps*]
[Bomseok : It's a catchy adult song]
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : No...
Junghwa : Why ?
Suga : 'Dangerous'
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : 'Dangerous' , 'Swim Good' and 'Body Language'... okay]
[Myungdae : Another one ?]
[Jin : This is... different]
Junghwa : Why is theirs different ?
Suga shrugs : Ask him
Video : [LE smiles : Boy , are you doing something to me ?]
[Jin : Kk~ This never gets old]
[LE : But for some reason it's lying *sits on chair* dangerously you're handsome *pouts* you slowly came to me , my quandary , like a habit *looks at nails* I'm already looking for you that is not there *walks off*]
[Suga : What's scary is when I'm alone *pulls LE's sleeve* what gives me goosebumps is when you cry *pouts*]
[Jin : Cute]
[Suga : My focus , my control is all you , Uh oh but the problem is I don't hate it *shakes head* oh no *leans in* I like it when we get closer when it gets risky]
[Jin : That's true]
B.E laughs : Haha
Suga : Hyung...
Hani : Oh ?
LE : Be quiet
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Suga : You decide for me girl]
[LE walks to Suga : My baby I love it when you come around *tidies Suga's collar* it's natural that you're scared of a dangerous girl like me *holds Suga's face* maybe I might fall more deeply into you *walks off*]
[Jin : ... ?]
[Suga chases LE : I have no patience *blocks LE* I'm gonna bother you 'til the day is over *leans in* Come closer , show me your fantasy , I'm gonna slowly show you love right *holds laugh*]
[Jin : You guys used the original one ?]
V : Right , why ?
LE : We only changed a little
Jungkook : Yes , why ?
Video : [Suga looks at torso : My body is reacting *shakes head* I'm not satisfied yet]
[Bomseok : What ?]
[Myungdae laughs : Haha]
Suga : We ran out of ideas
Solji : Lies
B.E : ... ?
Video : [Suga : I like it , I'll be Aladdin *pretends to wear hat* be colder to me , I feel it baby]
[LE : I love it , love it , love it , love it , love it too *pretends to throw* I'll throw]
[Suga pretends to catch : ...]
[LE : You catch , easy baseball , we're gonna do it , going so high *nods* We'll play all night , put away your exhaustion]
Jungkook : Was it because of YOU ?
LE : No way , how can we change the dance right before ours ?
Hyerin : Right
RM thinking : Why does this sound bad ?
Video : [Suga sits down : What do I do about this attention seeking illness I caught because of you ? *pouts*]
[Jin : Child Yoongi]
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [LE : Why do I wanna do bad things ?]
[Myungdae : Hyung , how is this different ?]
[Bomseok : It is , a little]
[Jin : This song isn't an adult song... this is a song of someone's love]
B.E : Ohh
Suga does heart : ...
B.E laughs : Haha
Hani : But it's true
Junghwa : Oppa's love story
Hyerin : Not SWAG ?
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : But...]
[Myungdae : Why ?]
[Suga poses : ...]
[Jin : The dance always changes , not this one ?]
Suga : Next one
JHope : Yeah
Video : [Jin : I hope the next one will burn people]
Suga : It will , Hyung
Hyerin : Swear to the TV
Suga : Yes
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Pig
Video : [Hyerin : Us laughing , stars in the sky , you looking tipsy , cold beers , cheers , what more can I ask for ?]
[B.E walks out : ...]
[V : A midsummer night's sweetness~]
[Myungdae : This is new]
[V : So sweet , so sweet~ yum]
[RM waves : Long time no see , how've you been ?]
[LE points self : I've been the same , working hard]
[RM : How about you , still dating that guy ? Oops , sorry you broke up , nice to see you anyway]
[LE : How time flies , look how far we've come]
[RM : But you haven't changed at all , still so pretty , I'm kidding , no I'm serious]
[Myungdae : That was cool]
[LE : Blushing cheeks , garden full of memories blooming with 'Remember' ? Colourful flowers of stories and laughter]
[RM : I want to tell you something , I said you know I used to like you , and you said]
[Hani & V : 'I know']
[RM : I must be drunk , don't mind me ]
[LE : Cheers , errday like today]
[Junghwa : Hot night]
[Bomseok : Ooh]
[Junghwa : Can't sleep , I called you after thinking , didn't know you'd come out]
[Jimin smiles : Tickling breeze , us laughing , stars in the sky , you looking tipsy , cold beers , cheers , what more can I ask for ?]
