Chapter 28

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You'll need this song. Trust me, you'll want to listen to it.

If it's not there the song is Bad Romance by Halestorm




Kora fell out of her bed, surprised as her brother yelled in her ear.

"What the hell Liam!?!" Kora hissed.

"Sorry." Liam grinned. "Only way to wake you up."

"There are plenty of other ways." Kora grunted as she got off of the floor.

"I tried." Liam complained. "But you wouldn't get up."

"Anyways, why was I awoken oh so rudely?" Kora asked.

"We are going to some sort of mall." Liam answered. "I think Papa said it was a space mall. Mom's not happy with it though."

"Let's go then."


"A space mall?" Jade asked with an eyebrow raised.

"It's just a regular mall." Shiro said. "Just with more alienish things."

Keith stood in a corner with Lance behind him. The taller male had a hand on the others shoulder as he whispered in Keith's ear.

"What's moms issue?" Liam questioned.

Allura chuckled. "The first and last time we went to the space mall, Lance flirted with just about every girl there."

"And mom thinks Papa will do it again." Kora clued in as she pet Kosmo.

"Come on, Keith." Lance whispered. "You know I'll only flirt with you and no one else."

"Promise?" Keith mumbled facing the male with his pinky out.

"I promise." Lance said, his pinky wrapping around his husbands.

"Is there anything specific we're looking for?" Owen asked.

"Just a few things we need for the ship." Hunk replied. "We're starting to run low on some supplies. And Earth is to far away from us."

"We have rules before we go." Shiro told them. "You will stay close to an adult. Don't talk to anyone, let the adults do it."

"Why are you looking at me?" The twins questioned tilting their heads to the side.

"Because you two have a habit of talking to people you aren't suppose to talk to." Juno stated.

"We do not." The twins said once again before looking at each other.

"Stop copying me!"

"Stop it!"

The two glared at each other and crossed their arms.


The two groaned and turned away from each other.

"Anyways, don't touch anything either." Shiro finished. "Understand?"

The kids nodded. "Understood."

"Shotgun!" Lance shouted suddenly as he ran towards the pods.

"What!" Hunk called out chasing after the male. "YOU GOT IT LAST TIME! IT'S SOMEONE ELSE'S TURN!"

Keith sighed and whispered under his breath about how immature his husband could be.

"Allura, Matt?" Keith asked. "Are you guys staying back?"

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