Liam nodded and let out a sigh.


"So she's not on Earth." Allura said with a frown.

"Meaning she's out in space somewhere." Shiro replied placing a hand on his chin. "I guess it's time to build another Castle of Lions."

The group nodded.

"Time for an Adventure." Hunk said stretching.

"Pidge, Hunk, Coran will go to the garrison to get started on it." Shiro said. "We'll try to get it just like the Castle. Or something similar in a way."

"Just make sure it has the main things." Lance sighed. "Like the training deck, the rooms, hangers, oh and those amazing healing pods!"

"You got it."

"What about the kids?" Pidge asked.

"I'm not leaving Kora and Liam." Keith said sternly. "They're coming with. We don't know how long we'll be out there for."

"Shay, Adam, Allura, Coran and Matt will be coming." Shiro said. "The children will need to learn how to do these things as well."

After more talking and planning, it was getting late.

Lance stretched and wrapped his arms around Keith.

"We should probably head home. We got stuff to figure out with the twins."

Keith nodded. "Good idea."


"Keeping!" Kora exclaimed holding something close to her body.

"Kora, we can't keep it." Liam said. "It has a family out there! And what will Papa and Dad think of it?"

"Think of what?" Lance's voice chimed.

Kora glared at her brother. "You're not doing so great today brother." She hissed.

Liam groaned and slammed his head against the wall. "Look, I'm sorry!"

"Okay that's it!" Keith shouted. "Get your asses into the living room right now!"

Kora and Liam did as told and went straight to the living room.

Kora sat on the couch as Liam sat in the chair.

"Okay. One thing at a time." Lance said standing in the middle of the room. "Kora what do you have in your arms?"

Kora pulled down the blanket to reveal a baby. "After Aunt Shay dropped me off, I decided to go for a walk. When I did, there was a lady who called out to me."

~Kora flashback~


Kora stopped walking and looked in the direction the voice came in, only to see a lady covered in blood laying on the ground holding something close to her body.

"What happened? I'm going to call an ambulance! You're going to be okay!" Kora rushed as she kneeled beside the lady and took her phone out.

"I'm not going to make it." The woman whispered. "But I need a favor."

Kora hesitated before asking. "What is it?"

"Take care of my Georgia for me." The woman smiled and looked down. "Please."

Kora looked down at the baby wrapped in a blanket. "Are you sure?"

But it was to late.

Kora's eyes teared up. "I was to late! Dammit!"


"I couldn't just leave her! Her mother asked me take her!" Kora said as her voice cracked. "I couldn't just leave her!"

The room went silent before a soft cry was heard.

Kora looked down at Georgia who started to cry in her arms.

"I don't know what to do!" Kora exclaimed.

Keith reached out for the baby. "Let me see."

"Mom!" The baby cried as she raised her arms.

"I got you." Keith cooed rocking the baby back and forth. "You're alright."

Georgia snuggled against Keith's chest and fell asleep quickly.

"We're keeping her." Keith said quickly. "And if you argue with me you're grounded."

Kora smirked and looked at her brother. "Ha." She mouthed.

Liam rolled his eyes.

"Now. Kora you're brother explained what happened earlier. But all he said was that you were struggling with your sexuality." Lance said. "He has something to say to you."

"I'm sorry Kora. It wasn't my place to say anything. I hope you can forgive me." Liam apologized. "And I understand if it takes time for you to trust me again."

Kora sighed. "I can't stay mad at you. I do forgive you but it probably will take time."

The room went silent once again before Kora spoke up.

"I have something to tell you." The 15 year old said as she fiddled with her fingers. "I'm um I'm."

"Take a breath KitKat." Lance said.

Kora did so before continuing. "I'm Bi!" Kora said quickly.

Keith smiled and Lance wrapped his arms around the girl.

"You know we'll accept you no matter what." Lance mumbled. "We still love you the same. You're still our Kora."

Kora nodded as tears leaked from her eyes.

"At least I have you guys." Kora cried. "My friends hate me. And Alec doesn't know yet."

"You take your time telling him." Keith said. "When you're ready."

Kora nodded. "Okay."

"Now get to bed." Lance said.

The twins nodded and ran off to their rooms.

"Well then." Keith said looking down at the baby in his arms. "I guess we got another baby in the family."

"We'll have to go shopping for her." Lance mumbled. "For now she'll have to sleep in our room with us."

"When should we tell the twins about the trip?" Keith asked.

"When the ships just about done." Lance answered.

Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now