Chapter 21

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Ezra blushed but on the inside he was upset he didn't get to finish his question, but he followed Sabine anyway. When they got to the drink table he saw List completely wasted making conversation with the Chiss attendent at the table who looked uncomfortable. When they got there List looked over at them and smiled. "Heyyy Bridger, where have you been, it's a crazy party isn't it?" Ezra and Sabine tried to make their way around him and just nodded. When they left List went back to drinking and talking with anyone who walked by. Then they saw Jay, talking to a young Chiss girl on one of the balconies. "That's cute," Sabine chuckled as they made their way to another balcony window. "How did y'all meet?" Ezra asked. "Well, he was a storm trooper, but when we spared him, he ended up helping us. He was a child slave soldier, so he was willing to defect and run away." Sabine said. "Reminds me of another lost boy I met a long time ago." Sabine added smiling and ruffling his hair. Ezra chuckled and responded with "and I'm glad you found him." He said hugging Sabine. She blushed and returned the hug. Once they separated they both stood out on the balcony overlooking the capital city. "It looks beautiful from here." Sabine said not breaking her gaze of the city, taking in every little detail. She would definitely have to paint something like this. Meanwhile, Ezra was staring at her, taking in every detail of the girl he had a crush on ever since he saw her. "You look beautiful from here." Ezra muttered under his breath, but Sabine heard it. "What was that?" She asked turning to look at him. "Huh? Oh nothing." He said startled and quickly looking away blushing. Sabine smiled and they both went back to looking and the city until Ezra broke the silence. "Soooo, that thing you did when I woke up..." he said smirking. "What was that all about?" Sabine turned red and looked away. "W-what are you talking about?" She asked pretending to not know. "You know." Ezra said slightly irritated that she did t want to talk about it. "Sabine." He added turning her chin up to look at him. "I... I don't know how you feel about me, but..." he didn't know how to put it in words. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... the time I wanted to give up, and just let myself die when I was getting tortured, I thought about you. About how I was counting on you to come get me, and how I would trust you with my life, and that I... I love you." He said locking eyes with the mandalorian who was on the verge of tears. Sabine smiled and put a hand on his scarred cheek. "Oh Ezra, I'm sorry for not thanking you for always being there for me, and, not realizing what a great friend you were, that became more than a friend." Sabine started. "And I was too proud to admit back then, you know, as a mandalorian we don't express our feelings and all, but I love you too Ezra Bridger." She said letting her tears come out now, and pressing her lips against his. They both sunk into the kiss and let 5 years of pent up emotions just come out. "Told you Sabine." The two lovebirds broke up the kiss when they were startled by the voice. They look over and see it was Ahsoka who was smiling. The two turned red and walked over to her. "I see you too are happy together now, so when are you going to go back?" She asked. Neither of them had given it lots of thought. "Tomorrow." Ezra said plainly. "Uh sure, everyone will be dying to  see you." Sabine added, her arms still around Ezra. "That's true. I just came to let you know that I will be staying here." Ahsoka said. "Wait why?" They both said in unison. "There is something dark out there, something that's trying to disrupt the balance, hidden in the unknown." Ahsoka said. " and I'm going to find it." "Why don't you just come with us. I mean everyone will want to thank you for saving me." Ezra said. Ahsoka pondered this, but finally agreed to go home for a little before starting her search. List wanted to stay, since he would be high ranking in the Chiss Navy, and was good friends with Eli Vanto. Jay wanted to stay as well, since he had nothing in the known galaxy, and offered to help Ahsoka on her quest when she returned, but everyone knew he wanted to stay with Quora. Thrawn bid them farewell, and thanked Ezra for helping to train the younglings, and keeping Taelia safe. The next day, first day in the morning, they took off.

"Do you think they'll be happy to see me?" Ezra asked nervously, looking at himself in the mirror. His hair cut, and his shaved face, except for a little on his chin, which looked like Kanan's. "Of course they will Ezra, why wouldn't they be." Sabine said putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hmm, but what am I going to do? Are we just gonna split up now that the empire is gone?" He asked turning to her, looking into her amber eyes. She stared back into his dee blue eyes, and sighed. "I do t know Ezra, my parents and brother were killed during the mandalorian purge, and I've been living on Lothal since you left." She said. "Oh, I guess I would live on Lothal now." He said. "Well, I've fixed up your tower, and it's a good size for two people." She said smiling. Ezra perked up. "What are you trying to say!" He asked anxiously, but not trying to get the wrong idea. Sabine rolled her eyes and smiled. "What do you think I'm trying to say idiot?" She said. "I want to live with you- if... that's ok with you. We don't have to be a couple, just, roommates, kind of like we were on the Ghost." She said. Ezra smiled, "I would love that Sabine." He said then leaning in and kissing her. Her eyes widened, and she wanted to feel angry and try to push him away, but her eyes slowly closed as she sunk into the kiss. They made out for a while, until they heard "ahem" at the door and turned to see Ahsoka smiling. Both of them separated blushing like crazy. "Why do you always show up when we're busy?" Sabine asked slightly annoyed. "I just wanted to let you know that I contacted Hera and the others that we're arriving on Lothal, but when she asked if we had Ezra I didn't respond, so it'll be a surprise." Ahsoka added. "Oh, ok, that should be fun to see the reactions on their faces." Ezra said as the ship came out of hyperspace.

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