9; Ghost Of You

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(in case I wrote it all wonky, I put a '*' before Peter's flashback, and towards the end of it.)

🕷; 🕸

Tony watched Peter from his place in the kitchen, brows furrowed as he gazed at his son. He wanted to believe this was going to be okay, but he questioned if this was all Wade's fault. It was no secret the Genius did't like him. There was no question in his mind that this was somehow his fault, he had to have done something. Tony knew, he knew that nothing but pain would come as soon as Pete set his eyes on the scarred mercenary. 

Peter's expression was distant as he sat across from Loki and Wanda, allowing the witch to slip her fingertips soothingly against his cold palm. He watched the red light glowing from her pale skin, brown eyes tracing over her soft touches with a sigh. Loki was running his hands through loose curls, untangling the harsh knots. He just sat there, allowing them to dig deep inside his head, no kind of resistance.

Wanda and Loki agreed that it was the quickest way to find out the root of the problem. They wouldn't take away any memory, or suppress any pain. He needed to grow through it. Peter needed to heal from whatever it was that was haunting him, but the best way to help was to unveil the ugly beast keeping him captive. They didn't have to do any digging, it was right there, circling in his train of thought. 

The witch felt her blood run cold as soon as her magic uncovered the ghost, they knew that there was abuse. They knew Flash was dead. They knew what they needed to at the time, but they had no idea who killed Flash. They didn't know the extent to the abuse. But as soon as they dug it all up, they felt dirty, they wanted to bury it all, shove the ugly beast back into his grave and rid their hands of him. Wade was a saint.


Peter's eyes glued to the ceiling, still drowned in his thoughts. His brain was in a constant lop, the same scenario running over and over again like he was in a time lapse he couldn't pry himself from. There Flash was, hovering over his body, this time they were in the Avengers compound. Pete didn't know how he had gotten there, he didn't know why Friday let him up but there he was, those green eyes taunting him. Flash didn't stop after a fight, and when Peter had fled the scene he was followed. Always followed. 

" I want to apologize, baby." He'd say softly, getting close too close. Flash would push his body closer, his hand would rest over a fresh injury as if to mock him. Like he was saying: You know what will happen if you deny me. His big green eyes looked so sorry, but there was a anger in his voice. " You gonna let me do that, or are you going to run?"

" I'm all ears.." Peter choked out, swallowing the lump in his throat. 

" I shouldn't have hurt you, but baby you were acting up. What was I supposed to do? " Flash cooed, a large hand reaching to his cheek, gazing up at him. His voice was so soft and the words twisted guilt inside of Peter's stomach. " You have to do better Patty, I can't have you talking back in front of my friends like that. You know better."

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." The spider breathed out, pressing against his touch. Long lashes pushed closed in order to hide himself from the gaze. It made him feel so sad, like he had stolen a cookie from Aunt May's batch (the one she would take to a widowed neighbor). It was like his had done nothing right by the man he was supposed to be in love with. " I'm sorry.."

" That's okay, baby. You know how to make it up to me.." 

" Flash I dont-"

" That's fine, I guess you'll just have to earn back my trust another way then." Flash hummed, pulling himself from Peter and sitting up on the mattress. He looked like he was about to leave, and it forced this ache in his chest.

" Hey, wait. I'll do it I'm sorry. Please don't leave." The small boy sat up on his knees, grabbing his abuser by his shirt and tugging at him desperately. Peter needed him tonight. He couldn't be alone.. " I'll do anything, just please stay?"

The jock turned around with a pleased hum, pulling Peter close to his large body. The next few moments were rough. Every second was filled with pain, large hands groping, scratching, suffocating him. Peter tried his best to find pleasure in the situation he had agreed to, something he will regret for the rest of his life. Something he should've stop. That night he let his abuser take his virginity, and he would always regret it. Always.

Tony and Steve tried to convince him it wasn't his fault, they tried to keep Flash far away but it never worked. Pete always let him back in somehow, throughout his transition he was no help. He forced Peter to drown in dysphoria, until that night. The night he met Wade.

Peter remembered the small fight they had, another yelling match that ended with a hrash smack across the face. One of their tammer arguments. He told Flash he never wanted to see him again, that he was a waste of space in the universe. Peter was proud of himself, finally breaking out of those chains. If that spider hadn't bit him, Flash wouldn't have started losing his grip. 

And then Wade saved him..


Peter broke out of Wanda and Loki's grip with a loud cry of pain, a sudden want rolling through his small body. Wade. He needed Wade. Tears pooled deep inside his pupils, clawing at Loki as he squeezed in oxygen. Why was it so hard to breathe?

" Wade! Wade I need you! WADE!" Pete could feel the burn with every word, a strain in his tone. He didn't stop kicking and screaming until Wade was in front of him. All the panic seemed to melt away. " Wade.."

" Hey spider-butt.." The mercenary sent the magicians a harsh glare as he pulled him into his touch. Wade didn't remember holding him tighter then he was now. He was scared he might be suffocating him, but the soft clawing at his skin told him his little spider needed some more attention. He needed a tighter hold. " What's wrong?"

" Do you believe in ghosts..?" 

♡ ; ♡

.· '𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌☆'¨) ¸.·*¨)

  (¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

//I felt like a crackhead writing this smh. Sorry for the errors.

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