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"Feel the weight birdie." Dad knelt down to me and placed the metal in my hands. I marveled at the shining black metal and shiver when Dad adjusted my hands around the grip. "You hold it like this, and put your finger here. You cock the gun." He grabbed my left hand to cock the gun back and adjusted it back onto my right hand.

I aimed it up to the target board on top of stacked sacks. He painted rings on it in red and blue.

"Ah ah ah." He hummed and pushed down the gun, pointing it to the ground. "Before you aim this at anyone or anything we gotta talk about this." I let the gun fall to my side and he moved my pointer finger off the trigger. "You may have heard this from somewhere, but never point your gun at someone if you're not taking the risk to shoot it. A life is very precious."

I blankly stared at him and nodded.

He stared both into my eyes and sighed while pressing his lips into a thin line. "Okay birdie. Imagine, someone holding the gun to Dad. If Dad died you'd be sad right?"

I nodded, frowning.

"Imagine a pretty mom, who has a wonderful family. A nice husband and a beautiful daughter living happily ever after." He looks down as if he was trying to remember it clearer. "It's traditional for them all to go to the baseball game every year, and they have a great time. Every day their little daughter comes home and her dad hides around the house so it's a little game for them 2 to play so he can get as much time with his daughter as he can. The mom plans a movie every night for her daughter because their dad can't make it every night sometimes. But one day, the mom never comes home. The dad comes home to find the little girl still wondering why she hasn't seen a movie that yet. It's because she died from a gunshot on her way home from the store." He breathed in a shaky breath. "And because of that reckless shot she left her beautiful family to crumble." There was a bitterness to his tone. He looked back up into my eyes and aimed the gun up, forcing me to look forward.

"Remember your other arm." He said. I pulled my left arm up and wrapped my hand around the grip. "Steady your breath and focus on your target. Let everything around you melt away as you squeeze your hand. Tense your muscles so you're not thrown back."

I stared at the red circle on the middle. I could hear my breath and heartbeat all at once, playing a song in my ears.

"And pull the trigger when you're ready." His voice echoed in my mind and I squeezed the trigger. The boom rang in my ears and the force hummed through my body from my arms.

Adrenaline rushed through me as Dad left my side and I lowered my gun to the ground. My lips curved as I watched him approach the target and run his fingers over the gunshot fracture in the wood.

"3 inches from the center." He looked back at me with bright eyes. "Not bad." He smiled, making me smile.

"Agent Griffon." A man in a suit with two other men dressed all the same walked up to me and Dad. "Teaching them that young?" He glanced at me as I watched him with curious eyes.

"Agent Coulson. I did." Dad walked towards me and I handed him the gun.

Agent Coulson said something that I couldn't hear and Dad's face hardened. He turned towards me smiling though.

[Book 1] What We Have Have To || PeterParker fanficWhere stories live. Discover now