A Demon's Day is our Night

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They filmed for a while, did a ghostbox session and explored different parts of the room, going back down to Ms. Lovett's shop once or twice to explore that as well. The sky outside had darkened, and it was time to sleep. They unrolled their sleeping bags next to Sweeney's chair, and prepped for the night to come. Mark had left by then, and they set a tripod to record their night. Finley was in between Ryan and Shane, although they were considerably spread out.

"Okay, so it is now night, and we're going to eat some dinner and then go to bed," Shane explained to the camera. "Oh yeah, I brought you guys dinner." He held up a brown paper bag with 'Mrs. Lovett's pie shop' written on the front, and removed first two pies, then the mutilated head of some poor baby doll, which he had drawn fake blood on with a sharpie. Ryan shrieked.

"Shane!!! What the heck!!" he shouted, scrambling backwards. Shane tilted his head back and laughed like a maniac.

"Whoa, relax Ryan it's a joke! The pies are from Servati's," he explained, tossing the brown paper bag aside. "Oh, and this is my friend, Betty," he announced, holding up the baby doll head. "I think he wants to sleep riiiiiiight here," Shane said, setting the head on a small desk, facing towards Ryan, who looked as though he was literally going to die that night.

"Ryan calm down," Finley giggled. She snuggled into her sleeping bag and turned her flashlight off. "Goodnight guys." Ryan slipped into his own sleeping bag, where he stayed for about two seconds before scooting over until he was right next to Finley.

"I don't have any dignity anymore, so I'm sleeping right here. Hope you don't mind, cause I'm not moving." The fear was evident in his voice. Finley chuckled and blushed slightly.

"Of course I don't mind. Shane, would you like to join us?" Finley grinned, turning to face Shane, who was a few feet away. Shane sighed, scooting over until he was right next to Finley.

"I mean, I don't really have a choice. Anyway this place does really creep me out," he replied. Ryan nodded in agreement.

"Uh, yeah, this place isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows, Shane," he answered, shuddering. "I'm not going to sleep tonight."

"I am," Finley snuggled into Ryan's hoodie, which he for sure wasn't getting back. She closed her eyes and began to drift off. 

A/N: I'm watching Sweeney Todd as I'm publishing this wow what an iconic musical 

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