24; Undeniable

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Peter had eaten his breakfast slowly, an attempt not to hurt his stomach. Everything he ate here always gave him cramps. He listened to what Matt was saying, and tried his best to understand it. Peter didn't feel like himself, it must be hard, to feel like yourself in this place.

His brain was clouded and fogged. At least the color was starting to come back to his cheeks, and the fatigue in his body felt so much less severe now that the collar was discarded.

He wasn't sure how Mrs.Sharp managed to sneak this kind man in but he appreciated it. What a woman. If he ever got out of here he'd try to set her up with Aunt May. They would hit it off instantly and he was sure Wade would like her too.

" Peter," the man's voice spilled back into his senses. That was thanks to the soft touch Matt had placed on his arm, though. " Are you listening?"

" I'm trying, I promise." Pete whispered back to him, his throat felt so raspy. Like he swallowed glass and washed it down with the bubbliest soda he could find. " I can't focus on it and im sorry."

Matt nodded softly. He had been so understanding. They had been sitting her for a long time, Matt's expensive watch read that it was 11:00 AM. He had come in around 9:30 AM and let him eat after they exchanged information.

So far Peter knew that Matt was a lawyer, blind, eerily familiar but unable to place, that he knew Wade and that he was Mrs.Sharp's God son. Also; he was hear to help. How, Why, and When were unclear to Peter. Every time they spoke at some point his mind went far far away.

Matt knew Peter already, so the questions he asked got answers he already knew. It was so odd. Daredevil knew Spider-Man, and now Matt knew the man behind the mask.

Behind a mask nobody got to see except for a good handful. Wade and some of the Avengers. Not all of them; there was a clear separation between Spider-Man and Peter Parker for a good few.

Clint was one of them but, Clint was a special case. He loved both Peter and Spider-Man but he hadn't believed any of them when they referenced the two as the same person. He was just weird like that.

" How is Wade?" Peter said softly, after coming back from another far off place.

A far off place that Matt was sure had something to do with his partner. The Imprint had probably made that need deeper. He was sure it made it more intense.

Peter had never felt the need to claim Wade. Wade was his already and no imprint was going to decide that for either of them. It wasn't until they were in danger that he felt it necessary, for his protection. For any potential loss.

Every time Wade died, Peter feared it was the last. After forming that connection and tying himself tight to his fiancè, he braced himself. If Wade was going to die Peter needed to feel all of it.

Every last thought needed to rumble painfully through him. That last breath needed to hurt like hell. Dead eyes that stayed fully open had to stare deep into Peter's until he wanted to scratch his own out.

He couldn't explain it.

That instinct. The urge to feel it all and cry until he was numb and tired.

He felt numb and tired now. He could feel how numb and tired Wade was. Peter wished he'd get some rest..

" Peter?" Matt chuckled quietly this time, a small smile on his face. " I lost you again."

" Is Wade okay?"

He kept saying it, every time he came back to himself.

And Matt responded the same way every time.

𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 & 𝐖𝐀𝐃𝐄: 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now