Chapter 5

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"Setting course for Kamino." Ahsoka announces as the ship went into hyperspace. " The trip will be about 12 hours, so I suggest we get some rest." She added. " But Ahsoka, we only have 3 bedrooms with 3 beds, and there's 5 of us." Sabine noted. "Doc here can bunk with me." Rex said. " Oh thank you." He said in return. " Well, will I have to sleep in the airlock?" Lux joked, " you can bunk with Ahsoka." Sabine smirked as she left the cockpit before Ahsoka said anything. " Goodnight everyone." "Well, have fun you too." Rex said as he and the Tseebo walked out, leaving Ahsoka and Lux. " Ah, I don't have to sleep with you-I mean, in the same room with you if you don't want me to I can just sleep here in the cockpit." Lux spoke up. " No, uh no it's fine come on." Ahsoka said nervously leading Lux to her room. " Quite a nice room." Lux commented, when Ahsoka tossed him some blankets and a beat up pillow. "Goodnight Lux." Ahsoka said taking off her cloak and laying on the bed. Lux stares at her for a while until Ahsoka spoke up sensing what he was doing. " Can I help you Lux?" She said back turned to him. " Huh? What? Oh, I just uh..." he knew she could read his thoughts so there was no point in lying. " I just couldn't help but notice, that is a very large bed and-" "No." Ahsoka said interrupting him. " He chuckled then said " alright, that's fine, I understand, it's just that, it's really cold down here, and I did save y'all from those stormtroopers, and-" "ok fine." He was cut off again." "What was that Ahsoka?" He asked. " I said fine, you can get in the bed." She said keeping her back turned and scooting over to the wall. " thank you Ahsoka I really-" "Don't get any ideas though lux." She said sternly turning around and looking him in the eyes. " Of course, I always respect a woman's space." He said. " Like on Carlac?" She questioned. "Carlac? Oh, ha, you still remember that?" He asked chuckling. " Yes. It was my first kiss, but Jedi aren't supposed to form attachments." she said. " Well, uh, did you uh, I don't know... like it?" He said nervously. Ahsoka was surprised by this and turned around and slapped him. "Ow, what was that for?" He asked rubbing his cheek. " that was for... uh, for kissing me." She said. " But you didn't answer my question. " he said. She just looked at him with an annoyed look, then smiled. " Well, it wasn't that kind of kiss, it was more like a distraction kiss." She said. "Then let me give you a real one then." Lux said and before Ahsoka could react, her lips were pressed against his, and her eyes widened then. Closed, embracing it.

As morning came Sabine was the first one up, going to the kitchen to make breakfast for herself she then went to the cockpit. ' 30 minutes left' she saw on the dash, so she went to go wake the others. First she went to go wake up Rex who was on the bed, and Tseebo, who was sleeping on the ground. She then went to wake up Ahsoka but when she knocked, no one answered so she said "Ahsoka, I'm coming in!" And as she opened the door she was surprised by what she saw. Lux and Ahsoka were wrapped in each others arms with Ahsoka on top. At the sight of this she immediately turned red when Ahsoka woke up. " Ah! Sabine! What is it?" She asked embarrassed, waking up Lux. " we're 30 minutes from Kamino as she said feeling bad for intruding on them as she ran out of the room. As the ship came out of hyperspace they flew into the planets atmosphere, where they were met by a never ending rainstorm. As they got closer to the cloning facility a voice came through the coms. " Unidentified shuttle, state your name and business." The Kaminoan said. " I have clearance codes." Tseebo spoke up, this being one of the few times he even talked. " Uh were transmitting clearance codes now." Ahsoka said nervously. Tseebo pulled out a small disk from his pocket and plugged it into the ship. "Clearance codes are valid. Please go to landing pad 12." The Kaminoan said. As they landed the ship they walked to the door where two Kaminoans waited to greet them. " We weren't expecting visitors, who are you?" One on the left asked, it was a female, that seemed to be shorter than the other one, that appeared to be a male, because of the long beard he had. " Hello there, my name is Ahsoka Tano, this is Sabine Wren, Rex, and Tseebo." Ahsoka said. " I am Phonto, and this is lexxi." The male spoke up in an old raspy voice. " what brings you to our humble planet?" "Well we are here to-" "Wait, are you a clone?" Phonto asked, pointing to Rex. Startled, he responded, "uh y-yes sir. Part of the grand army of the republic." Rex said proudly as he stood up straight. " It is nice to see that our work lasts." He said while chuckling. " Anyway, we are really pressed for time we have places to be and is there anyway you could tell us where the planet Csilla is?" Sabine butted in. " Oh, we we are returning this scientist guy named Tseebo, he said he used to work here." The two Kaminoans looked at the scientist and asked him " were you part of the cloning project 937?" Lexxi asked him. " Y-yes, I was. Everyone looked at him in shock. "You were a clone?" Rex asked. "Yes, he is. He is part of a project issued to us by the empire to create the most advanced scientists for them. Taking brain samples and engineering them to be far more intelligent than normal human beings." Phonto said. "That's... odd." Rex commented. "Anyway, we should go to a better place to discuss your needs." Lexxi said as she lead the group down a hallway. "So back to our first discussion, what brings you to Kamino again?" Lexxi asked. Rex steppes up and explained how Tseebo told him that he could reverse his accelerated aging if he came to Kamino. " Ah yes, the aging of the clone troopers, it was vital to the war effort to grow the clones as quickly as possible." Phonto explained. " Yes, I know sir, I just want it to stop." Rex explained. "Hmm, perhaps we can attempt it, a good experiment to try." Phonto said. " wait experiment?" Ahsoka said, " so you do t know if it will work?" "Ahsoka." Rex pushes her to the side. " I have to try this Ahsoka. Please let me." Rex said. " Ahsoka started to tear up. " But what if it doesn't work?" " It will work Ahsoka. I promise." He wrapped her up in a hug which she quickly wrapped her arms around him. As they separated, she wiped the tears from her eyes, as Phonto led Rex and Tseebo away. " One more thing," Sabine said, "do you by any chance know how to get to a planet called Csilla?"

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