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"Jade," Bellamy caught my attention from his desk chair. "What are you so lost in thought about, pet?"

"Nothing," I tried to smile. All I could think about was Blake. Bellamy was planning to kill him as soon as they found each other. After a week, I was wondering if Blake was even looking. Did he think it was stupid to try to come for me as Bellamy had said?

"You still miss him," Bellamy sighed.

"No," I tried to defend. "Of course not."

"I'm not putting you in the dark for being sad, Jade." He turned back to his computer. "I might for lying though."

"I'm sorry," I leaned against the wall and adjusted my collar.

"You were thinking of him?" He didn't look at me.


"Do you ever think of me?" He only barely turned his head to look down at me. I gulped.

"Yes." My voice cracked as I admitted it.

"Do you think I'll ever be the only one you think of?" He turned back to the computer, typing something as he spoke.

"No." I tried not to sound too harsh.

"You won't ever fall for me," he wasn't asking and I didn't respond. He chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment before he turned to me with a smirk. "So those thoughts you have, they're purely physical, huh?"

"Uhm," I was caught off guard. "I- I don't-"

"I was teasing you, Jade." He chuckled and started typing again. He smirked, "I think some pretty physical things about you too."

I felt my cheeks heat up. I knew he wouldn't act on it, he just thought it was funny to embarrass me. I heard a thud from down the hall and he must've heard it too as he glared over the edge of his computer screen. He stood up and quickly unlocked my leash, leaving the collar on.

"Stay here," he said handing me a key. "If you hear anything, run to the small room and lock the door."

"Okay," I nodded. I watched him leave the office. Part of me was afraid, but the rest of me was so excited, Blake was finally coming for me. I heard someone yelling and decided not to chance it. Bellamy had more enemies than just Blake.

I snuck out of the office, not chancing a look at whoever was yelling. It wasn't a familiar voice. I tried to hurry up the stairs to his bedroom. I did as he said and locked the door, leaving only the nightlight on. I sat on the floor beside bed and waited, ready to hide. I could hear someone shooting downstairs and more shouting. My heart dropped when I heard the bedroom door open. Someone was in here.

"Can you hear me?" Someone called out. They were searching for me. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from calling back. What if it's a trap?

I heard them moving around the bedroom and tried to be silent. The doorknob shook as they tried to open it. It was quiet for a moment until I heard a loud bang as they kicked the door, trying to break it. I felt hot tears trying to escape my eyes. I quickly crawled under the bed to hide as they kicked the door again. It wasn't a very thick door and I could see the light around the edges every time they kicked it. Another kick and I knew it wouldn't hold much longer.

"I know you're in there," the voice called. 

"Well," I heard Bellamy's voice. "I bet you knew I was here too then?"

I heard rustling and loud thumps around the bedroom before silence. I was terrified. I could only imagine someone searching Bellamy's body for the key. The silence seemed to stretch on forever until I couldn't handle it anymore and hurried to unlock the door and peek out of the room. Bellamy was beside an unconscious man, going through a phone that wasn't his.

"This kind of thing is the reason we can't work together with others," Bellamy glanced up at me. "These men were our allies, at least they pretended to be. They came for you, but I'm not sure why yet."

He stood up, tossing the man's phone onto his chest before pulling out his own and walking out of the room. The man was still not moving and I began to wonder if he was dead. I picked up his phone and started to look through the contacts for a familiar name. If I called the police that put Blake in danger. The names in the phone didn't even remotely resemble anyone I knew from Blake, except one. Jim. Could it be the same, Jim? Only one way to find out.

"Hello?" a man answered. It was definitely him. "Is it done? Do you have her?"

I ended the call without a word. I needed to tell Bellamy this was set up by Jim, but then he would know I had tried to use the phone. I heard someone in the hall and threw the phone back down, stepping away. Bellamy was waving me to him, still on the phone.

He didn't speak to me, just the phone as we walked down the hall. He stopped at a door, opening it for me, and stepping aside. He grabbed my wrist as I passed, putting his phone down for a moment with a serious look.

"Stay safe," he said softly. He leaned in and kissed the top of my head. "I'll come back."

He turned and left me with that and I found myself worrying about where he was going. I still needed to tell him about Jim. I looked to the room where Bianca waited and then at him as my chance was quickly leaving. I decided it was worth the risk, he had to know.

"Bellamy?" I called. He looked over his shoulder, putting his phone down again. "You should know, it was Jim."

"What was Jim?" He turned to face me with a confused look.

"Jim sent them."

"How do you know?"

"I-" I hesitated, worried he would put me back in the dark. "I looked in the phone."

He looked thoughtful for a moment before he nodded and turned away. Bianca guided me into her room as he left. I was afraid of what he would do when he got back.

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