Chapter 11

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"Who's the First Order?" Sabine asked confused. "They are the remnants of the galactic Empire. Their plan is to regain what the empire lost, and they kidnap children to be part of their army, like me, and give us numbers as names and force us to train to become elite soldiers. "No bucket head has ever been elite." Sabine crumbled to herself. "Why did you attack us?" Sabine asked. "Those were our orders, and to attack the outpost here a couple months ago, which actually did get me promoted to lieutenant." He said proudly. Sabine didn't like hearing that and kicked him in his stomach making him fall back down. "Ow, will you stop doing that please." "Why did you attack the outpost? There were children here!" Sabine yelled angrily at him. "I don't know why, they just tell us to. I think they wanted their leader, I heard he was a Jedi or something." "Why did they want him?" Sabine questioned. "It was supreme leader's orders." He said. "Who's your supreme leader?" She asked, but before he could answer, shadows passed by above them, and it was more First order troop transports. "Dang, these guys don't give up." Sabine said irritated. "Oh no! When they find out what I've told you they'll execute me!" The young trooper said. "Look kid, if you want to live come with us, cause maybe you'll be able to help us." Sabine said with an extended hand. He was reluctant to take it, and looked back one more time before nodding and taking her hand. "We should go to the temple. Maybe we can find a place to hide." Ahsoka suggested, and Sabine nodded. So Ahsoka and Tiddus headed off followed by Sabine and the trooper.

As the transports landed the Cardinal was the only stormtrooper left alive besides the one with Sabine and Ahsoka. Dozens more stormtroopers walked out of the transports and  surrounded the Cardinal. "I want a full sweep of the are within 50 miles! Shoot to stun, I want that Jedi and the others alive!" He commanded as the troopers nodded and stormed off to locate the enemy.

When they finally got to the temple, they still had no way to open it. "So how are we going to get this open?" Sabine asked. "I was hoping me and Tiddus could try." Ahsoka said, as Tiddus perked up at hearing his name, he hadn't been paying attention to much of anything. "Huh what?" He asked confused. "You and I are going to try to open the door." Ahsoka informed him. "How?" Tiddus asked confused. "We use the force. Feel the door and will it to open." Ahsoka said raising her hand and closing her eyes. Tiddus did the same and tried to get the door open. A squad of troopers was storming their location, and Sabine got out her blasters ready to cover her force sensitive friends. "I don't have a gun." JY said panicking. Sabine sighed and tossed him one of her blasters. "Try anything and I'll kill you." She said. He look surprised and immediately took cover and readied himself to fire on the only people he's ever known. The door was barely budging, only lifting a few inches off the ground. " come on Tiddus, reach out." Ahsoka said tiring out. Tiddus was grunting and trying not to pass out, meanwhile, Sabine and JY were beginning to get overwhelmed by the amount of troopers coming their way. " there's too many of them!" JY said ducking and looking back at the force users struggling to get the door open, only raising it by a few inches, but that sparked an idea. "Hey back up a little I have an idea!" He told Ahsoka and Tiddus. They both looked at him puzzled as he grabbed a thermal detonator and put it it the space in between the open door and the ground. "What are you doing I need help over here!"Sabine yelled as more troopers were firing at her. "This should work!" He said shooting another trooper, then getting out of the way as the timer on the detonator exploded, blowing a hole big enough for them to walk through. "Come on!" He yelled as he was the first to enter the temple. The others looked at each other kind of surprised at the whole thing, but quickly followed him in. The Cardinal soon arrived folowed by the rest of the division. "They escaped through this whole sir. One of our own appeared to be with them." A trooper said. "Burn them out." The Cardinal said in return walking back to the transports to deliver a message to the supreme leader. "Yes sir. Get two flame troopers here immediately!" The trooper yelled as the rest of them made a perimeter around the temple not allowing for any escape. As the group made it through the complex hallways of the temple, Sabine broke the silence. "Nice work back there kid." She said to the young defector. "Oh uh thanks, it was nothing really." He said, surprised he had gotten a complement. Sabine noticed this and assumed that his time as a child slave soldiers was tough. "So what did you say your name was again?" She asked. "JY-3107." He said. "Well, you're gonna need a real name, how about..." she paused for a second thinking. "JY... how about Jay?" She said. "Jay? Jay. Jay! Yeah I like that! Thanks." He said rather enthused that he had finally gotten a real name. "I hate to break the moment but the stormtroopers will be on our tail." Ahsoka spoke up. "You're right, we need to find a way out on the other side, or at the top, or anyway we can." Sabine said looking and around and thinking, but her thoughts were interrupted by Tiddus panicking. "Oh no! Look!" He said pointing to where they had come from, and saw fire blasting around the corner. "Run." Ahsoka said instantly and all of them took off with the fire right behind them. "Split up!" Sabine yelled as her and Tiddus went right, and Ashoka and Jay went left. The fire stopped momentarily while the flame troopers decided to split up. "Sabine and Tiddus his behind a pillar when the flame trooper came around the corner slowly. Tiddus felt a sneeze coming and tried to hold it back. Sabine noticed this and shook her head trying to tell him to hold it in, but it was no use. He let out a sneeze loud enough for the troopers outside to hear. The flame trooper heard it of course and was about to blasts every ounce of fire he had at the pillar when Sabine turned the corner and shot him twice, both in the chest, killing the trooper before he even hit the ground. Ahsoka and Jay were holding there own, they lured the trooper into a room with just him and Ahsoka. "You fool, I have you now." He said chuckling and started shooting flames, but why had stopped. Ahsoka was force pushing the flames back, similar to what Kanan did on Lothal. Just then, Jay walked up behind him. "Hey." He said really casually, and shot the trooper in the back of the head. "Nice going, now we need to meet up with-" Ahsoka was cut off, dozens of troopers stormed them, and put them in binders and lead them outside, where Sabine and Tiddus already were, also in cuffs.

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