Chapter 14

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"Training time!" Shiro said. "Coran and Allura are going to put you through the same training we went through. But first, you'll bond with the lions."

The kids nodded. "Got it!"

Kora ran towards Red, and Liam ran towards Blue.

"Good luck brother!" Kora exclaimed as she waved at him.

"Good luck Kora."

Kora slid down the slide and made her way to her Lion.

"That was pretty cool!" Kora smiled.

"Hello Red." Kora whispered placing her hand on Red's force field. "Let's get to work shall we."


"We could always start on one of the Galra ships." Keith said as the adults stood in the control room. "I mean I'm not sure if it'll get us anywhere but it's a start."

"Yeah it is." Pidge agreed. "And it's not like anyone will be on the ships."

"Well than that's where we'll start." Shiro replied.

"I have to go get Kora." Lance mumbled. "She's got to take her meds."

Lily, Allura's friend who helped the paladins, gave Kora some medicine, just to help her not to go over bored and crazy when she's fighting.

The only good that came out of Kora getting hit with the magic, was that her ADHD was gone.

"I'll find the closest Galra ship." Allura smiled.


"Owen on your right!" Kora shouted as she watched the male get hit in the side by gladiator.

Liam watched as his sister started to sweat more than the others and how she was shaking badly.

"Jade." Liam mumbled to the girl. "We got to stop. Kora's going to loose it."

Jade nodded and waved up to Coran getting his attention.

"Code Purple." Jade mouthed to the man making him nod and stop the gladiator.

"I had him!" Kora screamed. "Put it back on!"

Lance walked into the room holding a glass and a tiny pill.

"Just on time!" Liam shouted at his Papa as Kora seethed in anger.

"We got a code purple in the training room." Coran announced over the intercom.

"Shit." Keith cursed running down to the training room.

This was the worst part.

You always had to time when Kora needs to take the pill. If you're too late then you may have to lock the poor girl up and will have to force her to take the pill.

Keith hated when they had to call the code. Because he knew there wasn't much he could do for his daughter.

"Come on Kora." Liam said as pinned his sisters arms down. "If you take the pill it'll give you more power! Then you can kill all your enemy's."

"That's true! Listen to Liam!" Jade shouted holding her legs down.

Kora stopped squirming and looked at Devin and Owen. "Is this true?"

Owen and Devin nodded quickly.

"We took it ourselves." Devin lied nudging Owen.

"Yup. Never felt more powerful." Owen played along.

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