Chapter 2

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As the ship came out of hyperspace Rex, who was dozing off woke up, and Sabine who was nervously fiddling with everything in her bag sat up as Ahsoka told them " we're here." Sabine sighed as they got to the planet's surface to look for a place to land. Sabine broke the silence by saying " this place is dangerous, it's the bounty hunters guild headquarters... and a Mandalorian hideout." The last sentence was somewhat forced out. " What makes you so tense about this place?" Ahsoka asked Sabine, as she could sense her emotions being unsettling. Sabine remembered that Jedi could sense emotions and could tell what people were thinking. Kanan did it all the time and it was rather annoying, and she didn't know if Ezra did it but she hoped he didn't, but now that Ahsoka as doing it, it kind of made her question her privacy. " Let's just say I have history here." Sabine said, " and it's with the guild and these Mandalorians." She continued, " and it's not good." Rex seemed suprised at this response, " You were a bounty hunter?" He asked raising an eyebrow. " Yeah, I was part of a crew, with Ketsu and a few others, and when Ketsu betrayed them, they were all killed by a rival gang. I went with her only to have her backstab me too." Sabine remarked. " What history do you have with these Mandalorians?" Said Ahsoka as she took the ship down in a place outside of the local town. " The revolt that clan Wren started brought the empire down on all of Mandalore. Thousands of Mandalorian warriors were killed including Bo Katan who lead the resistance against Moff Gideon, the Imperial set in place by Palpatine himself to rule mandalore." Sabine explained as they all walked down the ramp onto the volcanic surface of the planet. Hot springs of lava scattered the grey, rocky landscape. " And the mandalorians who did survive live in scattered groups, trying to regroup and reform our culture, and they all have grudges against clan Wren for starting the revolt and giving everyone false hope." Sabine continued as they left the ship. " R-6 watch over the ship while we're gone." Commanded Ahsoka. R-6 Beeped something then closed the ramp. " Well, I'm sure no one will recognize you, even with that colorful armor." Rex said somewhat jokingly. Sabine forced out a smile and said " yeah, hopefully."

As they got to the town, it was like most outer rim territories, lots of street vendors, lots of different species running about doing their business, but what set Navarro apart from any other planet, was it's massive presence of bounty hunters. The three got lots of looks as they walked down the streets. A colorful mandalorian, a figure in white robes and a staff, and an old clone would stand out in a crowd almost anywhere they went. " I know somewhere we can go and someone we can ask if they know anything about a crash landed star destroyer." Said Sabine as they made their way to a cantina bustling with bounty hunters. Some looked up at the odd trio that walked in, but went back to what they were doing. Before Sabine even said a word, and loud voice boomed across the cantina. " Sabine Wren! Is that really you?" All the eyes in the cantina were on them now Sabine facepalmed and sheepishly walked over to the table the man who announced her arrival and said hi. " heya Grief." The attention was off of them for the most part now, everyone had gone back to drinking, talking, or gambling. " It is you Mrs. Wren! Have a seat let me buy you a drink, in fact, let me buy your friends a drink as well. Droid!" A silver waiter droid looked over there way as they all sat down nervously. " 3 drinks! Stat!" Grief yelled and turned back to the three. "Anyway, what brings you back to Navarro Sabine? Who are your friends? And where are my manners?" He stood up and held his hand out to shake, " my name is Grief Carga, proud head of the honorable Bounty Hunters Guild." He shook Rex and Ahsoka's hand then sat back down. " Grief this is Rex and Ahsoka." Sabine introduced them. "Pleasure. Now back to business, Sabine, are you trying to re-enter the guild, because what happened in the past with your old crew and Ketsu... can all be forgiven." Grief said with a smile. " No, Grief, I'm not here to get reinstated I'm here to find a friend." Sabine said, which made Grief frown and slouch back. " That's too bad, you and Ketsu were two of my best hunters, it's a real shame that talent is going to waste." " oh it's not, I'm still hunting someone, but not for a bounty, he's a friend and I wondered if you knew anything about him, we tracked his trajectory in a star destroyer here to this planet-" She was cut off by Grief who said, " Your friend was in a star destroyer?" He asked. " yeah, he was taken here by Purgils(is that how you spell it?). Have you seen or heard anything?" " Grief thought for a moment, " well, I heard about five years ago a star destroyer crashed on the planet out in the badlands, and a boy and a blue guy were seen coming from it." He stated. " Yes, that's who we are looking for!" Ahsoka spoke up.
" Well there's and imperial stronghold east of here, the leader is some imperial warlord. I heard that's where they went." Grief explained. " An imperial stronghold?" Rex asked. " Yeah, I know of some imperial holdout locations that the New Republic keeps tabs on, but lots of them have seemed to disappear into the unknown regions." Sabine added. "But anyway, thanks Grief." " Anything for one of my best hunters. Oh, and if you ever need to find work, you're always welcome here." He said with open arms. The three walked out of the cantina.

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