Chapter 5: Naruto Fighting Pain

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The blinding light has pushed Naruto to the ground and he lay there with an enormous headache. He finally gets up and heads toward the village. When Naruto comes over the top of the mountain, he can see the crater cutting across the village. His eyes go wide, and even though there's still so much dust in the way, he can see the destruction. Naruto starts to let tears out of his eyes and screeches," NOOOO!" He lets out cries of sadness and hatred. " NO! WHY! WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!"

Naruto continues to sob until he sees someone in the middle of the crater. He can't exactly make out who it is or their appearance, but he charges down the mountain, using some of his Chakra to make it easier, hoping it's a survivor.

When Naruto gets down to the center of the crater, he yells," Hey! Are you okay!?" The person turns around to face Naruto and Naruto is both surprised and filled with anger. Naruto knows who Pain is, and with the anger already built up inside of him, Naruto immediately attacks Pain. Though Naruto is powerful, the tears swell up his eyes, and he's controlled by pure, blind anger. Naruto gets very reckless fighting Pain and instead of thinking things through clearly, he just head-on-attacks him. Because of his careless moves, Naruto gets pinned to the ground, and Pain is barely injured.

"You really thought you could defeat me by throwing your attacks around," Pain howls in laughter. Pain has more fun playing around with Naruto like a kitten, then in destroying the village. " It's nothing like making people feel pain."

"Is-is that what you like?.... Hurting people." Naruto utters, looking up at Pain.

Pain's lips twist in a smirk and he turns around, his back facing Naruto." People must feel pain. People must feel their lives crumble. Once people understand pain, they won't engage in senseless wars. That is the only way we can get peace in this world. PAIN IS THE ONLY WAY!!" He announces.

"That's your idea of peace?" Naruto exclaims," That's not right. THAT"LL NEVER BE

RIGHT! Why do you get to choose what the world needs, you don't know anything! You can't just go around serving justice in your own way." Naruto slams his fist into the ground and stares at the dirt. He coughs, the dust filling his lungs," It's just not right." 

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