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"Get in the fucking car," Jim said as he tried to shove me into the back seat.

"Fuck you, pig." I spat at him.

"Get in the car or I'll take you up on that offer, little girl." He pushed me against the side of the car as he spoke. He let his hand roam under my shirt and I shoved him away. "Get in."

"Am I suddenly too good for the trunk?"

"Keep it up and you'll ride with your dead friend." He stared at me, waiting for a reaction.

"She's not dead!" I tried to shove him, but he caught my hands.

"Yet." With that, he successfully shoved me into the car. I tried to get out and fight, but he grabbed me and began to bind my wrists before tying a cloth over my eyes. He buckled me in and closed the door. A moment later, he got into the front seat and started driving.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out."

"Who are you taking me to?"

"Stop asking questions."

"Just tell me what's-" I tried to ask before he interrupted.

"Shut up!"

I sat in silence for the rest of the ride. It felt like a very long and awkward ride, I couldn't even look out the window to pass the time. I kept thinking back to Kore. The last time I saw her was on the entryway floor, bleeding out. Who was going to save her? Would Blake get there in time?

"We're here." Jim finally spoke. "You had better be on your best behavior or I'll make sure to kill that girl as soon as I get back."

I heard his door open and slam before he came to mine. He yanked me out of the car and pulled me along with him. I stumbled up the stairs and heard a door ahead of us opening.

"You're late." Someone said.

"Where is he?" Jim asked, ignoring the comment.


Jim led me down an almost straight line for a while before knocking on a door. Someone flatly called for him to enter before he opened the door. He pushed me inside and down into a chair.

"I must apologize for my tardiness. I couldn't-" Jim started to give him a reason, but suddenly went silent.

"Judging by the bruises and dried blood, I think I can assume she gave you trouble?" A voice asked. I couldn't see where the voice originated from through the blindfold.

"That's all she ever does," Jim sounded annoyed.

"She's feisty, huh?" The voice sounded intrigued.

"I'd call it annoying and willful, actually."

"I can break her."

"I don't doubt that, sir."

"So we agreed on ten?" The man's tone changed.

"No," Jim sounded nervous as he corrected the man. "We said twenty."

"Twenty million?" The man chuckled. "Just to go pick her up? I could've done that."

"Sir," Jim tried to laugh, but it sounded more like a nervous squeak. "We said twenty. I have to leave the country now, why would I do this for ten?"

"I don't know, Jimbo," the man sighed. "Why did you?"

"I will be hunted for this." Jim sounded angry now. "My life here is over. We said twenty so I could get out of here and start again."

"You'll take the ten and I'll let you leave. Keep trying to argue with me and I'll make sure you don't." The man held a tone that spoke volumes and I knew it terrified Jim.

"Yes, sir," Jim sighed heavily and I heard his footsteps grow distant.

"Now," the man spoke in my direction. "Let's see my prize."

I heard a chair squeaking as he stood up and footsteps approaching me. I wanted to run, but couldn't even stand up. The blindfold was gently pulled away from my face and the dimly lit room revealed the man in front of me. He was older, probably nearing his thirties. His blonde hair was kept neatly pushed to the side in a tapered cut that looked as though it needed a touchup. He glared down with blue eyes that felt like they stared into my soul. Every visible inch of skin from the neck down was covered in intricate black ink designs.

"There we go," his faint cigarette breath wafted into my face as he spoke. He untied my wrists and slowly helped me up. "Now let's get you to Bianca. She'll get you out of these bloody clothes and bring you back for me to see if there's any improvement in how you look."

Ignoring his strange comments, I followed him to the door. An annoyed looking woman stood there with a small backpack on. He pushed me toward her and closed the door behind me. The annoyed woman pointed a finger down the hall for me to go and she followed me.

"Third door." She said flatly. I did as she said and found myself in a large bathroom. "Get in the shower."

"Are you going to stand there and watch?" I asked hesitantly.

"Relax," she rolled her eyes. "I'm not perving on you, I have to help prepare you."

"Prepare me," I spoke mostly to myself. "Makes me feel like a Thanksgiving Turkey."

"Well," she turned on the hot water and motioned for me to get undressed. "The goal is to make you delicious."

"Great." I sighed as I hesitantly got undressed. She busied herself in her backpack as I got into the hot water. The now crusty and dry blood washing away did feel incredible. I jumped as she yanked back the shower curtain.

"Sit down," she ordered. I did and she immediately started scrubbing my scalp with a fruity-scented shampoo. I had to close my eyes as suds ran down my face. She dumped a cup of warm water on top of my head suddenly and I felt like a child being washed. She handed me a loofah covered with bubbles. "I trust you can wash yourself while I condition?"

I nodded and started to wash myself as she scrubbed my hair. She then rinsed as I finished and brought a razor and shave cream over from her bag.

"Stand," she ordered. I did as she asked and she started on my legs. She shaved my legs, my underarms, and tried to shave more private areas before I pushed her away. "Your choice if you wanna piss him off."

"He's not gonna know," I said, suddenly feeling offended. "He's not getting anywhere near there."

"He gets what he wants, doll." She looked at me with a serious face. "Even if he has to take it from you. That's what they do."

I felt the blood drain from my face and grabbed the towel from behind her in a huff. She led me to sit in a chair so she could style my hair and do my makeup. She helped me dress in a tight black dress that ended high up on my thighs with a matching red bra and thong underneath. I was more than a little uncomfortable.

"Don't forget what I said," she stopped me as we left the bathroom. The look in her eyes told me she was speaking from experience. "It's easier if you just give it to him. You don't want him to have to take it."

Returned (Book 2 of the Stolen Collection)Where stories live. Discover now