Chapter 2

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Kora rested her body on Keith as she watched the clouds go by.

"This is relaxing." She said.

They had been flying for a few hours and then sun was starting to set.

They also haven't eaten since early that day.

"Let's find a cave or something." Jade told her father. "It's starting to get late. We'll want to find something before it gets too dark."

Shiro agreed. "Let's split up and find a cave. Whatever you do don't go far! Do you kids have your phones?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good! Send your location if you find a spot."

The group nodded as everyone spilt up.

"Keep Liam safe Lance!" Keith shouted as he flew away.

Lance nodded.

"How are you doing Kora?" Keith questioned as they looked around.

"I'm scared." Kora admitted. "I'm just scared that we aren't going to be able to turn you guys back."

"Everything will work out in the end." Keith soothed. "It always has and always will."

"I guess it's a good thing it's summer." Kora giggled.

"That's a very good thing. Or else you would be missing school." Keith said.

Kora's phone beeped signaling that someone had found somewhere for the night.

"That way." Kora said pointing in the direction.

Keith followed the instructions his daughter gave him and pretty soon they found Pidge and Devin outside a cave.

"It should be big enough for all of us." Pidge said.

The four waited patiently as the others arrived.

"So I wonder." Kora started. "Do you think you have some sort of magic abilities like the dragons in the story books do?"

Keith and Pidge shared a look.

"Maybe." Keith said as he let out a breath causing the Bush in front him to go on fire.

"Oh shit." Keith swore as he blew the fire thinking it would blow it out but instead it made it worse.

"So dad has fire powers." Kora giggled.

"Wow Keith." Lance's voice was heard as the Bush and the fire turned into ice."I leave you alone for a few minutes and you set things on fire."

"Papa has ice." Liam said as he got off Lance and stood next to his sister.

"Are you okay?" Kora questioned noticing her brother looked a little messier than he was before he left.

"Let's just say Papa thought he could squeeze into a space that was tiny, and then a giant boulder heading straight towards us but Papa froze it." Liam smiled.

"What the hell Lance!" Keith hissed hitting the male with his tail. "I thought I said to keep Liam safe! Not put him in danger!"

"I'm sorry okay!" Lance said. "I just thought I would fit!"

Keith sighed and lowered his head to look a Liam. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay Dad. Trust me." Liam said placing a hand on Keith's snout.

Keith nodded.

Hunk, Owen, Shiro and Jade arrived soon after.

"Let's go inside." Shiro said as the sun got lower in the sky. "We don't know what's out here."

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