[Solji : A midsummer night's sweetness~ ]
[Myungdae : Kk~]
Solji : Why ?
RM : He might like it
Video : [RM nods : We are like]
[Solji : So sweet , so sweet~ yum]
[Suga : Hold up]
[Bomseok : Ohh]
[Suga : What's this song playing right now ? *shrugs* Hold up , it's on the top of my tongue , I don't remember , sing along the melody , cool night air , let's walk , an excited jump *moves finger* You run off , how cute you are *smiles*]
[JHope : Soon you freak out about a bug...]
[Jin whisper : Ahh]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [JHope holds laugh : Then two shadows overlapping under the streetlight *walks to Hyerin*]
[Hyerin & JHope : One]
[JHope : This moment]
[Bomseok : Ooh]
[Hyerin & JHope : Two]
[JHope smiles : So happy]
[Hyerin & JHope : Three]
[JHope wraps arm around Hyerin : Fingers laced and]
[Hyerin & JHope : Four]
[Jungkook : A midsummer night's sweetness , don't want to wake from it , a midsummer night's sweetness , just like today]
[Jimin : Hot night]
[Suga : Whoo]
[Jimin : Can't sleep]
[Suga : Yes]
[Jimin : I called you after thinking , didn't know you'd come out]
[Hani : Tickling breeze , us laughing , stars in the sky , you looking tipsy , cold beers , cheers , what more can I ask for ?]
[Jungkook : A midsummer night's sweetness~]
[RM : This is like]
[Jungkook : A midsummer night's sweetness~]
[RM nods : We are like]
[Jungkook : So sweet , so sweet~ yum]
[RM : I had fun today *points Junghwa*]
[Junghwa : So fun~]
[RM : Good to see you]
[Junghwa smiles : Same here~]
[Jungkook waves : Good night , sleep night]
[LE & Jungkook : You have a sweet dream]
[Jungkook : Looking at you , there's nothing more I ask for]
[V : I was happy]
[Hani : So happy]
[V : So happy]
[Hani : Me too]
[JHope : Good night , sleep night]
[Jimin & JHope : You have a sweet dream]
[JHope : Hugging at you]
[Jimin : There's nothing more I ask for~]
[V : A midsummer night's sweetness~ A midsummer night's sweetness~ So sweet , so sweet~ yum]
[Solji : A midsummer night's sweetness~ ]l
[Suga : This is like]
[Solji : A midsummer night's sweetness~ ]
[Suga : We are like]
[Solji : So sweet , so sweet~ yum]
[Jin claps : Ah , that reminded me of that part change]
Jimin : Oh no...
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Bomseok : What's going on ?]
[Jungkook : Where are we going ?!]
[Hani : The beach !]
[Jin : Don't shout , your voice cracked]
[Hyerin : Wah~ the beach is so nice !]
[JHope : Noona , over there !]
[Jin : 'Cause baby it is summer !]
B.E : Oh ?
LE : He knows
Junghwa : Indeed a B.E member
B.E laughs : Haha
Hyerin : His English is cool
B.E : Ohh !
Video : [Jungkook gets up : Hey come on guys , let me escape far away from this city]
[Myungdae : This song !]
[V & Jungkook : Let's make it as memorable]
[Junghwa : One memory]
[B.E : Get !]
[Hyerin gets up : Except for your friends , loser I don't need you cruiser *points V*]
[Jin : That's right !]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [V : Everything *nods* what do you think ? It's now or never *pretends to push camera*]
[Jimin : Blow the wind , we'll outlaw this wilderness , don't be afraid my friend...]
[B.E : One two three !]
