25; Fixated

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Wade woke up late at night, or early in the morning. He couldn't tell how late, or early if was.

[Its early.]

[Its late.]

"What is that?"

Wade frowned, listening closely. The water was on in the bathroom but the light were off. The pipes were old; they screeched loudly depending on the pressure and the heat. Wade always took cold showers, with the raindrop setting. It felt nice on his skin.

Peter took the roughest pressure he could find with the warmest it could be. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Just to scare whoever broke in, Wade grabbed the switchblade he had stabbed into the wall and slipped off the comfortable bed. Peter picked it, it had a low heat capacity and memory foam. So Wade could sleep on a cool mattress that didn't irritate is skin.

He stuffed his feet into Unicorn slippers and moved to shut the open window. Wade froze. A long web was on the fireplace. There was nothing to say this wasn't a trick; the goblin or maybe venom and Eddie dropped by to say hello.

[ Its Peter! Petey-Pie is home! Go in there and hug him! ]

[Hold that knife close you f@$!ing idiot! Peter isn't home. Some idiot is trying to f$!#k us!]

Slowly he hid the knife behind his back, and inched through their small apartment. His hand touch the doorknob and slowly he turned it. Wade was close enough to hear quiet sobs now. As he slipped the door open he heard it stop.

Then he heard footsteps.

Wade broke the door open, and Peter was there. Wide eyed and holding the plunger over his head like a baseball bat. Peter froze. His wide brown eyes looked so tired. They held tears, his cheek was bruised and his throat was too.

He didn't know how Peter got out. Wade didn't care. Immediately the knife spilled from his hands, and he watched Peter drop the plunger too.

As his eyes moved over his skin, his jaw clenched. He was hurt. Wade watched as his Spider-Butt brought a finger to his lips and a quiet "shhh". Slowly the small body moved to him, sick and trembling Peter grabbed onto Wade. He braced for himself for something that never came, only a soft and loving hug from his baby.

A cry left his lips, quiet and rasped. Wade watched him and slowly picked him up in his arms. He carried the small boy to their bed and maid him on the comfortable mattress. His body trembled as the covers were pulled over him and large arms cradled held him tight.

" We can't stay here." Peter mouthed and Wade nodded. " Bugged."

Wade was so happy to feel him in his arms, so happy to feel the cold skin against him, so happy to see chocolate drizzle eyes. It was all so bittersweet. His eyes had to meet pale skin, touch the harsh bruises on his body.

He was almost in worse shape than he had been when Wade met him. Peter had always been small, and tired. Not this small, though. Not this tired.

Big brown doe eyes were purpled slightly, bags under his long lashes. His face had no color and he was burning up. Wade felt his head. He was cold but Peter's body stayed below 70° for the most part. Wade couldn't help the fear in his eyes.

[We're not safe, idiot! We're still being hunted by that f$!*ing thing! And stark.]

[We have to leave.]

[ Peter isn't safe!]

[He's sick, our poor Petey-Pie is sick, we have to make sure he's gonna be okay..]

Peter's small hand reached up to touch his cheek, his brows furrowing like he could hear the bickering too. He relaxed a little under the simple touch and nodded. The spider was right, they had to go and they had to do it now.

He laid the boy down and kissed his forehead, carefully grabbing their "Just In Case" bags. The dogs surrounded Peter on the bed. Luke laid by his side calmly, while Leia licked at his soaking hair.

Wade double checked the bags: Food, Weapons, Medicine, First Aid, and clothes. A weeks worth of clothes. He didn't know how far they had to go but he had a plan. Before he did anything else, he pulled the back off his phone and pulled out the battery. His phone model was old and it wasn't a model from Stark's company, but that didnt mean there wasn't a tracker.

There it was, he used his hand to rip out the white piece with the Iron Man symbol in black. He threw the card outside, in the dumpster.

Wade's next moves were a lot nicer, and a lot calmer. He picked out a change of clothes for his Petey-Pie. All of the clothes were out of Wade's drawer. A hoodie with the Golden Girls on it, matching socks and underwear of course, and joggers. He lightly held Peter up and slipped the clothes on him. The small boy moved with him firefly, his face pushed into the large chest.

Wade's smell, death and tacos was the most comforting thing in the world right now. His hands clung to the man for dear life and he tried to keep himself awake.

The voices argued over where they should go and where they should put the dogs. It would be hard to travel with two Huskies, it would be hard to travel in general but with two dogs they couldn't go anywhere.

" Canada." Peter whispered breathlessly and Wade nodded at the answer, the bickering dying completely.

" Wakanda." Wade whispered back.

After awhile they both gazed at each other. Canada or Wakanda?

Then Peter's eyes went wide and he shot a web at something. Wade was facing whatever it was; all he knew was it ripped from the wall after a careful tug.

" Gotcha," Peter whispered as he stared at the listening device. The hair on the back of his neck was standing on ends and his body tingles softly.

His mutation was starting to resurface after being pushed down for so long. Peter let out a relieved sigh. He worried it was gone for good.

" Call Xavier, but don't be on for more then a minute." Peter ordered, his eyes moving to gaze at Wade.

" As You wish, Petey-Pie" his voice held something in it, that pep that he had been missing since Peter had been taken away from him.

Wade didn't know what was going to happen next, but it wouldnt be easy. The Goblin was working with Stark and he knew it. They both knee it.

At of the corner of his eyes Wade saw a figure and he quickly shielded Peter. His eyes wide and his heart pumping loudly. Peter braced too.

Had they already come for Peter?

♡ ; ♡

.· ´𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌☆´¨) ¸.·*¨)

  (¸.·´ (¸.·’* (¸.·’* (¸.·’* (¸.·’* (¸.·’* *¨)

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