Chapter 46 He was behind everything.

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My fork touches my food as I rest my head on the palm of my right hand.

Today I woke up with a strange feeling. I'm in a bad mood, as I am strongly influenced by the discussions that took place the other day.

The girls continue to believe that I should keep an eye on Diego and not open up anymore.

As much as I try to find something strange in his behavior, I can't, and this is getting on my nerves because my friends don't want me to get hurt.

They seem affected by the whole Isaac thing.

"What is wrong with you, sweetheart?" my mom's voice gets me out of my thoughts.

"Things are weird lately. Besides, I feel a little strange today. I'm nervous."

"Nervous, why?"

"I'm not sure. I feel a strange feeling in my stomach," my mom's eyes widen.

"Joanna, do you and Diego use protection. You are using, right?"

"Mom, yes, what are you saying right now? The feeling is bad. It spoils my whole mood," I run my hand through my hair and exhale.

"What do you think might have upset you?"

I look at her and remain silent, "Come on, you can tell me."

"The girls say I have to be careful with Diego and that he may isn't what he seems."

"And what they say affects you?"

"I mean no...but probably yes. Something happened the other day," I pause and look at my mom, who nods positively. "Isaac was poisoned. Actually, he says that someone poisoned him."

"Do Alex and Chloe think Diego did that?"

"Isaac believes that because they're not on good terms lately. Alex and Chloe may have been affected by Isaac," pouting my lips, I look down.

"And you are afraid that maybe they are, right?"

"Diego has told me not to believe any of what Isaac is saying. But now, I feel different, as if he has affected me. I don't want this feeling," my eyes water as I bite my lower lip.

"What do you think about Diego?"

"From the beginning, he showed that he liked me very much and when we got together he was so sweet, but I don't really know him. I mean, we were never friends. In the school, I knew as something completely opposite to what he is now."

"So he changed."

"I'm afraid that this change isn't the real him," I look at my mom hesitantly as she remains silent, "I don't know. Maybe nothing is happening, and I shouldn't be suspicious of him."

"Maybe you should pay attention to the smallest things he does. Collect them and then think about them carefully. You will definitely find what you're looking for."


My eyes timidly look at Diego whenever he thinks I don't look at him. If I follow my mom's advice, my doubts will go away.

Of course, this way, I feel like I am stalking him. I'm sure he will soon feel my gaze on him.

We sit in the cafeteria with Alex, Theo, and Chloe. While I hear Chloe's voice in my ears, I have no idea what she is saying.

My gaze is on Diego, who looks at my friends.

The vibration from my cell phone catches Diego's attention, who jumps slightly and looks at it.

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