[Hani gets up : 'Cause baby it is summer , summer , the sun can't even sleep *smiles* 'cause baby I'm a thunder , thunder , I will do everything what I want now]
[JHope : Eat an ice cream when the weather's still hot *wraps arm around LE* put your feet in the fresh cold water]
[LE nods : 'Cause baby it is summer , summer , yeah baby we are hotter than the sun *looks at JHope*]
[Bomseok : Let's go!]
[RM points : The sun shines in the sky , I built sand castle for the memories with my friends , the chorus of this cool waves~ *puts microphone out*]
[Myungdae : Waves~]
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [Myungdae : There !]
[Suga : Take a tube made of the sea blue sky]
[RM : Fly fly]
[Suga points : I want to go there and there , there's so many thing I'd love to do *wraps arm around LE* In one ice cream]
[B.E : Cream !]
[Suga : On other sunscreen]
[B.E : Cream]
[Suga smiles : I want to take a picture of this movie now *looks at LE*]
[Jin makes face : ...]
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : What was that ?
Video : [Jungkook : It's fine if it's us because we are]
[B.E : Avengers !]
[V gets up : 'Cause baby it is summer , summer , the sun can't even sleep , 'cause baby I'm a thunder , thunder , I will do everything what I want now]
[Solji : Eat an ice cream when the weather's still hot *pulls Junghwa* put your feet in the fresh cold water *wraps arm around Junghwa*]
[Myungdae mouthing : (Pretty)]
[Junghwa smiles : 'Cause baby it is summer , summer , yeah baby we are hotter than the sun *winks*]
[Jin : Oh~]
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Video : [Hyerin looks at B.E : I'm a bit embarrassed doing this *smiles* but now I have you~]
[Jin smiles : ...]
[JHope walks to Hyerin : There's just only one thing I want *smiles* let's live like this sometimes *hugs Hyerin*]
[Hani smiles : Let's never change it , anywhere I am , promise I'm with you *points*]
[B.E does heart : ...]
[Myungdae : Whoa~]
[Jungkook & Solji : 'Cause baby it is summer]
[Solji : Oh~]
[Jungkook : Summer , the sun can't even sleep]
[Jin : Chasing on the stage ?]
V : Hyung was disturbing Noona
LE : Right
Jimin laughs : No
Video : [Jungkook : I will do everything what I want now *points Solji*]
[Solji : Eat an ice cream when the weather is still hot]
[Hyerin : Ice cream~]
[Solji : Put your feet in the *holds microphone*]
[RM : Fresh cold water *covers face*]
[Jin : Oh ?]
[Hyerin : Yeah baby it is summer]
[Jin : Taehyung's sitting around the edge of the stage]
[Jimin : Oh yeah yeah yeah]
[Suga : Ayy]
[Jimin : 'Cause baby it is summer]
[RM : Ayy ayy]
[Jin laughs : Haha]
[Jimin : Oh~ oh~ yeah]
[JHope : Yeah]
[Jin : Good job , good job]
[Myungdae : Solji-ssi's pretty]
Junghwa : Unnie got a fan
Solji : Thanks , Myungdae-ssi
Video : [Jimin laughs : Noona chased me into orbit]
[Suga : No one told you to disturb her]
[Jin : Oh , boyfriend Yoongi here]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : Some of the members aren't here so they're getting ready for something]
[Bomseok : Myungdae is here for his crush]
Hani : Crush ?
Video : [Myungdae : She's really pretty]
V : Who ?
Video : [Jin : I'm sorry but... your crush is a Noona]
LE : One of us ?
Hyerin : Solji Unnie ?
Video : [Myungdae : For real ?]
[Jin nods : ...]
[Bomseok : Then... not Solji , it's Solji Noona ?]
[Jin nods : ...]
JHope : For real , it's Solji Noona !
Junghwa : Unnie is stealing hearts
Solji : Was I charismatic in that Vlive ? I looked tired ?
