23rd January , Thursday

10 0 0

Dorms , 09.45...
LE : ...
Hani : I'm going off
LE : Yes
Jimin : Me too , hold on
Hani : If I leave the door open , it'll be cold in here
Jimin runs to Hani : Okay , let's go
Suga chuckles : Bye
Jimin waves : See you *close door*
Hani : See you later
Jimin : Yes
Suga sits down : Tired ?
LE smiles : No
Suga : You seem dazed
LE : I'm bored... it's too early
Suga : A little
LE : What are you doing up this early ?
Suga : Don't act , you know
LE laughs : Yes... happy fake anniversary
Suga chuckles : Or we could have 2 anniversaries
LE : Soon , I don't want to celebrate it alone
Suga nods : Alright *kiss LE's head* One of my favourite time is when I'm alone with Noona *smiles*
LE : Does it remind you of that day ?
Suga chuckles : Sometimes , the casualties became a couple
LE : We aren't casualties *push Suga*
Suga : We were both unavailable for schedules
LE : Still , I was sick and you were injured
Suga nods : Yes , yes
LE : What's our plan for today ?
Suga : Well... something
LE laughs : What ?
Suga : We'll go out of course , if not ?
LE : We don't have to if you don't want
Suga : I want to... right , I got something *gets up*
LE : Pardon ?
Suga : Hold on
LE : You bought something ?
Suga : Wait for me , I'll show you *walks into room*
LE : Alright *checks under table* Luckily... *hugs cushion*
Suga walks to LE : You know , yesterday when Noona asked about B.E
LE : Mm
Suga sits down : There were some things I want for B.E but it's going to take awhile
LE : What are they ?
Suga : I'll tell you later
LE nods : Mm
Suga : First *hands doll* Ta-da
LE laughs : What is this ?
Suga : This is a Yoongi doll
LE chuckles : It's cute
Suga : Does it look like me ?
LE : Yes , cuter than you too
Suga makes face : I bought it so Noona won't forget me
LE : I'll sleep with this , you can sleep with Shooky
Suga : Noona~
LE laughs : No , I must be crazy to sleep with a Yoongi doll when I have the real man here
Suga smiles : ...
LE : It's been awhile since Shooky saw his dad
Suga : That's because Noona don't let me visit her house
LE : Right
Suga : What are you hiding ?
LE : Definitely not another man *laughs*
Suga gaps : Noona , you were hiding someone in the room
LE : I was but it wasn't a man , how could you say that ?
Suga : Because Noona snatches a lot of people's heart...
LE chuckles : Want to see a magic trick ?
Suga : Magic trick ?
LE lifts fist : Blow
Suga : ... ? *blows LE's fist*
LE flings hand around : Zoom zoom zoom...
Suga laughs : What are you doing ?
LE : Alright , alright *takes box out*
Suga : You had that underneath the table ? I didn't notice that
LE laughs : Happy anniversary... Oppa
Suga smiles : You didn't had to
LE : I haven't really gotten you anything , it's okay
Suga opens box : Let's see what Hyojin bought for me
LE : Yes , I hope you like it
Suga : Do I stink ?
LE : No , the members said you like this cologne , I thought I'd get it for you
Suga : I'm kidding *chuckles* Thanks
LE : There's more
Suga lifts speaker : Are these Bluetooth ?
LE : Yes
Suga : In white too *smiles* What's this ?
LE sighs : What do you think ?
Suga : Why ? *laughs* Don't sigh
LE : Since you like to skip your meals so much... these are like diet bars ? They will fill one meal with one bar
Suga : Is this healthy ?
LE : Our mangers give it to us when we have to diet
Suga nods : Thanks
LE : At least I know you ate
Suga smiles : Should we go out ?
LE : Sure
Suga gets up : Let's go
LE gets up : Please no more rollercoaster
Suga laughs : No , I won't force you like the members
LE : Great , thank you
Suga wears coat : But... I feel like staying here
LE : 야
Suga : No , we're alone... *helps LE wear coat* we can do whatever we want
LE : Are you sure you can stay here alone ?
Suga : Don't tease *opens door* You didn't had to bring that up
LE : You were being stubborn
Suga : Now I'm embarrassed *locks door* Ah
LE laughs : Let's go
Suga holds LE's hand : Let's have some fun in the winter~ hooyah
LE : ... ?
Suga : Adventure of Yoongi and Hyojin , yeah
LE : You're crazy
Suga : Because I'm happy , hooyah
LE holds laugh : Let's go , little prince
Suga : Yes !

