Chapter 3

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"Dad! Papa!" Liam cried out catching their attention as he ran towards them.

"Liam? What's wrong?" Lance questioned standing up and heading towards his son.

"It's Kora! She's in trouble!"

Keith didn't hesitate and flew off.


Kora breathed heavily as she stared at the men in front of her.

A few of them were on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Who taught you to fight kid?" The leader smirked.

Kora didn't answer.

"Silent huh. Let's see how silent you are when we take you with us!"

Kora shot forward with the blade in hand.

The leader took out a knife and clashed it against Kora's blade.

Kora slashed at the man.

"That's all you got?"

Two men charged at Kora and pinned her to the ground.

The leader grinned widely as he licked his knife.

"Hmm. My oh my." He said. "You have quite the skin. It's gorgeous. Where to mark you?"

Kora let out a whimper as the man trailed the knife down her cheek, leaving a trail of blood behind.

The man let out a laugh as he made a cut down her arm.

One of the others men there started to lift her shirt up revealing her stomach before a loud roar interrupted them.

"Oh shit!" Someone cursed.

"Daddy." Kora whispered as tears rolled down her face. "Help me."

The leader moved away from Kora as his lackeys were flung off the girl.

Keith stood over Kora as he stood tall and glared at the man before him.

"Don't hurt us!" A cry was heard.

But Keith didn't care. They hurt his little girl and they were going to pay.

Kora covered her face as a bright flame came from Keith. And before they knew it, the men were roasted to death.

Keith let out a growl as he seen Kora's cuts.

"I'm okay now." Kora said grabbing the blade of the ground and leaned up against Keith. "Thank you."

"Why didn't you keep running?" Keith asked finally speaking up as Kora got on his back.

"I just thought I could protect you and the others. They were chasing us." Kora said.

Keith flew back to the cave which was only about a minute or two away.

"You could've been Kidnapped! Or kept as a slave! Raped even! You could've been killed!" Keith snapped and landed by the cave.

"I know that!" Kora shouted making the others come out of the cave. "But if I ran away they would've kept chasing us! Eventually the would've caught up and taken us! If I didn't stop them then they would have us all!"

"Yes but if you led them back here we could've handled it!" Keith argued as Kora jumped off his back and stood in front of him.

"Well I was trying to protect you!" Kora cried out. "What if they brought backup?! People would kill to get their hands on dragons! If they seen you, or even if one person seen you, the would've brought others! Hundreds amongst hundreds of them! And not only would they take you but they would take us! And I couldn't bare the thought of loosing any of you! I had to protect you!"

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