1; Calm Before The Storm

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Peter remembered his promise to Wade; As soon as life slowed down they would never be apart again. Everything would move along as it should, and their lives would be as peaceful as a Hero and an Anti-Hero could manage. So as he laid there's, Wade on top of him, lips slipping along the his soft peach ones, he wanted to believe this day was going to be perfect.

His legs looped around wide hips, and his hands slipped up his shirt to feel warm skin. Peter Parker wanted to think his Parker luck had finally turned around, and the static feeling that tingles his body wasn't a warning from his senses.

He pulled back when it felt like pins and needles against his soft skin. It was almost like the spider's she body fell asleep, and the irritation of waking limbs finally hit him. Peter stated at Wade with an odd look, face scrunched up until it told him to move. Pete flipped their position so Wade was under him, small body protecting his love, waiting for whatever decided to come next.

It might have been stupid, Wade's mutation protected him from any harm. But the spider always had a fear it would just, go away. There was a noise before the impact that Peter was sure was just anticipation.

" I love you.." Pete whispered as he braced.

It seemed like minutes for the mirror to spill into billions of pieces and the shatter to echo in his mind. Everything seemed so slow, but it had been less then five seconds since Peter flipped them over. To Wade it seemed all too quick, too fast for him to understand what was going on, to deny the human shield.

He should be protecting Peter, not the other way around. The large window in their room was now spilled over the floor, and the scariest thing emerged. Green Goblin was hovering over their bodies from his glider, face pressed violently close to the smaller boys.

" I see, Spider-Man isn't so big without his suit." The voice was eerily familiar, and so foreign all at once. High pitched, and too low. Rough but so, so soft. It sent chilly down the back of Peter's spine, goosebumps along his arms. The man behind the mask was delighted. " What's wrong little Parker? Did you think I was gone?"

[ I say, we fucking kill him right the fuck now.]

[ I agree, but why isn't Peter moving? He's frozen on top of us I don't understand.]

[ A super-villain just broke into our home, and now knows our fiance's secret identity! Of course he's frozen! He's terrified.]

" Who's your little friend, Petey? Is that the bad boy you run around with?" The coo against his skin caused Peter's muscles to tense, and before he knew it, he was whipping around, grabbing him by the throat. " Feisty spider."

" How Did you find me?!" Peter's voice was so dark, filled with rage. It was something not only he recognized.

" You've been reckless since the killer has been back in town." The Goblin was cool under pressure until the hand around his grip tightened.

Wade didn't think he should stop it, the man had ruined Peter's highschool years. He was aggressive, perverted, and a complete lunatic. All of that coming from an aggressive, perverted lunatic! The man that was choking the Goblin however, wasn't his Peter..

[ What happened to " Everyone deserves a second chance"? " No killing, Wade, nobody deserves to die"?!]

[ I don't care why but we have to stop this! This is scary! Look at him! Look at his eyes..]

" Peter! Peter put him down! Put him down!" Wade intervened, a scarred hand meeting his wrist with puppy dog eyes. " Remember what you said on the rooftop? The first night you took me out an patrol? Everyone deserves a second chance, Spider-Man doesn't kill."

The words melted him out of his trance, releasing the Green Goblin hesitantly. Peter was shaking with fear, something about this villain got under his skin like the others couldn't.

Wade pushed Peter be fine him, grabbing the male by his shirt, and going to drop him out the window.  First him, then the glider, so he had a fair chance, but not a very good one.

When his eyes fell back to Peter, he but into tears, his body shaking with every soft sob. The small boy started talking in soft babbles that Wade couldn't quiet pick up. He caught some stuff; like the window, and seeing the stars, and cold new York but then everything started to get jumbled. All of this happened so fast it was hard for him to process.

[ How do we comfort him? Do we..hug him? What do we do?]

The larger male was cautious as he drew closer, sitting beside Peter to scoop him onto his waist. At first the spider flinched at the touch, his muscles tensed. His body was still on high alert from the attack, breathing through rough wheezes that burned his throat. Wade sucked in a harsh breath, rubbing his back until his body calmed and everything smoothed over. He looked so sad, so scared. 

Wade could only imagine what might be going through his head, how much the panic in his eyes was really letting out. The worst monster Peter had come in contact with knew exactly who he was, and there was nothing he could do to plan because, what was he supposed to plan for? This wasn't an alien invasion, this was a psychopath praying on Pete's personal life.

There was no real way to handle this, no action to be taken because in order to take action they needed to know his first move. He didn't have a first move yet, he was mentally ill and going purely on instinct. His mind was leaping around, every thought running farther and farther into hell because Peter had seen exactly what the Goblin could do.

As soon as life slowed down huh? That seemed so far now. 

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