A Demon Goes Dark

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"Finley?!" he shouted, Shane and Mark following close behind him as he raced up the steps and rounded the corner into the kitchen. The window was shattered and all over the floor. Finley wasn't in the kitchen. Ryan froze, sickening fear flooding him as Mark ran out the door and Shane pulled him to the shattered window.

"Ryan, call 911!!" Shane ordered, beyond terrified as he leaned out of the window, looking around for her. Ryan yanked out his phone and, hands shaking, about to dial the police.

Then he saw her.

"Wait! Ryan! She's right there..." Shane pointed to the front yard, wherein a shadowy figure laid face down in the grass. Without hesitation he rushed out the front door, grabbing her and turning her over. Finley's face was completely pale, looking half dead.

But that wasn't what caught his attention most. What he noticed most were here eyes. They were dark and soulless, dark pits of eternal suffering. The moment Shane started into the inky depths of her eyes, he felt his body erupt in pain. She looked like... demon. Shane managed to think through the pain.

As quickly as the pain attacked him, it subsided. Finley's eyes returned to normal and she gasped for breath, looking alarmed and weak. Ryan grabbed Finley and pulled her into a terrified hug, leaving Shane to sit back and think about what he just saw.

Demons aren't real, Shane. You were overwhelmed with relief and imagined it.

Shane knew that wasn't the truth but accepted it to be anyway. 

Demon Trail (Ryan Bergara x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن