Chapter 1: Sakura And Hinata

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Chapter 1: Sakura And Hinata

The mid-morning sun blazes through the trees and onto the townspeople of Kohona Village. The towering mountains around the calm village cast enormous shadows on houses and streets. Statues of the faces of past leaders, carved from the mountains, watch over the village and gaze at the villagers, who look like beads to the great statues. The people of Kohona move tranquilly through the dirt streets, as they do everyday, and everything feels peaceful in this small Village of the Leaf.

However this village is far from peaceful, It is filled with ninjas! But These ninjas are not just people who train in the arts of assasination, they are well educated individuals who learn to utilize their Chakra in order to do things normal people could only dream of doing.

In the distance, a slim built teenager walks the streets of Kohona. She's wearing a dark red qipao dress, with slits on both sides and lined with white. She wears black gloves and dark boots with one inch heels that make her appear taller. She wears a stylish purple sash that holds a pouch containing her deadly weapons. Her face is probably more striking than her posture, her clear jade eyes stare straight ahead. However her most notable feature is her cherry blossom pink hair. She is no ordinary girl. Her name? Sakura.

As she walks through the market of the Leaf Village, she spots a familiar face. A fair skinned, beautiful navy haired girl with pale eyes, slouches in her oversized purple and white jacket, which contrasts greatly with her tight navy blue pants. Despite her humbleness in how she presents herself, she's more subconscious, particularly because of her failures in ninja battles.

"Hinata!" Sakura calls out to the navy haired girl. She slowly stops and turns around to face the audacious, and forthcoming female ninja.

"Y-yes Sakura?" Hinata stutters out as she dares to look at the intimidating medical prodigy before her.

"I have some time off, would you like to train together?" Sakura offers as she claps both of her hands together in front of her face and shuts both eyes, awaiting Hinata's answer.

"I-I would love too.... but I-" the rather painfully shy Hinata pauses mid-sentence, trying to formulate a respectful way to decline her offer. It's not that she doesn't want to train with Sakura, it's simply because she has never seen her spar before, and Sakura is known to be quite powerful. Hinata is scared she might further embarrass her clan by attempting to fight with someone so out of her league, and failing yet again. She looks down at her dark blue sandals, furrowing her eyebrows, her expression of frustration is slowly unraveling. She doesn't want anyone to see her.

Sakura opens her eyes and sees the struggling girl before her. I suppose being an heiress to the clan is not easy, Sakura thinks.

"Uhh..Hinata" Sakura breaks in on Hinata's anxiety attack. Pale eyes look up hoping for Sakura to give her a way out. "It's okay, we don't have to spar. I was thinking of showing you a new technique I created, and you don't need years of studying medicine to do it!" Sakura says as she smiles brightly, hoping for Hinata to accept. Hinata is surprised that Sakura can tell what she's thinking. But she's also relieved that she doesn't have to explain how she feels, she was never good with explaining her thoughts or talking about her feelings.

"Uh, yeah, o-ok!" Hinata forces out. As the young heiress realises she had raised her voice, her face immediately turns red, and she goes back to looking at her shoes. Sakura giggles as she takes Hinata's shaking hands and leads her to where she will be showing her the new technique, the Kohona hospital.

"Th-thank you!" Hinata squeals. As she realises her mistake, she stares down again.

Sakura knows Hinata has potential to be a great ninja, but she also knows Hinata doesn't train very often with other people, and is quite sheepish and bashful. This is part of the reason why Sakura encourages Hinata to train with her. Hinata and Sakura have known each other since they were kids, and Hinata is less shy around her than with most people.

After they both graduated from the ninja academy at twelve they didn't talk much, until Sakura was going through a terrible depression over her rogue teammate. Both girls had always felt inferior compared to their ninja counterparts, and that complex had brought them both together.

As the two ninjas dash to the hospital building, Hinata starts to smile, feeling special that someone is taking interest in her training, but also someone who understands her position. As the two excited female ninjas reach their destination, Sakura slows to a walking pace, and the rather nervous yet thrilled Hinata follows suit.

"Okay, so to learn any ninja technique I think it would be best to go back to the basics." Sakura says as she closes her eyes, putting her finger on the side of her chin.

"How basic?" Hinata questions, hoping she is at the same wavelength as Sakura. Hinata hopes that Sakura will dumb her knowledge down to what she can understand.

"We are going all the way back to Chakra!" Sakura says in a most excited manner. Hinata feels more relaxed now that she knows they will start with something really basic. Sakura looks at Hinata and asks," What is Chakra?"

Hinata freezes for a second, and even though she knows it's very common knowledge, she is still a little nervous to answer the question. "Ch-Chakra, is th-the combination of Spiritual and physical energy, which is controlled by the use of hand seals, that allow the user to do ninja techniques, such as creating illusions and exhaling water, and...uh.. yeah" Hinata recites from memory. Sakura nods excitedly. Hinata feels a little pride in remembering the exact definition from her textbooks.

"Okay , Let's get started!" Sakura declares as she pumps her fist in the air. 

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