39; A New Home

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Tony flinched as the door clicked, and he listened to it creak open. The world was too loud. Every little measley creature, every disgusting thing that walked this god for saken planet, was too loud. Drops of water echoed in his brain like a thunderstorm whirling in the Pacific. Soft clicks and gentle footsteps felt like an earthquake shaking him all up and vibrating his very coee. He felt like he was going to vomit any moment.

What has he done?

Whatever Harry had made, had turned Thor to their command. He was feral; and worse, he wanted to destroy Peter. His poor son.

Tony was quickly realizing he had gone too far. It was one thing to hate Wade, it was another to be a liar and a cheater- but this? He had wanted to keep Peter safe, and with the blink of an eye all his safety locks and web spinning has come crumbling to peaces.

He stares now at all the spilled blood.

Blood he couldn't wash away.

Red permanently burned on his skin everytime he looked into the mirror. Just a night ago, Natasha had come in during his panic. How could he have been so loud? How could he have been so stupid to have screamed?

Blood. Blood everywhere. On his hand, on his face, rolling down his forearm. He could see blood rolling from his lips and swapping into a white tank top. Natasha hadn't had a clue what he was on about. Tony wasn't sure if she was blind or stupid because there it was, red spilling all throughout his office like a violent ocean. Harry just sat..

He sat laughing after she had left.


Harry had a habit of being in the right spot in the room where nobody else could see him. He was good at hiding. There was something about his quiet, slow, gentle lure. When it came to his prey he wasn't like a spider, which nipped and bit at its suffocated prey.

There was no name to what Harry was. How he moved, how he toyed with you until your stomach was in knots and you were surrounded by him. Him alone.

He was so beautiful.

Tony has hated him. He hated him and hated him. Well, until Harry stepped into view with that warm smile and dangerous gaze. Tony knew he was pathetic. He knew he was sitting there, in the middle of the monster's mouth, waiting to be swallowed.

He had a plan. A plan that, well, let's be honest- he made so it would fail. So he could say he 'tried' and then turn around and crawl into bed with Harry.


Because what would happen, when h caught Peter? He'd either be devoured, or sit there, silently watching Peter stand beside the man he loved.

Maybe it'd be better, if he died out there somewhere. His son.

Tony slowly slid out of his desk and stepped to the mirror, his brows knitted together. Blood was the essence of life, and he, had stolen it. He used to think he didn't have a conscience, that the sick feeling that caused him to spill his guts had just been nerves or a bad coffee.

This was different.

This wasn't anxiety, it wasn't even the paranoia he knew all too well. No. Tony had only felt this feeling once before. Guilt. Oh how he longed for it, his old self-hatred and gut wrenching anxiety..

Sleep has killed him, never again will peace smile upon him, and wrap her warm arms around his body. All Tony could count on was the white hot hands of anger personified in Peter's face, gripping and scratching him all While Harry laughed at him. He laughed with a glass of white wine in his hand and that scar etching across his face. Something inside Tony couldn't be angry.

Why couldn't he hate Harry? The devil sat and watched him. His eyes slid across every inch of Tony's skin, ate him up in one little glance...

Tony wanted to rest, more then he wanted anything else. Would his guilt allow him to be rocked into a gentle sleep?

His pills didn't work. Even if they did, Harry made sure he couldn't rest. No. The Goblin would lay, with his shoulder length curls spilled across a silk pillow and his smell soaking into every inch of the room. He smelled so nice. Like essential oils and Vanilla. His breath was always perfectly even, the way a panther slept, knowing it didn't have to worry about being run up on. He had scars sprawled across his chest like branches of a tree...

Tony couldn't sleep. There was an angel in his bed. Fallen, but a heavenly body nonetheless.

A cold chill traveled up his back, followed by a warm sensation. Tony looked in the mirror to see Harry standing behind him. He felt his eyes soften, tracing the scar on his face and the neutral expression.

A hand, big and calloused traveled up to pull the hands Tony gripped over his face. Harry leaned down, kissing his nose and cheeks; "Is it back, the blood?"

"Can't you see it?"

Harry stayed silent. He held up a rag, to signal he figured they would be going through this today. Harry slowly guided it to his face and started wiping; of course there was no blood, but a warm cloth against Tony's skin brought him out of his episodes.

" Thor found them," Harry said carefully. He watches as warm beads of water dripped down Tony's face like rain. " But they're slippery. Your son is very resourceful, Stark."

Tony smiled a little at that, his eyes shutting as he leaned into Harry's warmth. Some days he was like a ray of sunshine spilling in through a dark room, and he was a fat cat bathing in it.

" he'll need help," Harry said softly. He dropped the washcloth in the sink as he spoke. Harry knew Tony wasn't really listening, that he couldn't listen. Maybe he found too much comfort in that fact. Though, he missed his arrogance. The sarcastic quips. The old Tony wouldn't lay in bed with him. " I'm sending more of them down there. Wanda isn't taking to the injections very well, but, Clint and Peter are.."

" I don't want to draw any suspicion to the area. They're in a quiet little town. From the cam I have following Thor- it was a nice place. Too bad. He's been away from home for too long."

" He's coming home?" Tony's eyes shot open and he swallowed hard, staring Harry right into his deep green eyes.

Harry nodded, turning away for a moment to reach for Tony's medicine.  A hand grabbed onto his wrist, it was calloused and covered in scars and healed up burns. It shook, only slightly but Harry noted it.

" Please."

" Tony." Harry warned. He looked Tony in the eyes, and his head tilted down, so they were hovering less that an inch away.

" Please. Just a couple more days." He begged, his voice shaking and eyes holding Harry's in his strong gaze.

Even he couldn't take his eyes away. Tony only had the upper hand when he begged.

" Tony."

" A week. It's all I'm asking for! A week."

" I'm not going anywhere. Take your hand off me, right now." Harry warned, brow cocking. His heart was thawing with every crack in Tony's voice.

Tony was silent. He kept his hand tight around Harry's wrist. As they stared at eachother, they desperately tried to win a battle neither of them were sure they could win. Harry finally sighed and dropped his head a little, brows furrowed and eyes filled with defeat.

" Running will tire the spider out eventually and then he'll be easier to trap under a cup," Tony mumbled. His head turned and the guilt filled him up. It consumed and wrapped around him until two giant hand started sliding up to hold his face.

Harry smiled and came down to press a kiss against his nose. He adored it when Tony was mean...
♡ : ♡

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