Chapter 3. It's your fault sweetheart.

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Arguing with my mom about dad is something we are not used to doing. Dad isn't here, so he is not a problem for us anymore.

 Therefore, and for the first time, we argued until we both got tired, and I went to my room. We both supported our opinions until the end.

Yesterday night I wrote everything that came to my mind on the school site, which probably nobody cared about. 

So today, I came to school on foot to have more time alone, even if it was cold outside. I had to leave the house 30 minutes earlier if I wanted to be there before the bell rang.

Going up the steps to the front yard, I see Alex sitting on a wooden bench with some other people, while on the other side, I see Chloe with her boyfriend. 

Jordan isn't there, and it seems strange to me that he hasn't arrived yet.

Then I see Harry sitting alone at a table. I decide to approach Alex. Going towards her, I see Isaac talking to the others around him who are laughing. 

Expect my friend. There were two boys besides Isaac, Diego, and Seth, his best friends.

Diego has olive skin, and he has origin in Mexico. He is handsome, and he always has a way of getting the girls around him. 

Seth, on the other hand, is kind of weird. He tries to make jokes, which I cringe at when I hear them. And he is Isaac's faithful minion.

Beside Seth, there is a girl named Dora and her twin brother, Theo. These two are identical in their looks but completely different in their character. 

Dora is constantly running behind Isaac and doing the dirty job for him, while Theo is sensitive and polite. He is a good guy.

As I approach their group, I hear Alex ask them. "Did any of you read for the math test?"

"What?" Dora seems frustrated, something she's not used to be. She usually doesn't care much about anything.

"Was that shit for today?" Diego asks casually and raises both of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I am sure you all forgot about it," Alex says, and then she sees me next to her. "Good morning Gigi. Did you just came?" she asks me and hugs me.

"Yes, I came on foot," I say, and then, uncomfortable, look around. I never feel comfortable with these kids.

"Are you looking for your boyfriend?" I turn suddenly, and my gaze falls on Isaac, who smirks.

"What?" I ask, not believing what I just heard.

"I'm talking about the idiot. You must be together, otherwise why the fuck are you talking to him?" Isaac asks and continues to look at me with his arrogant style.

"You won't understand even If I explain it to you," this child is disappointing me more and more every day. I won't waste my time anymore.

"Isaac, leave her alone," Theo says calmly. Theo is quiet. He never gets himself in trouble.

"No, wait a minute. Are you saying that I am fucking stupid?" Isaac asks with raised eyebrows.

Well, what am I suppose to say now? He is making me angrier, and I want to make him feel what he makes me feel.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," I reply immediately, making his minions laugh. Alex starts pinching my hand to stop me.

"He must fucks you really good, for you to defend him like that," he says suddenly, making me widen my eyes, as his friends chuckle except Theo.

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