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   I woke up to a door slamming. Blake threw his coat and tie onto the couch as he entered. He had started unbuttoning his shirt when he noticed I was awake.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I sat up. He didn't answer or look at me as he went into the bathroom and shut the door. I went over to the door and lightly knocked. "Did I do something? I thought that-"

The bathroom door swung open to reveal a shirtless Blake. His pants sat low on his waist, but the look on his face kept me focused.

"What?" He raised a brow.

"I just-" I wasn't sure how to form the words. "I wanted to know if you were okay?"

"I'm fine." He said flatly. "I'll have Kore take you back to your room."

"But I-" he closed the bathroom door without another word. I felt my face heating up as my blood boiled. I couldn't believe he was acting this way now. "Grow up Blake!"

I stormed out the door of his bedroom and got as far as the stairs before I felt his hand on my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" He growled. "I said I would have Kore take you."

"So you can keep giving me these mood swings and bullshit?" I yanked my arm away from him. "I may be here as a victim, but let's not forget the rest of the story. I was in love with you and I thought you felt the same. You sent me away unwillingly and I was brought back unwillingly. Did your dear old dad ever tell you what I said when he came for me? I know he did. I heard him. How does it feel to know I would rather be dead than be here with you?"

I gasped as he shoved me against the wall. He had his hand on my throat and the look in his eyes terrified me. I started to try to fight his hand away and he held my arm against the wall. He leaned in with a dark glare and I felt myself starting to shiver under it.

"I want you to understand one thing, Jade." His fingers tightened around my throat as he spoke. "You can fight me all you want and try to escape even, but know this, if I can't have you, no one can. If you leave this house or try to rebel, I will kill anyone who helps you. I'll make you watch. You thought what I did tonight was bad? Just wait till you see what I do to them. Then you'll go back to your room to be alone. The only other option is me."

"Kill me," I said quietly. "Kill me, Blake. Please. I don't want this life with you. You're not the same man anymore. You've become your father and I would rather be dead than be with him. Kill me."

His eyes softened for a moment before he shoved me away from him. He started to walk away but stopped at the door to his bedroom. He leaned against it for a moment.

"Go back to your room, Jade." He said over his shoulder. The way he stood looked so defeated. 

"I don't understand you anymore," I called to him. "You used to be the one I thought I wanted forever. Now I think I don't even know who you are, but that's not true. I know exactly who you are. You've become your father and it scares the shit out of you to admit that."

"Jade," he spoke so quietly I could barely hear him. "Go back to your room and leave me to sulk in peace."

I started to argue with him again, but I felt a soft hand touch my arm. Kore.

"Come on, sweetheart. You've hurt each other enough for one night." She guided me with her down the stairs.

"Jade," Blake called from the top of the stairs. He looked broken. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be this way. I know it's not that easy to just forgive me. I was lying when I said I would treat you like my mother was. I can't do that anymore. The only reason I sent you away is the same reason I'm realizing I shouldn't have kept you this time. I put my business and my life in danger when it comes to you. They were right to call you my weakness."

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