BANANA CULTURE building , 13.56...
Suga : Where are you bringing me ?
LE : You'll see
Suga : Aren't the members here ?
LE : No , why would they be here ?
Suga : Practice
LE : For ?
Suga : B.E ?
LE : I'll kill you
Suga : This is a different corner , this is not the recording studio
LE : Yes *unlocks door* Please enter , hello and welcome
Suga : Wow , is this-...
LE nods : Welcome to LE's Producing Room
Suga : It looks quite similar to mine
LE : But yours have a little more space
Suga : Noona's room looks cozy but... what is that ? *laughs*
LE : A mess *laughs*
Suga : Why is it so messy ?
LE : 야 , look away
Suga laughs : But it's really clean *sits down* not what the members say
LE : It's not as tidy as yours *sits down*
Suga : I mean... it's Noona's vibe , it doesn't matter as long as you're comfortable
LE nods : True
Suga : It's really cosy , I'm going to sleep here
LE : 야
Suga : It's really nice...
LE : We can rest here a little , we've been been out since 9 something
Suga lies down : Noona
LE : What's up ?
Suga : Let's talk *smiles* This is a nice place to talk , who knows if the dorm is bugged
LE laughs : How can the members still not believe us ?
Suga chuckles : If it's bugged , we're dead either ways
LE nods : 'Happy fake anniversary' , they'll start asking
Suga : Also... are we going to tell them ?
LE : I want to , to see their reaction
Suga : Ah , but we're going get scolded
LE : Right *laughs*
Suga : When should we ?
LE : If they ask... but of course before your enlistment , I'm sure you want to see their reactions too
Suga : Yes , I would love to
LE : So what was your plans for B.E ?
Suga : It's not big but...
LE smiles : What ?
Suga : It would be cool to have our own variety show
LE : It'll be chaotic
Suga : But it's not worth it , for the medias
LE : What else ?
Suga : I know that BTS have a busy schedule... I wish B.E could have more vacation , concert and maybe have SOULFUL to debut
LE : Despite the busy schedules , I see that you guys still make time for us *smiles* I'm grateful for it
Suga : I won't ask for awards because B.E is not an idol group , it's a family that you never spend time with but they're always there for you
LE thinking : No... that's BTS' place
Suga : I hope you guys will do well too , be happy
LE : We will , alright ?
Suga nods : Is there anything Noona would like to do ?
LE : Me ?
Suga nods : Let's do it together
LE : Is there anything you would like to do ?
Suga smiles : Play one last game with Noona
LE : Sure , my skills have levelled up
Suga : Because I taught you how to play
LE : What else ?
Suga : Go on a trip with Noona again
LE smiles : If we can , we have a busy schedule
Suga : There's a lot of things but it have to wait...
LE : It's okay *leans in* I'm all yours after your enlistment
Suga : Lie down
LE lies down : ...
Suga : This is a small couch , goodness
LE laughs : Haha
Suga hugs LE : Let's take a nap
LE : Mm
Suga kiss LE's head : We should talk more , I like it
LE : Agree
Suga chuckles : This is how we spend my first time in the producing room
LE : Hate it ?
Suga : No , it's funny and not how I expected it to be
LE : That expectation was 3 years ago *chuckles*
Suga : Right , I need to see past things now
LE : Nights
Suga laughs : Nights *smiles*

Jin's discharge [D-381]

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 3 : Moving On TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now