Raven nodded. "I am." She whispered.

"But what about your mother?" Chemical asked looking around.

"Who cares. Look babe, she's not the same. She has us on leashes. Let's be free. Together. We can have the life we always wanted." Raven smiled. "Please. I don't want to fight."

Chemical hesitated before nodding and gave Raven a small peck on the lips. "Let's do it."

"Wait." Hunk said looking back and forth between the two. "So we aren't fighting."

"No." Raven said. "Let's move forward."

Hunk looked at Shiro who shrugged.

"There's one left." Chemical said. "And that's Jared."

"He has a sweet spot for Elizabeth." Raven said. "Maybe we can work something out."

"We can try."

"Found you." A voice said grabbing onto Liam making him scream.

"No!" Keith and Lance shouted reaching out for their son.

But they were to late.

"Kosmo!" Keith cried out.

"We'll meet you there." Lance said. "Go save them!"

Keith nodded as he and Kosmo teleported off.

"Let's go!" Lance shouted running off with the others following.


"Awesome job!" Master praised as the guard appeared with Liam.

"No!" Keith shouted grabbing hold of Liam and pulled his son behind him.


Keith looked at his daughter who sat beside the master staring at wall with no emotion in her eyes.

"What did you do to her?" Keith asked harshly.

"Mind control." The master shrugged. "She's my puppet."

"Let her go." Keith spat taking a step closer.

"Kora. Be a dear and deal with your father."

Kora got up and raised her hands.

"Chains." She whispered.

Chains wrapped around Keith tightly and slammed him into the ground.

"Kora!" Keith called out as he struggled in the chains. "It's me! It's dad!"

Kora flinched, but grabbed the blade off the floor and walked closer to Keith.

Liam looked around frantically trying to find something to stop his sister with.

"I'm sorry Daddy." Kora whimpered lifting the blade in the air. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." Keith whispered and clenched his eyes shut as Kora brought the sword down.

"Come on!" Lance growled shooting at everyone in his way. He didn't care if he was killing people. All he cared about was getting to his family.

"Jared." Chemical said as he and Raven stood in front of the man.

"You guys go. Quick." Raven spoke. "We'll deal with Jared."

The Paladins nodded and ran ahead.

"They should be in here!" Pidge called out looking down at the tracker she had in hand.

Lance and Hunk blasted the door down, but the scene on the other side wasn't pretty.

Keith was on the ground still wrapped in chains, struggling to get out as Kora and Liam fought against each other.

"Kora!" Liam cried. "Stop it!"

Lance looked over at Keith and back to the twins before over to Keith again.

"Help them!" Keith shouted at his husband.

Lance nodded and ran over to the twins while Shiro helped Keith get out of the chains.

Lance and Liam dodged Kora's attacked and grabbed hold of her arms.

"Kora! It's Papa!" Lance called softly. "Come on baby, you have to fight it."

Kora stopped and the blade dropped to the ground.

"Come on Kora." Liam pleaded as tears streamed down his face. "You have to fight!"

"No!" The master shouted making Kora snap and untangle her self from her brother and papa's grip.

Kora let out a scream as she picked up the blade and slashed at her brother.

Keith immediately joined in and grabbed onto the blade and threw it away from Kora.

Kora started punching at Keith, hitting him in the stomach and arm a couple of times.

"Get the master!" Keith shouted at others avoiding Kora's chains.

Hunk, Pidge and Shiro nodded as they ran towards the master.

"Listen Kora." Keith said wrapping his arms around the small girl. "You can fight this. We're right here. Fight babygirl. Fight."

Kora froze.

Lance and Liam followed Keith's actions and wrapped their arms around Kora as well.

"Please baby sister." Liam whispered. "Fight."

"You're going to be okay." Lance mumbled. "We can get through this."

Kora had tears streaming down her face as her knees buckled beneath her.

"I'm sorry." She cried into Keith's chest gripping onto him tight. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." Keith said holding onto Kora. "You'll be okay."

"No!" 'Nobody shouted.

"It's over Lilith!" Raven shouted running into the room. "We won this fight!"

Lilith looked around the room, realizing she was out numbered.

"I'll be back!" Lilith snarled. "Just you wait!"

And she was gone.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Mommy!" A little girls voice cried out in joy.

Raven turned around as her face lit up.

"Elizabeth!" Raven cried picking her daughter up and holding her close. "I'm sorry baby. I should've protected you better."

"It's okay." Elizabeth smiled. "Uncle Jared protected me!"

Raven looked over at Jared who rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you." Raven said. "All of you." 

Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now