19th January , Sunday

15 0 0

Dorms , 11.45...
Solji : Alright
Jimin : Don't you have work ?
Solji : No
RM : Why ?
Junghwa : You don't want Unnie around ?
Jimin : No... just asking
Solji : Let's go
RM : You know , a lot of people wanted Hyerin Noona , but we chose to have Jimin
Jimin : Hyerin Noona !
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Ask her to return from her radio show and replace me , I want to go on a date with Noona
Jungkook : Oh ?
Junghwa laughs : What was that ?
RM : We only have one spectator today
Solji : I sort of want to to see how Hoseok , Hyerin and Yoongi reacts
Jimin : Me too
Jungkook : It'll be a mess *laughs*
Junghwa : Should we start ?
RM : Yes . Noona , do you wanna cue for us ?
Solji : Sure *puts phone away* 3 , 2 , 1...
Jimin : Whoo , finally got Noona ! Hey wait Noona , is there something wrong with you ? You're looking a little taller... and built . Hyung , I think we got the wrong person
RM : So today we're going to be playing 'Can you escape a kidnapping ?'
Jimin : Whoo !
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : So excited
Jungkook : Yeah , I'm excited
RM : You'll be fine if you don't go out , but if you're anyone famous like... like us
B.E laughs : Haha
Solji : Don't brag
RM : You need to be aware so today we're going to play that quiz
Solji : He looks so smugged now
B.E laughs : Haha
RM holds laugh : Number one , you're walking down the street . Someone jumps you and tries to put you into their van , what do you do ? A , don't restrain because you might get hurt even more . B ; Kick , fight , punch , stab in the eye , scream as loud as you can . Or C , try to have a conversation with them
Jungkook : B , final answer because I'm not going to go on without a fight
Solji : Sounds like Kookie
B.E laughs : Haha
Jimin : Yeah , what other answers is there than B ? 'Oh hey nice young chap , I would appreciate it if you sure didn't take me in this van' , like what ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji thinking : Jimin...
Junghwa : I was going to say C but then...
Jimin : Wow
Junghwa : You convinced me
Solji thinking : It's okay , Jjong-i
RM : Alright , B is the answer
Jimin : Wow , I'm shocked ! Goodness !
RM chuckles : You know some people don't resist because they don't want to be awkward or cause a scene
Junghwa chuckles nervously : Hehe
RM : Yeah , some people do pick A and they don't try to fight because they don't want to get hurt , but the potential of escape outweighs the danger of resistance . However , let's say you fail to resist and now you're in their van , what do you do first ? A , do you keep on talking to see what they sound like ? B , do you stay quiet and be observant on why you're being kidnapped ? Or C , try to jump out of the truck ?
Jimin : We're blindfolded , right ? And are we tied up ?
RM : You're tied up
Jimin : Then don't jump out of the car , you'll get 3 feet before they stop the car so it's probably best just to sit down and enjoy the ride
Jungkook : I mean the answer to like talk to them , and like hear their voice or whatever , that's better than nothing right ?
Solji : Agree
Junghwa : I would say jump out because you never know what's gonna happen once you reach the destination
Solji : Really ?
Jungkook : Maybe when they're-... when you could tell they're like at a red light , then you jump out
Junghwa : Right
Jimin : But then wouldn't it make it easier for you to get caught again ? If they're moving then they would have to stop , go back , get out and get you because you have some time with that but with stop lights , 'oops , he got out , let's get out and grab him'
Junghwa : As long as you can start a commotion
Jungkook : Right
Junghwa : Yeah , you have a higher chance of being saved because people will see that
RM : I'm surprised
Solji : Me too , Junghwa is someone who would reason with a kidnapper but jump out of a car
B.E laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Please edit Unnie's voice out , yes
Jimin laughs : Haha
RM : If you have the opportunity to jump out , you should
Jimin : What ?! Impossible , you'll fall on your face
RM : After a certain while of being kidnapped , the percentage of kids dying gets higher and higher
Junghwa : Mm
Solji : Ah , they're in a child's view ?
RM : Yes
Jimin : Okay
RM : Unfortunately , you couldn't jump out because the door was locked . Now you're at their hideout , they haven't killed you yet so they want you alive . The kidnapper is in front of you with the mask on , what do you do ?
Jimin : Punch him
Junghwa : Why ?!
Solji : Can you even ?
Jungkook : I'm tied down in my head
Jimin : So spit at them
RM : Pardon ? *laughs*
Junghwa : Is this your boyfriend ?
