A Demon seeks Demons

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They were going to start a new season of Buzzfeed Unsolved without Finley. Ryan didn't know what else they could do at this point. At the very least, it would take their minds off of the empty sadness they have to wallow in whilst their not working. Both Shane and Ryan needed a distraction, and unsolved crimes would provide that for them.

The sun woke Finley up, but it was far from comforting. She missed her friends. She missed the spooky stories and the mysterious murders. She wanted to feel that same fear and elation that she did when walking in haunted locations at the dead of night. 

Perhaps if I went someplace 'haunted' I would be satisfied. Maybe I just miss the locations, not Ryan and Shane. 

Rubbing sleep out of her eyes, Finley slipped out of her bed and pulled a random sweatshirt over her pajamas. Victoria was already in the kitchen, sitting at the table eating cereal. Finley made her way over to where Victoria was, wrapping her arms around Victoria sleepily. 

"Mornin'" Finley grunted, causing Victoria to laugh lightly. 

"Good morning to you too," She replied as Finley moved to prepare her own breakfast. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept like the dead."

"No wonder you look like a walking corpse."

"Hey, that was uncalled for!" Finley chuckled, taking a seat next to her girlfriend. They ate in a peaceful silence, with just the sounds of silverware. That's one of the many things Finley loved about Victoria. She didn't need to be constantly talking or be loud. They felt comfortable just basking in each other's presences. Not a word needed to be exchanged; the silent support was enough for them.

Finley missed cuddling with Ryan as he rambled on and on over his favourite popcorn. She missed Shane's loud exclamations as he and Ryan playfully argued. 

"Do you know if there's anyplace haunted around here?"

"Um... yeah a couple of places. There's this theme park called King's Island that supposedly has a few ghosts."

"Do you think we could go?"


"I--um--" Stammering, Finley's face flushed red as she frantically thought of a way to explain why she wanted to hang around dead people. 

"You don't have to tell me. We can go tonight." Victoria gracefully recovered for her, reminding Finley once again why she loved Victoria. Victoria knew Finley had a past she wanted hidden; and Victoria let her keep it that way. Thank goodness for that. 

"Hooray!" Finley half-cheered, secretly ecstatic to feel that chill down her spine once again. Now all she had to do was wait out the day. 

Demon Trail (Ryan Bergara x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora