"Thank you."

Kora nodded and faced the adults. "We have to save Alec."

"Hunk and Pidge." Shiro said turning to face them. "Go get Grey and get out of there quickly and safely."

The two nodded before running off in the direction of the arena.

Shiro turned to face the father and daughter. "Let's go save Alec."


A guard sneezed.

"Bless you." Hunk said. "You getting a cold?"

The guard shrugged. "I think so. There's no heat in this ship- wait a minute! You're a Paladin!!"

Hunk knocked the man out quickly. "N-no I'm not."

Pidge let out a chuckle. "Come on Hunk."

The two entered the arena, finding a line of people.

Pidge and Hunk rushed into action, knocking all the guards out.

"Anyone here named Gray?"

A hand was raised. "That's me. How do you know my name?"

"Kora." Pidge said simply.

Grey nodded understandably.

"Grey come with us. The rest of you, get to the escape pods now!"


"Let him go!" Kora screamed running into the torture room, her sword raised high.

"I didn't hear a please." Lilith grinned.

Lance stood in front of Kora in a protective manner as he glared the women down.

"Give him to me." Kora growled moving forward but was stopped her father.

Lance shook his head at the teenager. "Don't. Not yet."

"I haven't gotten to the good part yet." Lilith said as she pouted before her smirk appeared. "Get them."

Guards rushed towards the group, causing Kora to jump at them.

"Kora!" Lance shouted as he was separated from his daughter who was being swarmed by guards.

"Papa!" Kora cried out as she was overwhelmed with how many people crowded around her.

"Hang on!" Lance exclaimed pushing his way through the guards. "Get the fuck out of my way!"

Lance shot at a few of them and knocked the rest out with his weapon.

"Shiro!" Lance yelled. "Can you get to Kora?!"

"I can't!"

Lance swore loudly as his anger bubbled inside of him.

Kora's scream made his heart drop as he watched his daughter get thrown across the room.

A roar was heard, before the ship shook.

"I gotcha!" Hunk's voice shouted.

Lance let a sigh of relief escape from his mouth as he ran towards them.

"I'm okay." Kora groaned gripping her arm.

"You guys." Pidge said standing in front of them in a fighting position. "We got more."

"We have to get Alec and get out of here!" Gray exclaimed.

Kora lunged at the table that her best friend was laying on.

She quickly cut through the bondage that was holding him to the table.

"Let's go!" Kora shouted.

Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now