V : Don't know
Video : [Myungdae : It's okay]
Jungkook : She has a boyfriend~
Hani : A jealous one here
Jimin : I'm not jealous *laughs* No
RM : Caption
Hyerin : 'PD-nim , please cut this out'
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : Goodness]
[Myungdae : The lights went out]
[LE : It's scary]
[Jin : Why-... *jumps* Was that Junghwa ?]
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Why me ?
Suga : Maybe because it sounds the same as yours
Video : [Jin : Who's that ? Noona looks scary]
[Bomseok : What is this ?]
[Jin : Why's there so many sound effects ? *cups ear*]
LE : Gosh , he's scared
JHope : Noona , go hug him
Video : [Jin : Is Kookie on a tricycle ? *holds laugh* No... why ?]
[Myungdae : He's too big for that]
[Bomseok : It's a kids bike]
[Jin : The members looks scary...]
Junghwa : I would say this is nicely planned
JHope : Me too
Video : [Myungdae : That looks pain]
[Bomseok : Yeah]
[Jin : Noona's approaching Kookie]
[Hani : A midsummer night raining something terrible happened tonight]
[Solji pushes Jungkook : ...]
[Jin : That looks fun]
[Jungkook removes mask : I was alone when I fell asleep but someone's standing in my room *backs tricycle up* I'm sure I'm seeing this , what's wrong with me today ?]
[JHope : The dials in my room look strange]
[Jin laughs : What are you ?]
[JHope : Even the reflection in the mirror doesn't seem like me]
[RM pulls JHope's shirt : ...]
[Jin laughs : Haha]
[Solji : Then the phone rang and I knew it was a dream , but why do I keep looking back ? Feels like someone's looking at me]
[Hyerin removes hat : I don't know , what happened to me ? Is this a dream or not ? I don't know , all night long~]
[Junghwa : Everytime I sleep , it repeats , nightmare nightmare *runs to Suga*]
[Jin : He won't get scared , Jjong-i . Oh , what's wrong , Hyelini ?]
[Bomseok : This isn't a horror house]
[Myungdae : It's a cartoon *laughs*]
Hani : Ah... we worked hard on that
RM : It's okay , we had fun
Solji : Right
Video : [LE : Non-fiction]
[Jin : Ooh]
[LE : My blood freeze , someone wearing loose white clothes *points Hani* In front of the door]
[Hani laughs : Haha]
[LE : It's blue all around , I'm doubting my eyes away , hiding myself under the covers , please make me not see you]
[Jin : I got goosebumps and FREE had the same reaction]
LE : I saw
Jimin : Noona had a different feel
Video : [Hani : Why do I keep looking back ? I don't know , all night long~]
[Solji : I don't know , what happened to me ? Is this a dream or not ? I don't know , all night long~]
[Hyerin : Everytime I sleep , it repeats , nightmare nightmare *scares RM*]
[Jin laughs : Cute]
[V scares fan : ...]
[Jin : Taehyung , you made a fan cry]
Jimin : Uh-oh...
V : Sorry !
Video : [Junghwa holds laugh : As if it never happened]
[RM : But then I hear a strange laugh]
[Suga pretends to laugh : ...]
[Jin : That was on point]
[Bomseok : That was scary]
[Junghwa : No way~]
[Myungdae : Oh]
[B.E dances : ...]
[Jungkook rides tricycle : I don't know what happened to me ?]
[Jin : Ah~ you guys made a dance !]
Junghwa : Yes , we did !
Video : [Solji pushes Jungkook : ...]
[Jin : Kookie is spoiled by Noona]
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : I agree
Jungkook : Hyung !
Video : [Jin : Oh , Hyelin's using my mic . When ? Weren't you using yours ?]
JHope : It was having problems
Hyerin : Yes...
Video : [Solji : Jungkook , you like it ?]
[Jungkook : I like it~]
[Myungdae : Seems fun]
[Bomseok : You're lucky]
[Jin smiles : Yes]
[Bomseok : Your members can act]
[Jin : You need to watch 'One More Day TOGETHER']
Hyerin : Right !
Suga : I wanted to say that
Junghwa : Great mind thinks alike
B.E : Yeah~
Video : [LE : This Jigsaw has trouble with his tricycle]
[Jin : Right , how to play 'Saw' then ?]
