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Being locked in this room reminded me of the first time I came to this house.  No way to know how long it had been since I was put here or how long it would be before I got out. No guarantee that I would get out.

The key in the door sounded like angels singing when I finally heard it. I knew I hadn't been trapped more than a few hours, but it still felt like I had been locked in for years. I rushed over to the door to wait for Blake to open it and tell me I could come out. I felt like a dog waiting for its master to arrive.

"Blake, I'm so sorry. I won't-" I started my apology, but I cut myself off short when the door opened and another unfamiliar face stood in the doorway.

"They're waiting for you in his office," the man said. "I've been asked to take you."

"Who's waiting for me?" I asked as I rushed out of the room. I wasn't sure that what waited for me in Blake's office would be much better, but I enjoyed my moment of bliss knowing I was free from that room.

"I was instructed not to make conversation with you," the man said. He spoke like a soldier answering one of his officers. He continued to follow me up the steps without another word until we reached the doors to Blake's office. "They're ready for you."

He opened the door for me, but made sure to stay outside of the entryway. Almost like he was afraid of what was inside too. I slowly stepped inside the dimly lit office and looked at the familiar surroundings. Where I had first met Blake. I could remember him being so kind and gentle, but still so protective and strong. 

Looking at him glaring at me from his desk, all I could see was this cold and dark side he had been giving me since I had returned. It was hard to imagine that was even the same person. Marlben sat on the couch with that awful fake smile he kept plastered on his face. They both watched me the same way. Like a predator watching its prey, waiting for that fatal misstep that would provide their next meal.

"Hello dear," Marlben said with his usual dead tone. "It's always so nice to see you again."

"Jade," Blake spoke up, clearly annoyed with his father's charade. "I trust you've had some time to think about it. I'd like for you to tell me exactly how you got here."

I took a moment to think. All I could remember was Marlben in my apartment and running. Then I woke up in Blake's bed. Blake didn't believe me when I told him that the first time.

"I think we should ask your father," I tried to sound brave as I spoke, but I was still afraid of the way Blake had reacted to me earlier. Marlben was the only one who could answer his question.

"I asked you." He said plainly.

"No," Marlben spoke up. "Perhaps she's right. I do know how she got here. I brought her."

"You what?" Blake glared at his father and the look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine.

"I brought her back," Marlben repeated.

"What gave you the idea I wanted her back here?" 

Well, that hurt a little to hear.

Marlben stood up and gave a smile that made me want to hide. He was the predator that didn't need his prey to misstep. He was the predator that had already set a trap for the prey to run right into and I had. I had stepped into his trap and now he stepped in for the kill.

"You know that we have to tie up our loose ends, son." Marlben's tone took on a hint of concern for possibly the first time in his life. "She would destroy us if given the chance. Just look at what she's done to you and she makes no moves to repair the damage she's done. Instead, she spies and collects information on the things that you're doing. She fought me to stay in her old life, like coming here to be with you was the worst thing that could possibly happen to her. She even asked me to kill her instead. I think it's time you made a decision, Blake."

"What decision is that?" Blake leaned forward in his chair and waited for the response.

"Are you man enough to make a bride out of this excuse of a woman," Marlben sneered down at me like I was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen, "or are you going to take the easy way and get rid of this problem permanently?"

Blake looked at me for a moment. He sat and watched me, lost in thought about something he clearly deemed incredibly important as he leaned over his desk and ran a hand across his smoothly shaven chin. What he said next would not only decide the rest of my life, but it would decide the length of my life.

Returned (Book 2 of the Stolen Collection)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora