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"He was more than just a cook," Blake spoke in a loud clear voice at the end of the table. I stood behind him and watched him speak. He looked powerful standing at the head of the table in his suit. He had this energy around him that demanded your attention. No one dared look away from him for even a moment. The men stood lining the table as the maids lined the walls, a few of them wiping their eyes. "He was a friend to those who needed him. He was kind to even a stranger. He was a part of this family as much as any one of us.

He will be sorely missed. As we enjoy this dinner tonight, I want us each to take a moment to remember him. Not as a man who has passed, but as he was. As a man who lived each moment with purpose and always found a way to make things happen if you needed him. A man who will remain unforgotten." Blake pulled out the chair beside his for me and I took a seat, followed by the rest of the men. Blake sat down last, at the head of the table, and immediately food began to flood from the kitchen to fill the table.

No one spoke as they passed the food around the table, filling their plates. Blake filled mine as he filled his and gestured to each item for me to nod, but I wasn't paying attention to anything that passed before me. I was lost in thought, wondering who had cooked this food.

I constantly thought back to that first time meeting Chef Fellers. The way he had protected me and the bread he gave me. He did this without knowing so much as my name. Every time he crossed my mind, I remembered watching him die. I remembered my screams and the blood. It made me sick.

I picked at the cheesy potatoes on my plate and felt Blake's hand on my back as he gently rubbed back and forth. I knew he was trying to comfort me, but I still remembered the way he had been before. I wasn't sure if I could trust it, even if I wanted to.

"Jade?" I heard Blake say my name in my ear. "Can I ask what those potatoes did to you?"

"Huh?" I was drawn back from my thoughts to find I had turned my cheesy potatoes into mashed potatoes. "Oh, sorry."

"Lost in thought?" He smiled. At moments like this, I remembered the way things were when I was here the first time.

"A little," I tried to laugh. He pat my arm and turned back to his food. I looked out at the men sitting at the table eating. I was the only woman at the table. The staff rushed in and out of the kitchen, but none of them sat with us. "Where's Kore?"

He put another bite of chicken in his mouth and gave me a stern look from the corner of his eye that said not to ask. I looked back to my food and picked at small nibbles at a time.  Blake continued to stare out across the table at the men as he ate. He seemed to be contemplating something heavy. He didn't say anything else throughout the meal.

As everyone finished, I expected them to get up from the table and leave the room, but no one moved. Blake still watched them from his seat. No one spoke.

"Now," Blake said in an even tone. He did not raise his voice for the room as he had done before, only spoke at a regular volume. Somehow that made it seem more threatening. "I do believe the time has come for a little pest control."

No one spoke or even moved. They all watched Blake. He was silent for a moment before standing up from his chair. He gently lifted my arm so I knew to follow him. He didn't look at me as he led me around the table and gently guided me to stand against it with a gesture he didn't let anyone else see. The maids had stopped filtering through the room and all of the men still sat in their chairs as Blake slowly circled the table.

"I'd like to think I could trust those I let into my home, but of course, that can't always be true. Sometimes a rodent can sneak in while you've got your back turned. These particular vermin can cause a lot of damage before anyone notices them, but I'm not all that worried about it." Blake smiled as he spoke the last sentence. Across the table, I watched Ronnie and another man stand up before silently joining Blake behind the chair of a calm-looking man. He didn't seem nervous at all as Blake leaned down over his shoulder with a smile and said, "because I know how to deal with a rat."

The two men at his side grabbed the man by his upper arms without a word and the man still remained calm and collected. The two men led him out of the room and all of the men stood to follow until I was alone in the room with Blake. He motioned for me to come with him and grabbed my hand as we walked together towards the basement I had been kept in when I first arrived here.

"Close your eyes when we get to the bottom of the stairs. Ronnie will guide you, but you have to look present and able so don't make it obvious." He whispered to me as we walked. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, he squeezed my hand to remind me before letting go. Seconds later, a large rough hand was placed on my arm and guided me several yards forward. I kept my head down and my eyes closed as we walked.

"Do not open your eyes." I heard Ronnie whisper. I nodded in response. "Clap when you hear the men clap and keep your head down enough to hide your face, but not so far you look like you're looking away."

"Easier said than done, I don't know where to face," I mumbled back at him. I heard a slam in front of me and stopped talking to Ronnie. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what was going on, but I was too curious to ignore it.

"When did you come to join our little family, rat?" I heard Blake's voice in a teasing tone. He sounded like he enjoyed whatever was going on. I waited several moments and didn't hear a response. "Cat suddenly got your tongue? Or can you only speak when you're betraying those that took you in?"

"I refuse to play your game." A voice said calmly.

"But it's so much fun... for me." I could hear the smile in Blake's voice. His tone terrified me, he seemed to love every second of this. "Don't worry, if you don't wanna talk, I'll settle for screams."

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