Alex walks back in. "You ready for the next two," she asks me.

I nod and she gestures for the next people to come in. "Hey," I say with a smile.

Sonnett comes over to me and hugs me tightly as tears stream down her face. "I thought I lost you," she mumbles into me.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, Sonny. Look at me," I say and she does and I place my hand on her cheek, "You are one of the reasons I fought. I'm not leaving you."

Emily let's out a sob and hugs me again. I rub her back and kiss the top of her head. She pulls away and wipes her tears, "Love you, Y/N/N."

"Love you too, Sonny."

The next person walks over and Sonnett stands by Alex. "Hey, Hopey. I don't think I've seen you cry like this before," I say with a small smile.

Hope let's put a small laugh and hugs me. "Please don't endanger yourself like that again."

"I'll try," I say and wrap my arm around her.

Hope pulls away and places a kiss on the side of my head. I send her a smile as her and Sonnett leave the room.

"You ok," Alex asks as she walks over to hold my hand.

"It's just a lot, I don't have my arm, Al," I say and tears start to slowly stream my face.

"All of us will be with you every step of the way," Alex says and places and hand on my cheek, "You haven't given up on us and we won't give up on you."

I send her a smile and there is a knock on the door. "That's the next person," Alex says and walks over to open the door.

"Hartley," I say shocked and she runs over to give me a hug.

"I'm so sorry," Hartley sobs into my shoulder.

"It's not your fault bubba," I say and she pulls away.

Hartley looks at my arm, "I'm sorry about your arm."

"It's ok, bubbs."

Hartley smiles, "Love you sis."

"Love you too Hart," I say with a bright smile.

After Hartley everyone else came in with tears and sadness. Now it's just Alex and I talking when the doctor walks in. "Hi, Dr. Aveline," I say.

"Hi, Y/N. Hi, Alex. How are you feeling Y/N."

"Physically, I'm not in as much pain. It only hurts when I move a lot. Emotionally, sad, nervous, and scared," I say sadly and Alex holds my hand.

"Well, it's good that you are not in as much pain. I understand why you are feeling like this. It's going to be frustrating with your arm. I have two options for you, for your arm," Dr. Aveline says, "You can either leave your arm like it is or you can get a prosthetic arm."

I immediately answer, "I want a prosthetic arm."

"Alright, I'll get that order in right away. I'll also prescribe some medicine," Dr. Aveline says then walks out.

"You really want a prosthetic arm, don't you," Alex asks as she looks at me.

"It's the only way I can try and play the piano and guitar again," I say with a smile.

Alex smiles and places a kiss on my lips.

Then there is a knock on the door. Two police officers walk in. "Hello ma'am, I'm Officer Bazin, this is my partner Officer Landry and we are here to talk about the incident you were involved in," the woman officer says.

"Of course, may my girlfriend stay in the room," I ask.

"If she would like to," Officer Bazin says.

I look at Alex and she looks at me, "I'll stay," she says and holds my hand.

"Ok, first, the person who attacked you, what is their name," Officer Bazin asks and Officer Landry gets ready to write everything down.

"Tristan Carassco."
It is an hour later and the officers just left. "That was a lot," I say as Alex lays next to me.

She carefully holds onto me as I rub her back. "You did good, baby," Alex tells me.

"You need to take a shower," I say with a chuckle and Alex glares at me.

"I know I do, I'm still in my fucking uniform," Alex says and I laugh, but wince and cough when I feel pain erupt in my stomach.

Alex sits up frantically with wide eyes, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just some pain," I say as I close my eyes to calm down.

I open my eyes and see Alex looking at me worried. "I'm ok," I say.

Alex nods and lays back down, but slower.

"Did the team go back to the hotel," I ask.

"Yeah. Jill took Hartley back to her hotel," she says and I nod.

"Hello," Dr. Aveline says as she walks in, "I prescribed medicine that you can get here and I was able to get you some to pick up in America. Unfortunately, you will not be able to get the prosthetic arm here in France, but I contacted a doctor in America and they said they would send it to the nearest hospital to where you live," she says with a smile.

"Thank you so much Dr. Aveline," Alex says.

"Of course. You will also be able to start physical therapy for your arm once you return to America. You may be released tomorrow because we just want to make sure everything is ok."

"That sounds perfect Dr. Aveline, thank you," I say with a grateful smile.

"No problem. If you need anything else just let me know," she says then walks out.

Alex sighs and stands up. "Where are you going," I whine out and Alex laughs.

"I'm going to the hotel to take a shower and to grab you some clothes for tomorrow," Alex says.

"Awww, ok," I say with a pout.

"I'll be back soon, my love," Alex says.

"Ok, I love you, Al."

"I love you too, baby," Alex says then places a kiss on my lips.

Alex waves as she walks out and I wave back.

I sigh as I try and get comfortable.

This is going to be a rough ride.

I have came up with a new idea for a story, but I need your opinion on who you want the love interest to be. Let me tell you some about the main character, they will be 24 years old and they will be somewhat closed off due to their past. They are really only open with one person. Once they start to open up though they are very kind and funny. It takes time for them to open up to others though. Please give me some players from the USWNT you would like to see as the love interest and I will pick one. Thank you!

I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to comment, vote, and stay safe!

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