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"Just gonna leave without saying hello?" He chuckled.

"I was planning on it," I still didn't turn to face him. Every step he took closer, I took another step forward. I didn't have a plan,  I just knew I wanted to get away.

"Well," I could hear it in his voice that I was amusing him. "That's a little rude isn't it?"

"So is showing up here to kill me." I tried to hurry down the stairs, but he was right behind me.

"You knew how this worked from the beginning, Jade." He didnt sound nearly as breathless as I felt as we speed walked down the sidewalk. "You get sent away and you've got to be kept quiet."

"I haven't told anyone," I called behind me as I picked up the pace and started to run. "You know that! You don't have to kill me."

I felt his hand on my arm and I was yanked back into Marlben's chest. I considered screaming, but that would draw too much attention and I'd be killed for sure.

"When did I say I was here to kill you today?" He said calmly.

"You said you had to keep me quiet," I tried to catch my breath. I barely ran 30 steps. Geez, I'm really out of shape.

"But I didn't say kill you," he pulled me back towards my apartment.

"Then what are you planning?" I uselessly tried to pull away from him. He didn't answer,  just kept walking like I was a lightweight bag on his arm.

"Well," he spoke calmly as he opened the door to my apartment. "If I can keep my eye on you, I know you'll stay quiet."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm taking you home Jade." He placed me on the couch and stepped in the direction of my bedroom.

"Home?" I followed him and watched as he started filling a suitcase with my things. I felt anger bubbling up in my throat. "I am home."

"What do you mean?" He continued packing like I hadn't said anything. "Blake is your home."

"No," I grabbed his hand to make him stop. "I'm staying here."

He looked at my hand placed on top of his with a heavy sigh before looking up to my face. He watched me for a moment to see if I would change my mind. I crossed my arms and waited for his response.

"Then you'll die here," he grabbed my arm and shoved me against the wall. I felt something cold against the side of my head and heard the click of the safety turning off. There was a gun to my head. "What do you think? Still don't want to come home?"

"He doesn't want me," I struggled against his grip.

"That's not my problem. The point is, I bring you back, then Blake forgives me." He sounded more insane than usual. "He's been off since you've been gone. He either misses you or wants you dead. The outcome is not my problem, so you'd be better off taking your chances with him."

I thought about it for a second. I missed him. I wanted nothing more than for him to knock on my door and beg me to come back with him, but he didn't come. He didn't even send anyone. This was all Marlben and Blake doesn't want me at all. Blake didn't even know he was here.

"If he missed me, he knew where to find me. Do it." I dared him. "I'd rather be dead."

I glared into his cold eyes and waited, but I wasn't ready for what came next. The electricity bolted through me as he jumped back and put a taser to my neck. I felt myself hit the ground before I really knew what had happened.

Returned (Book 2 of the Stolen Collection)Where stories live. Discover now