Chapter 21

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Damn, Riverdale is intense.



"Where is he Lilith?" Kora questioned harshly. "Where the hell is Alec?!"

"Don't worry about your boyfriend sweet Kora. He's perfectly fine. Locked in a cell with his big brother."

"Why?" Kora asked. "Why did you kill his parents?!"

"Oh Kora." Lilith chuckled walking closer to the girl.

"You take one step closer to my daughter and I'll fucking kill you."

"Well well well. Isn't it Keith Kogane and Lance McClain." Lilith grinned.

Owen and Liam made there way closer to Lance and Keith.

"Guys." Liam whispered into his helmet. "I'm sending our location. Get over here ASAP. But be aware Lilith is on the ship. Watch out for anyone else who may be here."

"You got it. Stay safe." Jade's voice rang through.

"They were good people. Innocent people!" Kora exclaimed her anger and hatred growing the more she stood in front of Lilith. "And you went and killed them! I swear Lilith, I swear I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh dear Kora. It's going to take a lot more to kill me."

"You didn't let me finish." Kora giggled looking up at Lilith. All her shaking stopped.

"Dad." Liam mumbled taking a step back. "Um, I thought her loosing it stopped."

"I may not kill you today, or tomorrow. But I swear I will be the one to kill you." Kora said. "Now. I am going to ask one more time. Where is Alec and Gray?"

"I already told you Dear, they're on one of my ships safe and sound."

Kora deadpanned. "If they're anywhere with you and your people they are definitely not safe and sound. You have 10 seconds to tell me their exact location."


"This isn't going to be good." Liam muttered as the others appeared.


"Get ready." Owen spoke getting in an attack position.


Kosmo appeared beside the teenagers also getting ready to attack.








"Times up." Kora said lunging forward with bayard in hand.

Keith shot forward as Lilith raised her hand, which was swirling with magic, to slash at Kora.

The father quickly wrapped his arm around Kora and turned away from Lilith.



Kora froze as Lilith brought her hand down and sliced through Keith's skin.

"Daddy?" Kora whimpered as Keith's eyes widened as he fell to the ground.

"No no no no." Kora said holding her hand agaisnt the wound. "Come on daddy, don't leave. Please please. You're going to be okay."

Liam stood shocked to what he just witness.

She's dead.

Liam lunged at Lilith with his bayard raised, slicing her arm.

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