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"Sorry, it took so long," Bianca nodded to Bellamy as she put me in the seat beside him and sat next to another man that I assumed would be Drake. He had similar features to Bellamy, but was messier and didn't have any visible tattoos. He was a bit heavier and didn't wear a suit. "I had trouble with getting Jade's makeup just right."

"Jade?" The other man smiled across the table at me. I looked at Bellamy and he had a small smile playing across his face. I realized this was the first time he had heard my name. "What brings you to us, Jade?"

"Kidnapping mostly," I gave the man a fake smile and earned a slight chuckle from Bellamy.

"Of course," the man was not amused. "How silly of me."

"Lighten up, Drake. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer." Bellamy smiled at him. 

Two more men entered the room. One was a younger man with dark hair and the other was a taller man with red hair and pale skin. They held hands as they walked and the dark-haired one smiled at me.

"Hi!" He sounded excited. "We rarely get to meet Bellamy's flings. I'm Mark and you are?"

"I'm Jade," I nodded to him. "And I'm not one of his flings."

"In denial?" The redhead laughed. "I'm sorry girl, he's not going to keep you."

"I certainly hope not," I smiled sarcastically.

"Enough," Bellamy said sternly. "Leave her be, Kenneth. I had her delivered."

"Oh," Kenneth sounded amused. "Finally decide to get a pet, Bells?"

"I took her from Blake." He said flatly. He leaned into the table as he glared at Kenneth. The table was silent. Kenneth's jaw dropped and no one dared to speak.

"I think we can all agree that we leave the girl alone," Bellamy spoke in a tone that said it was an order, not a suggestion.

"Well," Kenneth was clearly not afraid of his brother. "Jade! Tell me all about it! Is he terrible? Does he hit you? Do you like it?"

"No," I defended him without thinking. "He isn't like that. He cares about me. He wouldn't hurt me. I-"

"Enough!" Bellamy yelled this time. "We won't be having this conversation."

Two young men came into the room carrying trays and jugs. They placed them on the table to reveal plates of eggs, bacon, biscuits, and pancakes. The other man placed a jug of orange juice and a container of syrup.

"We should eat," Bellamy took my plate and put a bit of everything on it. He then worked around his brothers to make his own plate. He looked at me, still watching him. "You need to eat."

"Yeah," Kenneth laughed. "Stop drooling and eat your eggs."

"Do you want to be the reason she eats in her chains, Kenneth?" Bellamy stared at his brother and waited for an answer.

"You'd punish her over a joke?" Mark sounded shocked.

"I can refuse to allow you at the table too," Bellamy looked pointedly at Kenneth. He wrapped an arm around Mark and they finished their breakfast in silence.

"What's got you wound up so tight?" Drake asked as he chewed his food. "Is her pussy no good or are you just scared her boyfriend is gonna try us?"

Bellamy wordlessly stood up. He walked to stand behind Drake and suddenly grabbed him by the throat, slamming him to the ground and taking the chair with him. Bellamy stared down at him, daring him to retaliate. Drake didn't say a word and slowly got back into his seat. Bellamy came around the table and grabbed my plate.

Returned (Book 2 of the Stolen Collection)Where stories live. Discover now