10th March , Tuesday

6 1 0

Dorms , 4.57...
Junghwa : Mm
Suga : Alright ?
Junghwa : Yes~
Suga : Don't sleep on the couch
Junghwa : I won't
Suga : You will
Junghwa : Oppa , safe trip *giggles*
Suga : Rest , don't tire yourself out before the comeback
Junghwa : I might be going out later
Suga : Gosh , Junghwa-ya...
Junghwa laughs : Sorry
Suga : You know I take care of you like a sister , right ? Don't let that go to waste
Junghwa : Yes
Suga : I'm going , tell Noona for me
Junghwa : Yes ! *waves*
Suga waves : ...
Junghwa : I don't need taking care of... *walk up stairs*

Blind Alley , 8.46...
Junghwa : Delicious
Sehun : Delicious ?
Junghwa nods : The atmosphere is nice too
Sehun : Right ?
Junghwa : It's cozy... not a lot of people passes by
Sehun : It is called the 'Blind Alley'
Junghwa laughs : Right
Sehun : How have you been ?
Junghwa nods : Well , you ?
Sehun : Great *smiles*
Junghwa : Right , do you know ? I was on a dance sport competition with Kookie
Sehun : I think I heard about it
Junghwa : We filmed the last episode that day
Sehun : Ohh , who won ?
Junghwa : I can't tell you , you have to watch for yourself
Sehun laughs : Alright , I have to watch from the first one
Junghwa nods : Yes , everyone worked hard
Sehun nods : ...
Junghwa : Right , we have a comeback on the 14th
Sehun : 14th ? On White Valentine's ?
Junghwa : Yes
Sehun : Ohh , I thought the members would want some time off
Junghwa : It was suppose to be on the 13th but due to some reason , we had to move it to the 14th
Sehun : Ah...
Junghwa : Oppa said to think of it as a White Valentine's gift to the fans
Sehun : Oh , that's smart
Junghwa : Right ?
Sehun nods : That would be nice
Junghwa : Ah... let's continue eating
Sehun : Yes , yes
Junghwa : Are we walking down here later ?
Sehun : Yes , we should check out some shops here
Junghwa : I heard there are some new ones
Sehun : We'll go check them
Junghwa : Mm

BigHit Building , Room , meanwhile...
Jiwoo : What ?
RM : I thought we could do some painting
Jiwoo : I don't mind but this room is too pretty to paint in
RM laughs : We'll clean it up after
Jiwoo : Isn't painting too early ?
RM : I don't mind , more time together
Jiwoo chuckles : Hehe
RM helps Jiwoo removes jacket : Have fun and splash
Jiwoo : Just splash ?
RM nods : ... *helps Jiwoo wears apron*
Jiwoo : Hey... I can wear it myself
RM : I prefer to help you *kiss Jiwoo's head*
Jiwoo : Oppa , here *helps RM wears apron*
RM chuckles : Let's start
Jiwoo : Just paint ?
RM : Today , we'll paint our stress out
Jiwoo : Then... *paints on canvas*
RM : Ohh , nice colour
Jiwoo : Right ? Also... *dabs paint on RM's apron*
RM gaps : You can't do that
Jiwoo laughs : It's fun
RM : Are you going to paint me ?
Jiwoo : Oh , can I ?
RM chuckles : No , no
Jiwoo : Why not ?
RM : No
Jiwoo laughs : Alright *paints on canvas*
RM paints canvas : ... *dabs paint on Jiwoo*
Jiwoo gaps : Oppa ! *dabs paint on RM's nose* Oh ! *laughs*
RM : This is war
Jiwoo : Bring it
RM : You're free on the 20th , right ?
Jiwoo : Mm , why ?
RM : We have a B.E schedule that wants to feature you and Sejeong
Jiwoo : What's it about ?
RM : It's a secret , only the emcees know
Jiwoo : Do you know ?
RM : I know what is it , I don't know how it's prepared
Jiwoo : I'm guessing... are you interviewing me and Unnie ?
RM : No , it's not like that
Jiwoo : Me and Unnie... it has to involve with our dating life
RM nods : You're close
Jiwoo : I'm curious
RM chuckles : You'll see , don't worry
Jiwoo : Mm
RM : We're having a B.E comeback on the 14th
Jiwoo : Mm , I saw your teasers
RM : I won't be free in the morning , is it okay if we go out in the evening ?
Jiwoo : Shouldn't you rest ?
RM : It's White Valentine's...
Jiwoo : Still
RM : Just the evening
Jiwoo : Dinner only
RM : Aw...
Jiwoo : We'll see , okay ?
RM nods : If I'm not tired , it's more than dinner
Jiwoo : Yes *whiffs brush*
RM : Now I'm polka dot
Jiwoo & RM laughs : Haha

Dorms , meanwhile...
Message : [Yoongi : I have arrived !]
[Soul.G : Okay~]
[Yoongi : If I don't reply , I'm sleeping]
[Hani : 야 , spend time with your family please]
[Jimin : ㅋㅋㅋ]
LE : Kookie's not awake yet ?
Hani : It seems that way
LE : He's usually up early
V : How do Noona do it ? She woke up at 5 to send Hyung off and now she's out with Sehun Hyung
LE : That's Junghwa
Hani : She has that energy
V : It's admirable
Jimin : I agree
LE : Please don't talk with your mouth full
Jimin covers mouth : Sorry *laughs*

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 3 : Moving On TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora