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Chef Fellers fell at our feet and I rushed to him as Kore tried to close the doors. A man's boot in the door held it open and he shoved it back, hitting Kore in the face. Crimson began to drip from her nose and spread across her pale skin as she hit the ground. I stood up beside the unconscious Chef and stepped forward toward the unknown man.

"Who are you?" I tried to sound brave, but knew I was failing. I stood straighter. "What do you want?"

"If you have to ask," the man stepped further inside, closing the door and smirked. "Then you're not important enough to know. Who are you?"

"The woman who will defend this house." My voice cracked, but I was still proud of myself for being able to speak. "I suggest you leave."

He let out a hearty laugh and held his side for a moment. He lifted his hand with the gun and I watched in horror as Kore jumped and wrapped her tiny frame around the mans back. She slammed her thin fists across the sides of his head and I took this opportunity to slam my heavy glass down on his skull.

I was shocked to watch him fall and Kore hurried to grab his gun. She pointed it at him as I rushed back to Chef Fellers. He was now surrounded by a growing puddle of blood and I pushed him over onto his side to reveal the source.

"He's been shot, Kore." I found myself resisting the urge to gag as a thick red splurt of blood sprayed out. I held my breath and put my hand over it to slow it down. It was warm and felt like hot syrup sliding between my fingers.

"Where?" She didnt take her eyes off the man on the ground.

"His chest," I felt the blood draining from my face and felt faint. She must've noticed because I felt the back of her boney hand on my head as she slapped me.

"Don't you dare faint. He needs you!" She spoke sternly and I tried to pull myself back to reality. I quickly pulled off the shirt I was wearing and used it to cover his wound and hold pressure. I pushed the end of it into his open wound and heard him groaning.

"Do we have a first aid kit?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know!" She yelled at me. I could hear her panic and looked back to see the man was starting to move.

"Kore," I began to panic too. "Do you know how to use that?"

"Uhm," she looked nervously at the gun in her hand. "I think I get the idea."

"Is the safety off?" I asked watching the man grab his head for a moment.

"You're supposed to leave the safety on!" She cried.

"Not if you're about to use it!"

"I don't want to use it!" She held it out away from her and I watched the man roll over onto his side to start getting up.

"Looks like you have to!" I yelled at her. She took the gun in both hands and I heard the click of the safety. She squeezed her eyes shut as the man slowly stood in front of her. "Open your eyes!"

I heard her scream and she slammed the gun down on the man's head repeatedly before he fell back to the ground. I was in complete shock as I stared at her blankly.

"I mean," I finally came back to reality as I looked back and Gallel Fellers bleeding in front of me. "That's one way to use it. Go find first aid quickly or he's going to bleed out."

She hurried away and I held the now crimson shirt tighter against his chest. He was still bleeding too fast. He needed zpacks and a doctor immediately. I leaned in close to listen to his quickly slowing heart rate.

"Don't leave us, Chef." I said softly my eyes were brimming with tears. "Who's gonna bring me food and argue with me?"

He was fading in and out of consciousness and I knew he wouldn't last long like this. He looked up at me with heavy eyes and gave me a soft smile before he opened his mouth to speak. I leaned in closer to hear him.

"Nobody eats jelly on eggs." He said with a pained chuckle. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me.

"That's because nobody gives it the chance, sir. You stay here with me and I'll bring you to the dark side. You'll serve it that way." I smiled.

"Oh no," he smiled. I could tell he was still in pain, but as long as he still felt it there was hope. I just had to keep him talking. "I better not make it then."

"You wouldn't do that to me," I chuckled as a tear slipped down my cheek. He was one of my first friends here. I couldn't lose him.

"I'm trying not to," he whispered seriously.

I heard the door jiggling and felt Gallel stiffen slightly under my hands. Tears ran down both cheeks as I began to panic. We stared wide eyed at the door.

"Run," he whispered to me. I shook my head and kept the pressure on his chest. He grabbed my hand with what strength he had. "Go now."

"No," I sobbed out before I screamed. "Kore!"

No answer came. Chef Fellers held onto my hands on his bleeding chest as we watched the door shake as someone was forcing it open.

"Kore!" I screamed out with a sob. "Blake!"

The door burst open as another man stumbled in. He was another stranger. He looked right at us as he regained his balance and raised his gun. I didn't even have time to scream before he fired a shot that left my ears ringing. Hot blood splashed up on my face and Gallel Fellers body went limp under my hands. I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

I looked down at the man I still held pressure on. There was a massive hole in his head. The scream that erupted from my lips wasn't one of fear, but of pain. I could hear my vocal cords crackling as it rang through the halls.

Dozens of men raged up the stairs to get inside and I heard another shot over my screams. Arms wrapped around me pulling me away and I couldn't even fight. My scream cut short as I finally fainted.

Returned (Book 2 of the Stolen Collection)Where stories live. Discover now