Chapter 6

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Lexxi brought them to a large room with a holoprojecter, then pulled up a star map of a couple star systems neither of them recognized. " This is a map of the unknown regions, or at least, unknown to the empire and  new republic." Lexxi explained. " Here is Csilla." She continued. " I'll give you the coordinates, but be warned. The chiss aren't as welcoming as we are to outsiders. It took years to finally gain their trust, so if things go poorly for you, don't tell them we sent you." She said as she walked out of the room leaving Sabine and Ahsoka. " Well, what do you think?" Ahsoka asked. " let's go! We have our first lead in days we can't pass up on this." Sabine said with so much enthusiasm. " I know, but we need to be wary, she said its are hard to gain their trust. One false move and I could lose another friend." Ahsoka said putting her hand on Sabine's shoulder. " don't worry, Rex will be fine and so will we." Sabine responded. Ahsoka sighed and forced out a smile, " ok, let's get going I guess." As both girls walked back to their ship, where lux was waiting. As they walked on board he seemed confused and asked " where are the other two?" Ahsoka sighed and gave lux a hug much to his surprise, but he hugged her back as she told him rex's decision. " I'm sure he'll be fine Ahsoka." He said reassuringly. "Thanks lux." She said wiping a tear from her face. Sabine finished putting in the coordinates, and asked "are we all ready?" "Yep." Lux and Ahsoka said in unison, and they made the jump.

>Time skip when they come out of hyperspace<

They came out of hyperspace and saw a white planet that was similar in appearance to Hoth, that had multiple cruisers around it. Soon a transmission went through to the shuttle. " Who are you? State your business. This is Chiss Ascendancy airspace. If you do not identify yourself we will open fire." Just then 2 fighters flew around the sides of the ship. " Well aren't they friendly." Lux said sarcastically. " Hi, we're looking for someone named Ezra Bridger, we think he cane here with someone named Thrawn." Sabine said nervously. "Oh, we've been expecting you. Welcome to Csilla. Please land at the capital city docking bay 9, the fighters will escort you. "Thank you." Sabine said trying to hide her excitement. She had waited 5 years to see her best friend, or was he more than that? Would he be happy to see her? A thousand questions raced inside her head until Ahsoka broke her thought. " Sabine," she said smiling. " docking bay 9 remember?" "Oh yeah, sorry, just a little excited." She said grinning. As they got into the planets atmosphere, they could see the surface of the planet. It was similar to her own home planet of Krownest, with a snowy, icy surface. As they got closer to the ground, they could see buildings and structures of Chiss architecture(having a retro futuristic feel).

"This place is a work of art." Sabine said in awe. As they landed on a pad, a human male with brown hair in a grey military officer suit. On his sides were two Chiss soldiers wetting battle armor and carrying vibro-spears. " Hello there, and welcome to Csilla. My name is Eli Vanto, Admiral Thrawn told us to expect you. Now come, I'll take you to him." He turned and motioned for them to follow, as he lead the way to a massive building. Sabine couldn't contain herself anymore and she blurted out, "where's Ezra!?" Eli sighed as she said that, the. spoke, saying, " Thrawn said you would ask that. I'll take you to him and he can explain what happened." He said. " What did happen?" Sabine said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. " I told, Thrawn will explain." He said getting into an elevator seeming more irritated. Ahsoka places a hand on Sabine's shoulder. "It's going to be fine, I sense that they are not going to be hostile towards us." She said reassuringly. Sabine calmed down as they reached the top floor. The doors opened to reveal a circular office, with a desk in the middle. Three of the walls were a dark blue. With different works off art from various cultures hanging, and even a wall with the Phoenix logo that Sabine painted a long time ago. The last wall was one large window that oversaw the entire capital city, where the man himself was staring out of with his hands behind his back. He chuckled when they entered the room. " I've been expecting you for a while, but so was Mr. Bridger." He said still not looking at them. "What do you mean was?" Sabine said worryingly. " I'm afraid you are about 3 months too late." He said with remorse. " Ezra Bridger was training our force sensitive Chiss children to become Jedi. My people were never proficient with the force, only using it to travel through hyperspace." "Get to the point." Sabine said balling up her fists and on the verge of strangling Thrawn right now. " Patience Mrs. Wren." He said holding up his hand and turning to face them now. " They were off on a mission, Ezra and 6 other children took a ship to planet to better train the children in the ways of the force. We lost contact with them 3 months ago on the planet Roatan, and have sent countless search parties for them, but have come up with nothing. All of them have disappeared." Thrawn finished. " Then send more search parties, or better yet, tell us where the planet is and we'll go find out what happened." Sabine said frantically. " I have exhausted every resource I could, but with an ongoing conflict with the Grysk, and an unknown enemy has been attacking our outposts and ships in our surrounding territories. I cannot waste anymore materials on a wild bantha chase." He said. " Wild bantha chase!? How could you just give up on them like that. Those are children along with Ezra!" Sabine screamed. "Do they mean so little to you that you would just-" She was abruptly cut off by Thrawn who had lost his cool. " I do care about them! My niece was one of the children he was with, his star student! She means just as much to me as Bridger means to you!" Thrawn snapped back. This caught Sabine by surprise. She didn't know Thrawn had family he cared about. She calmed herself and took her helmet off, looking Thrawn in the eye, and said " I'm sorry, I didn't know you had family you cared about, but I also care about Ezra, so is there anything we can do to at least try and find them?" Thrawn's frown went away, and a forced smile came out. " Perhaps we can arrange something." He said.

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