[Jungkook : Noona helped me]
[Solji : A civilian just helped you]
[Bomseok : But that was smart]
[Myungdae : Yeah , and fun]
Video : [Hyerin : Yes , I'm Death Note !]
[Jin : Oh ?]
[Jimin laughs : Really ? This Death Note doesn't seem scary]
[Hyerin : Where's my notebook ?]
[Myungdae : Ohh]
[Jin : Hyelin said I look like Light Yagami , she even gave me a figurine...]
Hyerin : I did
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jin : If she's Death Note and I'm Light Yagami , we're a team]
Solji : Oh ?
Hyerin : I didn't plan this
Suga : It's fated
Jungkook : It's a perfect match
Video : [V : I-I scared a fan just now , sorry]
[Jin : Bad]
[Myungdae : I hope they're okay]
V : I seem like a bad guy now...
LE : It's okay
Hani : It's over
Junghwa : Right
Video : [V : It was a quick get-up]
[LE : I know , but you still did good]
[V : Yes , thank you]
[RM : So... want to explain why our summer is wild ?]
[Jimin laughs : Haha]
[Jin : Gosh]
[LE : There's romance , also...]
[B.E laughs : Haha]
[Myungdae laughs : Haha]
[Jin : Don't... don't , Noona]
[Jungkook : We were on a trip]
[RM : Yes , to the beach]
[Suga : Did you see our beach house ? *points screen* Just now]
[Crowd : Yes !]
[Bomseok : Is it real ?]
[Jin : No , no]
Hyerin : Shh... don't let them know
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Solji : We didn't sleep well]
[JHope : There was a ghost]
[Jimin : I'm getting goosebumps]
[Jin : Me too]
[Hani : But it's okay , because Autumn is coming]
[Junghwa : And we won't get that nightmare ?]
[Hyerin : Nope !]
[Junghwa : What a relief]
[Myungdae : Yeah]
[V : Oh , does that means we have to go back and change ?]
[Jimin : Our butts will freeze]
[Solji & LE : 야 !]
[Jin holds laugh : You had to]
[RM : Alright , let's go ! Fight back at home...]
[Myungdae : Oh no...]
B.E laughs : Haha
Video : [Jungkook : Noona...]
[Solji : Walk !]
[Hyerin : You're heavy]
[Suga : Only Solji Noona can push him]
[Solji pushes Jungkook : Spoiled brat]
[Jin : Agree]
[Hani : Video... start]
[Jin : But it's cute , madnae and Maknae]
[Myungdae : I'll be honest , he doesn't look like a maknae]
Jungkook : Oh , thank you
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Video : [Bomseok : Do you like it ?]
[Jin : All 12 of us can pair up with anyone]
JHope : Can we ? *looks around*
RM nods : Pretty much
Video : [Jin : Let's watch the video]
Solji : Okay , anyone ? *pause video*
Hyerin stretches arm : Tired...
RM : Let's go clean up our lunch
Hani : And toilet break
RM : And toilet break
LE : I don't want to watch 'Fall' and 'Autumn Sleeves'
Suga : Me too
V : Why ?
Jungkook : Too sleepy
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Go go go !
Hyerin stretches : Ngh~
Hani : ... ?
Jungkook : Noona's happy
Hyerin nods : We didn't even know he was there
Junghwa thinking : I did
JHope chuckles : But Hyung doesn't talk much anymore
Jungkook : Maybe's he's enjoying it
Hyerin : Yes
LE : 'Dangerous' ?
Hani nods : Are you okay ? The members seems shocked about the answer
LE : Well... it's true , we'll change it the next time
Hani laughs : More than 'Swim Good' ?
LE : Maybe , that's professional level
Hani : Right ? But it's nice
LE : Yes
V : I was shocked too
Jimin : I mean... there's many guys like that , maybe he likes her as a fan
V : Right... but it's seems like a crush
Jimin : Whatever , Noona's taken
V : Ooh , Hyung~
Jimin laughs : Haha

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