21; Please

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🕷; 🕸

" Peter?" The therapist said softly, gazing at her patient.

He didn't look good. Since they had brought him in, Peter started looking sicker and sicker. His pale skin had turned white and he had a fever. The nurses had pulled him out of the communal wing and put him in isolation.

Peter couldn't tell her if he was sick because of the collar, or sick because he was so far from Wade. He didn't know.

" Peter," she said again.

No response. His caramel eyes stared at the wall for along time, and he stayed quiet. Even his breath was inaudible.

" This is serious, Peter." Her voice rose.

" I'm sorry.." Peter started, a tear rolling down his cheek. It was warm and wet against his cold skin. " I don't know where my mind went."

" That's okay," She said softly.

Peter hadn't said much to her, he hadn't said much to anyone. He just sat and stared and felt. Felt everything. He could feel Wade's heart stop and the pain numb his body. He felt nothing, and then he felt everything again.

His psychiatrist, Doctor Sharp, was a nice woman. She was a thin, tall thing, with white curls and loving eyes. Her lips were always pulled into a sharp scowl, and her brows furrowed when she was disappointed. But she was also warm, and loving. Mrs.Sharp always reached for his hands and gazed in his eyes with a little sigh.

" I need to ask you something," Peter finally said. His head was clouded but he could feel one cohesive thought in the fog. "I.. I need you to contact Wade.."

" I'm not allowed to do that, Peter." Mrs.Sharp's lips spilled into that disappointed scowl and her eyes narrowed.

" I just need you to tell me if he's okay."

She was quiet for a long time. Her face changed a couple times. Angry to understanding. It flashed back and forth until she finally settled on that sympathetic smile with furrowed brows.

" Fine."

♡ ; ♡

There she stood, her wild grey hair pinned into a lose bun. A pencil pinned the knot in place. She wore a wine red pencil skirt, and a white button up. Her thin body stood in perfect posture as she stood in front if the apartment door.

Mrs.Sharp held Peter's note in her long hand, and knocked softly on her door.

She heard some shuffling in the apartment and waited patiently. Wade softly opened the door, staring firefly down at the unfamiliar woman. Mrs.Sharp's thin lips curled into a smile and she extended her hand to him.

" Hello, Wade. I am Doctor Sharp, I work with you partner, Peter." Her voice was calm, her English accent was nice and soothing.

" Peter?" Wade asked, his face lighting up a little at the name. " come in, come in.. Is he okay?"

" No, but I do have some good news." She slipped into the apartment after being gently guided inside.

Mrs.Sharp extended her hand to give him the envelope and his big blue eyes spilled into excitement. Wade darted to her, wrapping his large arms around her thin body.

He had contact with Peter.

After a month. Finally he could hear from his Spider-Butt. Finally.

" Oh dear," She had blurted. Mrs.Sharp was taken by surprised, she hadn't expected physical contact. "Peter didn't tell me you were a higher."

" How is he? Is he..Is he holding up? Is he feeling any better?" Hundreds of thoughts were spiraling through his mind.

Wade felt like he was going to cry or burst out in a string of excited giggles; he wasn't sure which one he would do. He wasn't sure if he could do either. There was no saying that this later would be good or if this woman was good either.

But it was Peter.

Finally Wade pulled away when she patted his back, a sign that she needed a hug break. Peter used to do that.

" Uhh, uh come inside." Wade mumbled out, opening the door and letting the woman. " I wasn't expecting anyone.."

The apartment was a mess, from the pizza boxes scattered all across the floor to the blood on the walls. Wade himself smelled of death, and the apartment looked like it.

It wasn't until now Mrs.Sharp understood why Peter had been so worried about Wade. Even when he was so weak. It made much more sense now, seeing the state of the apartment and taking a good look at the man in front of her.

She gestured lightly to the mask and he shook his head quickly; that wasn't happening for a long time.

Wade guided her to the couch and sat down in his usual seat. Mrs.Sharp softly picked up the Spider-Man boxers on the couch and tossed them to the floor.

" Well," Her eyes scanned the apartment and she met out a site. "This is quite the place to live."

" Usually I keep it very clean but I've felt so.." Wade didn't really know how to explain what he was feeling. Unmotivated, tired, sad, like there was a weight on his chest making it hard to breathe. " I don't know how to explain it."

" Well, I can certainly understand." Mrs.Sharp spoke so confidentially, her accent was so nice on her tone. " After my husband died, I didn't take a shower for two weeks."

" Its been hard.."

" Peter isn't dead, Wade." She said it so smoothly, taking his large hands into hers. " He isn't gone, he's just sick."

" He isn't, he's scared." Wade argued. There was a shake in his voice.

It wasn't until now that Mrs.Sharp realized Wade's skin was so warm. Her eyes narrowed to look at the scarred skin. It was red, and irritated.  Wade quickly pulled back. He hesitated before stuffing them in the pockets of his hoodie.

" Wade," Her tone was a loving one, but coated in a thick and overwhelming amount of seriousness. It was the same he was used to receiving from Natasha.

" I'm going to need you to trust me. The only way this works is if you trust me. I could lose my job if I'm not careful, and as of right now I am the only one who can bring Peter home to you. Do you understand that?"

" Yes ma'am."

" Good, now read the letter. I'm dying to know what it's about.."

.· '𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌☆'¨) ¸.·*¨)

  (¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

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