Jungkook laughs : Is there a multiple choice ? I want to-...
RM : You could give them a silent treatment... you could rapport with them , befriend them or you could make their lives miserable
Jimin : Just start screaming ? Yada yada
Solji : Sigh...
RM : Yeah , just be like annoying
Jimin : Why wouldn't you be annoying ?
Junghwa : So they don't shoot you ! 'Geez , this kid is so annoying !'
Solji thinking : Junghwa's annoyed
Jungkook : This is off topic but have you heard of that phenomenon where people fall in love with their kidnapper ?
RM & Jimin : Stockholm syndrome ?
Jungkook : Yes , I don't want that to happen so I'll keep quiet and don't say a word . I'm just talking to them and 'Oh , what's your favourite movie ?'
Solji : 'Avengers'
Jimin : For real ?
Jungkook : And I'll go 'I like that too~'
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : I'm going to stay quiet
Junghwa : I want to talk...
Jungkook looks at Junghwa : Pardon ?
Junghwa : 'Why am I here ? I need to know'
Jimin : Obviously it's for ransom , we're all not families with political politicians I guess
Jungkook : I-is there some other reason they're keeping you ? Some other reasons that I can't mention
Solji : 야
B.E laughs : Haha
RM : Oh my...
Junghwa : It is possible
Solji : I thought Kookie was getting to somewhere serious
Jimin : He said something I would usually say
Solji : Right !
Jungkook thinking : But what was Junghwa Noona's reaction ?
RM : All 3 answers have been chosen and the answer is to build rapport
Jimin : Be quiet Hyung , you're wrong
RM : Of course you should keep your dignity but talk to them , befriend them so whatever they're doing to you psychologically... it's harder for them to kill , rape or harm a person who is now a human being to you
Jungkook : Ooh
Junghwa : That's smart
Jimin : Wasn't that what you were thinking ?
Junghwa : N-no ?
Jungkook : Pardon ?
Jimin laughs : Haha
Solji : Okay , Junghwa
Junghwa : Why ?
Solji : Look how upset your members are , especially Kookie and Joonie
Jimin : They're protective of Noona , I'm a little upset but it's Noona's strategy
Junghwa : Ah , thank you
Jungkook thinking : Wasn't that what you were thinking , for real... ?
RM clears throat : You tried to build rapport with them , they haven't killed you yet . You've been locked up here for awhile , what do you do on your spare time ?
Solji : Junghwa's good at this
Jimin : Because she's a homebody ?
Solji nods : ...
Jungkook : Think of comic ideas or video ideas ?
Junghwa : Pardon ?
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Wow , that's exactly what I would do too
Jungkook : Write a novel
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : No , no , I'd think of what I'd mention in the video that I'm definitely going to make about getting kidnapped
Junghwa : That would make a good story
Solji : Right
RM : I've been kidnapped
B.E : Not click bait *laughs*
Junghwa : Right , literally the truth !
Solji : What's wrong with my maknaes ? Goodness~
Jimin laughs : Ahaha
Junghwa : But you know how someone's kidnapped or locked up , they would spend their time training
Jungkook : Oh , right
Junghwa : And then there's training sequence and they're like...
Jungkook : Doing push-ups and everything
Junghwa : Uh-huh
Solji : I feel like that would be Kookie's routine
RM : Alright , workout is perfect . You need to have a routine which always makes time go faster , if you have the right mentality to survive , you're more likely to survive
Jimin : Can't I sing a high note and break a glass ?
B.E laughs : Ahaha
Solji : Please don't ask stupid questions
RM : Oh , you heard the police breaking into the house
Jungkook : Alright !
RM : They found you , how do you react ? A ; sit tight , don't do anything . B , scream for help . C , run out if you can run out . What would you do ?
Jimin : I'd murder these cops !
Jungkook : What ? No !
B.E laughs : Ahaha
RM : What ? I don't get you
Junghwa laughs : Unnie's face
Jimin : He got to you , you're on his side now
RM : Stockholm syndrome got the best of him
B.E laughs : Haha
Jungkook : Noona , how do you feel ?
Solji : No comment
Jimin : I mean... if my kidnapper is Noona , I don't mind
B.E : Ooh...
Solji : 야 , the viewers might think of something !
RM : Yes *holds laugh*
Solji : Especially after the love language episode
RM purse lips : ...
