Chapter 3

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As the 3 walked down the crowded streets the amount of people they saw seemed to go down the further and further they went into the alley ways. " This looks like the spot." Sabine said stopping in front of a building with an imperial logo on it. As soon as they stopped, and gatekeeper droid popped out and asked in its language their business there. " We're here on imperial business." Sabine said and the droid went away. " Do you think they'll let us in?" Rex questioned. " They will, but I sense we will won't be as welcome here as we were at the cantina." Ahsoka said. Just then, a door opened and a stormtrooper was at it. "What do you want? We didn't hire any bounty hunters." He said flatly. " we need to talk to your boss." Sabine told him. "He's not seeing anyone right now. Go away." You will take us to your boss." Ahsoka said calmly while waving her hand. " I will take you to my boss." The stormtrooper repeated. He turned and the three followed. " "Just like old times." Rex said as he smiled and nudged Ahsoka. They walked down a small hallway and into a room with a desk in the middle where an older man sat, with 3 other stormtroopers stood in the corners of of the room. The man looked up and seemed annoyed. " what is it? Who are you? What do you want?" As he said that the stormtroopers raised their weapons. "Whoa whoa, we don't want any trouble, we just want to know where our friend is?" Sabine said putting her hands up while Rex grabbed his rifle off his back, and Ahsoka put her hands near her lightsabers. " And who would your friend be?" He asked with an accent that was unusual, and raised an eyebrow. He was here five years ago with someone named Thrawn." His eyes widened as Sabine said that. "Ah... yes, a young boy, a Jedi supposedly." "Yes that's him." " Well, he's long gone now. The boy seemed to be the prisoner and Thrawn ordered to use our last shuttle to get to a world called, what was it? Csilla?" " I've heard of it. " whispered Ahsoka. Just then, a nerdy looking guy with glasses and a white scientist outfit walked in, startling everyone in the room, who raised their weapons at him. " "Ah! Sorry! Please don't shoot!" He said, then everyone lowered there weapons. Rex then noticed a patch on his right arm. "Kamino?" Rex said out loud not realizing it. The man at the desk said " sorry about that, our doctor here, is not very aware of his surroundings most of the time, but yes, he was recruited from Kamino." I worked there as a slave scientist." He started until the boss cut him off. " Yes nobody cares, but anyway I told you were your friend was now you may be on your way now." He said rather irritated. " Wait! Rex blurted our. " Is there any way you can stop the effects of accelerted aging?" Rex asked hopefully. " "hmm, yes, but not here with the tools I have at my disposal, I would have to be on Kamino to-" "Enough!" The boss yelled. " You will not be going anywhere!" The two stormtroopers on the right took him back to the room he came from , while the other two tried to escort the three out, who reluctantly to leave, but Rex was upset that he had a chance to stop his accelerated aging. As they got outside Rex seemed really depressed. Ahsoka noticed this and said " Don't worry Rex, maybe we can think of a plan to capture that doctor, and then take him to Kamino, it's only a few jumps away." " Rex seemed to brighten up at the sound of that. " yeah, but how will we get him?" He questioned. " Well, if there's one thing that I learned from Ezra, it's how to climb through vents, and I noticed there were a couple in there." Sabine popped up. "And it wouldn't hurt to explode some things." Sabine added with a smirk. "Alright Sabine, see what you can do." Ahsoka said, as she led Rex to the back side of the building. Sabine soon crawled on the roof and into the building and crawled through the vents it reminded her of why they came in the first place. This made her feel sad for the loss of her best friend, or was he more than that? 'Stop it! No distractions, Ezra is just a really good friend. I need to focus right now.' She overheard talking below her, then noticed an air vent leading right below her, then she saw the imperial warlord talking to the doctor. " I've invested every resource to find that creature, and if that mando isn't found, and the baby is lost, Moff Gideon will kill me!" " I'm sorry sir, but -" "Silence!" The warlord cut off the doctor. "You no longer have use to me." Almost on que two stormtroopers walked in the room." Eliminate him." The warlord said calmly then walked out of the room. " no no no no please..." the stormtroopers were about to shoot when Sabine decided to jump down and landed right behind the troopers. Startled, they turned around not knowing what to do, Sabine used their hesitation to quickly blast both of them. "Ah! No! Please!" The doctor squeezed as he turned away. "Calm down is not gonna hurt you, come with me if you want to live." She said holding out her hand. He gulped then took it and was yanked by Sabine. She dropped a few explosives which went off alerting the whole garrison to their presence, but also alerting Ahsoka and Rex she had him. Making her way through the halls the through purple smokes quickly making work of any lone stormtroopers that couldn't see, using her thermal on her helmet to maneuver through. Towards the end she ran into a death trooper that punched her, knocking her down but, the goofy doctor ran into the death trooper making him shoot the scientist in the gut. " No!" Sabine yelled getup trying to fist fight the trooper but quickly overpowered her, then raising a side arm blaster was about to fire, when a white lightsaber burst through his chest. Then he collapsed. Rex picked up the doctor as Ahsoka helped Sabine up, when they heard more troopers coming their way. " we need to move." Ahsoka said. They ran out of the building and down an alley only to reach a dead end. "Kriff! How are we supposed to get away?" Sabine yelled, as a dozen stormtroopers marched up to them. " drop your weapons!" One of them yelled. Sabine reaches for an explosive from her belt but she was all out. All of them reluctantly agreed, when out of nowhere, a detonator dropped behind the troopers, exploding and killing them all. Just then, a figure jumped behind them off of the building, which startled everyone who raised their guns at him. "Woah woah hey I saved you! Please!" He startled. Everyone was hesitant, but lowered their weapons. "Why did you help us?" Sabine questioned. "Does it matter? You're all saved." "Who are you? You seem familiar." Ahsoka pointed out. " I was hoping I would look familiar." He said as he took off his mask.

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