28; Ugly Truth

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The plane ride, if they had used a normal plane would have been a 10+ hour flight. But Shuri had made some extra changes to the one they were flying in.

There was a major time difference, so when they arrived to Wakanda it took Peter's tired body a lot longer to settle then usual. The plane ride didn't last very long but for Peter it felt like an eternity. Everything went by too fast and too slow all at once for him, but Einstein had said time is relative.

When they landed, Peter had been able to walk without Wade's help. His small hand clung to much larger ones as they followed Shuri. He had occasional missteps and stumbles but it hadn't been anything major. Peter's body just felt do heavy, like he was carrying another person on his shoulders. This felt worse then when he held up a large building with his bare hands.

Shuri talked the entire time, she didn't mind much that the arachnid didn't speak back. She knew he was listening and understood why he wasn't talkative. She wouldn't have talked much either if her parents had ripped her away from her beloved, forced her into a poorly run facility where he got sicker and sicker everyday.

" Anyway, as soon as word got back to T'challa and I, we couldn't believe it!" Shuri sighed. Her face had contorted into a sad expression. "As soon as Stark got back on our good side, he had to go and ruin it."

" That's what Tony Stark does," Wade hummed.

" What he did.." She started, turning to look at Peter, whose head was hanging in shame. " We'll never forgive him."

Peter only nodded softly so she knew he understood, but his social battery had run out after speaking with Matt. Wade reached back and lightly ruffled his brown-almost-red hair. He watched as the soft boy's face had spilled into content, his head leaning into a large palm.

They were nearly at the castle. Wade really wouldn't call it that, but he didn't know what else to call it. It was like the Avengers Tower but larger, communal and held over 100 people. Wade guessed it was almost like a hotel, but free and open to the public.

T'challa was there waiting for them, a bittersweet smile plastered over his face. He looked stronger then the last time Peter had seen them, and a but older too. His posture was straight and perfect and his head was held high. He approached slowly and went straight to Peter.

The king was hesitant to pull his nephew into his arms, careful when he took him in the embrace. It was warm and comforting, and Peter finally felt himself release that breathe. The breathe he had been holding since The Goblin first broke in, the breathe that caught in his throat every time tears welled in his eyes.

Peter relaxed in the gentle hold and allowed tears to spill from his waterline, uncontrolled and inching down his pale cheeks. T'challa rubbed his back and kissed his forehead encouragingly. He reached over to lay a hand on Wade, who smiled at him.

" Peter," T'challa started. His face was screwed up and he let out a shaky breath. " If I knew.."

" Don't. There was no way you could have." Peter said softly, offering a gentle smile. " You're here now, when I need you."

" Well, at least I get to see my favorite nephew." T'challa boomed; a quick change in his tone.

" Oh you know, I try really hard to be the best." Wade cooed playfully, receiving a gentle flick from Shuri.

" We have a lot of catching up to do." Shuri chuckled. " You haven't even met the kids!"

" No but I have gotten all the pictures."  Peter smiled, his first real smile. It almost hurt. Tge corner of his mouth was sore at the unfamiliar action, and his voice hurt when the happy tone pushed past the large lump in his throat. "They're adorable, Uncle T'challa."

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