"Don't you think you should see Peter one last time? See MJ?" Hudson asked as we walked toward the private airplane for SHIELD but I stayed silent. "Elijah? Send a text or something?"

"Elijah couldn't care less about me after Luke."

"That wasn't your fault."

"But it was." I said quickly, almost stopping in my tracks. "People like Luke don't just accidentally OD."

-3 years pass-

"I mean they haven't figured out who we are yet so we're pretty damn good at our jobs." Hudson joked and I chuckled at him. We placed our things down in our house.

"Yeah well, maybe they're just dumb. Sometimes you still forget my name even after two years." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh and," Hudson strided over to me, holding something behind his back. "Happy birthday, Leah." He pressed a simple kiss on my lips, making me giggle and handed me a cupcake in a box.

"Thank you." I smiled at him. "You didn't forget this time."

"If we're being specific, you didn't tell me last year."

"And I have to talk to you about something." I placed the cupcake to the side as I walked to the kitchen and sat down. "Fury is moving me." I nervously fiddled with my fingers as I saw Hudson's face drop.

"Us. Right?"

"No." I said in an apologetic tone. "No, he's moving me."

"W-what?" He stuttered. "Are you not happy here?"

"You know I am, with you." My thumb grazed his cheek. "But it's not my call. It's business."

He stayed silent for a few moments. "When?"

"Tomorrow night." I sighed and stood up, hugging Hudson from behind.

"And you just told me?"

"I just found out this morning, and didn't know how to tell you." I rested my chin atop his head.

He stood up, facing me.

"Where are you going?"

"Out the country." I pressed my lips together and watched him sigh.

I watched him think.

"Then I guess we got to make the most of it huh?" He said in a seductive tone and I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh really?" I said flirtatiously and jumped, as he grabbed my legs, my arms wrapped around his neck.

I panted as he trailed kisses down my neck as I felt him moving me up the stairs.

-4 years pass-

"Я принял достаточно побоев, это ничего. (I've taken enough beatings, this is nothing)" I spit the blood from my mouth onto the floor.

I had been tied to a wooden chair in an abandoned warehouse in Russia.

HYDRA had caught me reporting back to SHIELD, and they'd been interrogating me for the past hour, though really more like beating me to get information out of me.

"Вы ничего не знаете? (You don't know a thing, do you?)" The man gave a hearty laugh before backhanding me hard on the face, making me groan.

"Хотите объяснить? (Care to explain?)" I muttered in russian as I whipped my hair to the side.

The man laughed again before getting close to my face, making me squirm away.

"ЩИТ был скомпрометирован. (SHIELD's been compromised.)"

I felt chills run down my spine as I struggled a little more against the ropes, holding my arms down by my side.

"К тому времени, когда вам удастся выбраться из этого живым, вы опоздаете. (By the time you manage to get out of this alive, you will be too late.)" He paced in front of me.

I stayed silent and just glared as one of his men handed the pacing man a knife.

"Вы с ума сошли, если бы вы когда-нибудь думали, что я буду выступать за ГИДРУ. После того, что вы сделали со всеми. (You're crazy if you would ever think I'd advocate for HYDRA. After what you've done to everyone.)" I spat on his face when he got close and he punched me in the gut in rage.

"Вы должны быть осторожны, агент. Кто сказал, что мы ГИДРА? (You ought to be careful there agent. Who says we're HYDRA?)"

-5 years pass-

[Book 1] What We Have Have To || PeterParker fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