Jungkook laughs : Ahaha
Junghwa : This is my first time seeing Oppa being scared of Unnie
Jungkook sniffs : I would definitely put my hands up because that's the first thing you do when a police is present and... I would wait for 5 minutes . If they haven't found me , I would walk out with my hands out
Jimin : Seems like a good idea
Jungkook : What if we're like in a basement underneath the rug , and the police aren't going to find us ?
Junghwa : What if they remembered 'Oh right , we had a prisoner' and they came back to kill us ?
RM : So the answer can be either A ; not say anything and lay on the ground , or B ; shout for help but stay in the spot . One thing you should never do is run out screaming because the police are likely in a tense situation when they're breaking into a house where there's potential armed people , a kidnap situation . They don't know what you're gonna look like... like after a month , just remain where you are , lay on the ground . If they come in to say your name , just say-...
Jungkook : 'I'm a good guy'
Solji : Ah , cute~
B.E chuckles : Hehe
Jimin : Or something
RM : Congratulations ! You've escaped , whoo ! *claps*
Jimin : Yay~
Jungkook : Whoo~
Jimin : All Jimin !
RM : And if you guys want to learn more , we have prepared some links for you in the description
Junghwa : Yeah
RM : Thank you for joining us
Maknaes : Thank you
Jimin : Stay safe
Junghwa : Right
Jungkook : Bye~
RM chuckles : Hehe
Solji : And... cut
Junghwa claps : Yay~
Jimin laughs : Haha
RM : Junghwa's answers really amaze me
Solji : You would really try to talk to the kidnapper but jump out of a van ?
Junghwa : Well... yes
RM : I mean Junghwa can really talk her way out
Jimin laughs : Haha
Solji : You're brazen *smiles*
Jungkook : Noona would befriend them ?
Junghwa : Yes
Jimin : Why ?
Junghwa : Because screaming would make it worst and if you befriend them , they might give you the food and water you ask for
RM : Pardon ?
Jimin laughs : Food and water is important ?
Junghwa : Yes , I want to live !
Solji : I think Junghwa is referring to something
Jimin : What ?
Solji : In one of her drama , she was kidnapped
RM : Oh , really ?
Jungkook : That... 'Mask'
Junghwa : Right !
Jimin : And you asked for food ?
Jungkook : But you had a mask
Junghwa : But the kidnapper is a fan , so I talked to him like a friend and I was saved
Jungkook : Ooh...
RM : I don't know , sorry
Solji : Go watch it
Jimin : Yes , we have to . Kookie , you didn't invite us to watch
Jungkook : ... ?
Junghwa : It's okay , you don't have to
Jungkook : Noona was great
Solji : 야 , Jungkook's a pervert
Jimin laughs : Haha
Jungkook : No
Solji : What were you thinking about ?
RM : He's going shy
Jimin : Leader-nim , I'm more surprised at what Noona said
RM : So sudden ?
Jungkook : Right
Junghwa : 'Leader-nim'
Jimin : ...
Junghwa : And I agree with Jungkook , they really could kidnap a person for any reasons
Jungkook : See ?
RM : I saw Noona shook her head
Solji : I think Jimin has took too much Hyerin lessons , because he sounded like Hyerin
Jimin laughs : Really ?
Solji : Maybe worst
Jimin laughs : I wanted to make it fun
Junghwa : Just be yourself
Jungkook : But he was quiet after
Jimin : I had nothing to say
RM chuckles : Alright , that was a great recording
Junghwa points camera : And we still have extra behind the scenes
Jungkook : I find it interesting , the fans will know that Solji Noona was with us
RM : However it won't be posted very quickly
Junghwa : Ah , like a montage video ?
RM : Yes , that was the idea
Jimin : Why ?
RM : Because we just started this series
Solji : Ah , for extra content ? When B.E is on break ?
RM : Yes
Jungkook : Still cool , the fans can see our after recording conversation and how the whole thing was recorded
Junghwa : Our dorm is bugged when we record this , that's the feeling
B.E laughs : Ahaha
RM : Alright , let's keep the cameras
Junghwa : Mm
Solji : I can't wait to read the fans' comment
Jimin laughs : Me too
Solji : You're an attention seeker
Jungkook : 'Leader-nim'
Jimin : Solji is mine
RM : Oh ?
Junghwa : That was unexpectedly expected
RM : Your wordplay will kill me one day
Jungkook laughs : Haha
Solji : Let's keep the cameras
B.E : Yes

Jin's discharge [D-385]

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