14; A New Day

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" Let me get this straight," Tony hissed. He pushed his glasses up, and pinched the bridge of his nose with a tired sigh.  " Flash Thompson, who you fucking killed, is visiting Peter at night?!"

" I know it sounds crazy-"

" Oh thank god! You know it sounds crazy! Then why the fuck are you telling me?" The billionaire glared at Wade with a deep snarl. His hatred for his sons boyfriend only got stronger as soon as they started staying in the compound. He had zero patience.

" Even Peter has seen him!" Wade protested, glaring at him. That tone, Wade hated that fucking tone. It was like nails on a chalkboard to him. Tony thought he was stupid, and unstable. Maybe he was both but that fucking tone.

" Peter has been emotionally unstable since the Green Goblin broke in! He doesn't know what he's seeing! And you indulging in his horrid fantasies aren't helping." 

" I'm not saying it's a ghost, but whatever it is.." Wade shook his head with a long, irritated sigh. He rubbed his scarred face and tried his best to collect himself. " Whatever it is, it keeps visiting us. Whatever it is it found us, and broke into Avengers Tower."

" I'll start by looking at the cameras, okay?" Stark frowned, looking up at the merc with disappointed eyes. " Just try not to let my son get hurt again, kay?"

" Okay.."

[ Did he just insinuate Doc Oc stealing Peter was our fault?!]

[ I don't think he meant anything bad by it. He's just worried.]

[ Just worried?! Are you fucking kidding me? This piece of shit has been pretending we don't even know how to wipe our own ass, let alone take care of fucking Peter!]

[ We've taken care of him. We have been keeping him safe. HE hasn't been here.]

[ He didn't even notice Peter wasn't eating.]

[ Or sleeping.]

Yeah, okay, Tony is an asshole. There is no question about it but, if anyone can help it's him. He's a genius right? Him and Bruce can put their big brains together and figure this shit out! Wade argued with his voices, trying desperately not to explode. Exploding wouldn't help anyone. Just like killing Flash didn't fucking help you.

He walked out of the lab, he wished more then anything that their little talk would have made him feel any better. It didn't. Of course it didn't, Tony doesn't know how to treat someone with human decency. Wade lightly smacked his head, trying to get the negative thoughts to fly out of his head. Preferably through his ears. 

The mercenary went to the kitchen, hoping to find Peter where he left him. Wade only found his empty coffee cup. It forced a small frown over his lips, and he twisted down the hallway in search for his little spider-butt. He'd check for Pete in their room but he didn't see the small boy staying in there. Ever since they moved in, temporarily, Peter had bounced from room to room talking happily with every Avenger. He had missed his family.

Shutting Tony off had shut most of them off too. Of course that hadn't been the plan, him and Peter had been seeing the other Avengers regularly until Tony's affair. Stark had made a big deal about how "this family was falling apart" and nobody cared about HIM anymore. It had made the family distance themselves, and with it, Peter felt alone in the world. 

Of course he had May, and he saw Ned and MJ almost everyday. They even met new mutants, but they didn't fill the hole Tony had left. Wade understood that. He tried to get Natasha over a couple of times, he tried to get Steve to call weekly but it always fell through. It always fell through. 

Wade stopped in the middle of the hallway, ears perking at soft sobs. He felt odd, listening to whoever it was cry. The merc turned toward Steve's door, listening to someones soothing voice shush him. That was Peters voice. He went to the door with a frown, pushing it open a small crack. Pete flinched under his gaze, he knew Wade was listening in. Shoot first, ask questions later. Wade reminded himself.

" Pop, It's not your fault. " Peter whispered to him, holding his sobbing father close. He tried not to think about it too much. He tried not to let it get to him. It was hard, so hard. When he was younger, his parents seemed like the perfect match. " Dad is a terrible person, and if he can't see how amazing you are, he doesn't deserve to be with you in the first place! You've been married for over seven years I mean come on-"

" Peter.." Steve whispered, clawing at the tears burning his soft cheeks. He hated this. Cap didn't want to talk shit about Tony he just wanted to cry. Couldn't he just sit here and cry? 

" I know, you aren't leaving him." Pete sighed, shaking his head. " I don't understand why.."

" I'm scared.." He admitted with a quiet whimper. Wade had never seen Steve like this. He looked so beaten down. Steve usually never let anything step on him, but he guessed if someone had been stepping on him for over ten years you would cave. " I'm so scared.."

" Are you scared of Dad?" Peter whispered softly, swiping away his tears. 

" No..Not entirely..." Steve shook his head, slowly shifting a couple of inches away from his son. He tried to gather himself because this wasn't appropriate. He shouldn't be crying in front of his son like this. " I'm scared of what will be left of me when this is all over.."

Peter didn't need him to elaborate, he understood. Steve was telling his son he was tired, because when he loved, he loved with everything he had. He gave, and gave, and gave and he never expected anything back. But some effort would have been nice. An "I love you" would have been nice. Being kind without having slept with another man? That would have been nice. 

The small boy gave a careful nod and pulled him closer, a frown on his lips. He rubbed Steve's back until he began to calm down. When the captain finally learned how to breathe again, he pulled away and pressed a kiss against his forehead.

" Go find your fiance, kid, and don't you ever let him slip from your fingers." Those blue eyes stared into Peter's, his gaze was strong. Wade wasn't like Tony, he really cared about Peter. 

The spider nodded softly, leaning up to kiss his father's nose. Peter slowly stood onto his feet and ruffled blond hair before going to the door and finding Wade waiting outside for him.

" Hey.."

" Hey!"

There was a small pause, long enough for Wade to analyze his soft features. He couldn't tell while Peter was in the room, but he had been crying too. Wade reached for his cheeks and wiped away his teary cheeks. The small boy stood on the tips of his toes and guided Wade down to connect their lips. Love swelled in his heart and he realized he never wanted to let this man go. Nothing like that could ever happen to them because Wade was different.

♡ ; ♡

.· '𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌☆'¨) ¸.·*¨)

  (¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

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